Chapter 4: Ninja Attack

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gongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7
Their universe would never be the same. The Justice League has set off the balance in the force. And now Sonic has found a new home amongst the group of rebels who call themselves...well, Rebels.

Sonic was currently living on the couch until they can find a more permanent solution. Ezra was currently taking up placement with the Lasat, meaning the only available spots were either with the Jedi or the Mandalorian. Kanan seemed to like his space, so Sonic decided to leave the Jedi alone as he feared he'd get too curious and try and steal and rip apart that Saber. And he wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of sharing the same room as the only other person his age. The others must have agreed as that idea wasn't exactly offered up. Hera seems to have a single bedroom for the pilot of the ship, and that didn't leave many options.

So, the only thing he could really do was wait it out on the couch until they found a permanent solution. He has slept in worse conditions. 

Getting to know the crew of the ship has also been a bit of fun. He now had only two things on his mind: Save the galaxy from the threat of the Empire, as well as find his friends. The Ghost crew also tried to teach Sonic how to read their language, which was completely different from English. As well as trying to teach him how to use their technology. From their automated doors to learning about Chopper (their droid), to Mandalorian armor. She also helped him out by getting a bit of clothing that he could use to fit in and blend in with the rest of this new universe. It wasn't anything fancy, but they weren't trying to stand out. They were just commoner clothes they had lying around that would fit him. But that was a problem for another day.

As of right now, they were currently on a mission to get a shipment from an imperial ship. But as with every mission like the ones on Earth, it went bad.

They were currently being chased by TIE Fighters, which Sonic has gotten a way too close look at. Not to mention a giant spaceship that was called a Star Destroyer. It was basically a giant space station that could transport dozens of troops at once and a dozen ships at the same time. And that's exactly what they were sent after them to take them down. Seems that his new friends have their own kind of reputation for being vigilantes.

Kanan was in the turret on the top of the Ghost while everyone else was in the cockpit. Sonic was holding onto the wall whilst everyone else has taken seats. He didn't exactly mind as all he needed to do was hold on tight. Something that he needed to do due to the constant spinning and twisting they were using to get away.

"I can't get a shot!" Kanan cried from the turret, trying to shoot down the TIE Fighters.

"Chopper, do you have the coordinates?" Hera asked Chopper, who was uploading the coordinates.

Chopper grunted and bleeped in response.

Sonic also learned there are a few droids out there that use a language known as Binary or Droidspeak, which he is starting to learn with Hera and Sabine's help. But all he hears right now was just a lot of bleeps and whistles coming from the tin can.

"What did he say?" Sonic asks them.

"He said hello, hyperspace!" Hera proclaimed in happiness.

"That's not what he said." Zeb, who couldn't understand the droid, easily could tell.

And just like that, Hera activated Hyperspace and the Ghost ship was blasted off and they escaped the Empire. Sonic was at least happy with how he knew how to stay calm in this type of situation over the years. Well, the stakes are at least the same with it being a live-or-die situation. He's not entirely used to fighting off Space Nazis in a ship with a bunch of rebels fighting off an Empire. Not to mention the fact he is also searching the entire universe using what little information he can find to find his friends.

Seems that there isn't any form of internet in this universe, and he was left using what they call HoloNet. It didn't exactly hold information and data like the internet, not to mention he couldn't understand half of what the words were saying still. He had a long way to go before he became fluent in this new language.

Kanan came inside the cockpit and rubbed his knuckles from all the shooting. "Told you we'd get away."

"With the shipment," Sabine replied, holding her helmet on her knees. "You said we'd get away with the shipment."

"Kanan, we're low on everything." Hera was sorry to say.

"Food." Ezra was sorry to say.

"Explosives," Sabine added to their shopping list.

"Fuel," Hera added on the stuff they need. "We need to make some money, or we might as well put the Ghost in storage."

Kanan saw that they needed to get some quick money, or they'd be in trouble. "There's always Vizago's job."

"So, we're arms dealers again?" Zeb didn't seem happy with the idea.

"Mm, more like arms redistributors." Kanan looked for a middle ground.

"Come on." Zeb scoffed. "We don't even know what kind of weapons we're talking about here."

"Hey, if it keeps weapons out of the hands of this freak Empire, and gets us the supplies we need to live, I'm all for it," Sonic commented as he did love breaking rules.

"You game?" Kanan asked as he walked up to Hera.

"Say I am, what then?" Hera asks him.

"I already know the mission," Kanan assured her. "Let's head to the spaceport."

Arriving at the spaceport, Sonic took in the similarities the place had to his world's equivalent of an airport. With ships taking off and bringing people to other planets similar to how airplanes took people to other places. So, there is a chance that the other JL members could have possibly used one of these to get across the universe. But then there's the issue of them needing to actually understand the language, know where to go, as well as the money needed to board.

That's something that needed to be figured out later as the group was informed of the mission. They didn't know what they were getting, all they knew was they needed to intersect the location of the crates of dangerous weapons. And the only person that knew where to find them was an Aqualish known as Amda Wabo. He was heading with an Imperial officer to Garel where they would retrieve the weapons. Their luck comes in when they know that the Imperial is using a borrowed translator droid known as a protocol droid.

They all walked aboard the shuttle for Garel, Chopper acting a bit more annoying and angered for part of the mission. All of them quickly separated and acted like they didn't know one another to help with the mission.

Chopper spun around the middle of the opening and bleeped something Peter didn't understand.

"How rude," Zeb commented on the droid's behavior.

Ezra walked up and smacked the droid to sell how annoyed he is at "his" droid. And as they took their seats, their targets entered the shuttle. An Aqualish is a humanoid species native to Ando, distinguished by round, black eyes and large tusks. Hera wasn't with them as she was with the Ghost, preparing their extraction point when they completed the mission.

He was accompanied by an Imperial officer named Maketh Tua. And that was exactly who walked onto the shuttle first. "This way. We have seats in the front."

The two of them then sat in the front, followed by Wabo making some odd noises that Sonic guessed were his form of communication.

"Ugh! Where is that translator?!" Tua asks the vessel.

Then a golden communication droid came in with a blue and white R2 unit closely behind him. "Right here, madam. Come along, R2."

The R2 unit then beeped and whistled as he rolled into the shuttle with a third leg that came out of him between his other two legs to help him steer. As the doors began to close, Kanan raced inside to finish the illusion that they were all separate subjects.

"Sentients, please prepare for takeoff." The droid pilot RX-24 tells the people.

The ship then began to take off and Sonic had to hold his stomach as he was launching off of a planet. Just shows that he doesn't have the best luck when it comes to space travel.

When they left the planet's surface, they immediately jumped into Hyperspace and ended up twisting Sonic's stomach even further. He grabbed onto the seat and almost ended up bending the steel in the process of it. As he was taking a moment to get his space legs, Chopper was irritating Ezra on purpose as he tapped the boy's shoulder

The alien weapon's dealer says something which the protocol droid translated for the Imperial.

"Amda Wabo is most honored you are joining him on Garel, Minister Tua. And, if I might add a personal note..."

"Will you cut it out!" Ezra was getting irritated as he pushed Chopper's head. "You have plenty of room! Stop crowding me!"

He even ended up pushing Chopper over toward Sonic and even knocked the droid into his hand clutching the chair. Pretending as if that little incident hurt him, Sonic pulled his hand close and waved it around.

"Hey! Buddy, can you keep your droid under control?!" Sonic asked as he kicked the droid back over to Ezra.

Chopper slammed into Ezra's chair and only received a small dent from the incident. Sonic did his best to not use his super strength to push him, as that would certainly destroy the droid in the process.

"Mind your own business!" Ezra tells him.

"Come on, really?" Kanan asked as he entered his part of the plan. "Pilot, isn't there a rule against droids in the passenger area?"

RX sighed, reminding Sonic of either Taxi or bus drivers in a city who just don't wanna deal with it. "I'm sorry, sir. But your Astromech must proceed to the back of the craft."

"Hey, if my Astromech's banished, then those two Astromechs are banished too!" Ezra proclaimed as he pointed over to the Astromech and Protocol Droid.

"Astromech? Me?" The protocol droid seemed offended by the comment as he scoffed and retorted. "I have never been so insulted. I'll have you know that I am a protocol droid, fluent in over six million forms-"

"Pilot, these two droids are with me, and I am on Imperial business." Minister Tua defended the droids.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but these are...Imperial Protocols." RX stated as he slowly turned back around, dropping vizor-like goggles over his eyes.

"But Minister..."

"I can't risk an incident spoiling these negotiations." Minister Tua growled as she crossed her arms. "Go!"

The droid sighed before following the Astromechs to the back of the cruiser. "Oh, this is so humiliating. Trust an Astromech to ruin everything."

The R2 unit beeped something to the protocol droid, raising some confusion from the translator droid.

"Secret mission. What secret mission?" The protocol droid asks his companion.

Sonic picked up on that and looked over to the two droids, wondering what the R2 Unit was talking about, but all he heard were bleeps and whistles. He still wasn't fluent in droid talk, so there was no way of really knowing what they were saying or talking about. It seems that he's not the only one dealing with translating issues as Minister Tua was also having trouble understanding Wabo.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wabo. I... I don't understand you."

Zeb then saw it was time for him to speak up with a smirk as he gestured to Sabine. "Hello. Excuse me. I couldn't help noticing your predicament. If it's of any help, my ward here is quite fluent."

"Oh, I would never presume," The Mandalorian tried to act modestly. "Though it would be good practice for my level five exams at the Imperial Academy." She then shook her head again, still acting as modest as she could. "No, no. But I couldn't."

"You're a level five Academy student?" Minister Tua asked before chuckling, leaning back in her seat. "I was too, once upon a time."

"That young creature can't possibly take the place of a fully programmed protocol droid such as I." The Protocol droid commented and scoffed. "The odds of our mission becoming a complete debacle-"

R2 then bleeped and bumped into his companion, asking him to be quiet regarding their mission.

"Don't you shush me!" The Protocol droid demanded. "It hardly matters to you what they're saying.

Chopper then rolled over and bumped the R2 unit.

"Well, thank you." The Protocol droid then rubbed Chopper's head. "There. You see, R2? Here is an Astromech who understands etiquette."

Chopper and R2 then end up arguing with one another as C-3PO was starting to like Chopper.

"You could learn a lot from this old C1-10P." C-3PO proclaimed to his companion.

"Now, please ask Mr. Wabo where the shipment is being held." Minister Tua asks Sabine to translate for her.

Then Sabine turned towards Mr. Wabo as she translated her question into his alien language. The alien answered in the same language and answered where they can find the weapons.

Half of the mission has already been accomplished. Sabine smirked as she turned to the Minister. "He said Bay 17."

"Sentients, we are approaching Garel. Please prepare for landing." RX informs the residents of the ship.

With that, the ship exited hyperspace as the ship approached the planet, Garel. Once the ship landed, everyone including the droids exited the ship. Sonic stepped off and looked around and noticed the place they landed was identical to the place they took off from. Guess there aren't many ways you can design a bus station in space.

Minister Tua left the shuttle behind Wabo before she turned to Sabine. She was exiting the vehicle with Zeb right behind her.

"My dear, you did great service to your Empire today. Now focus on those level fives." Tua tells her.

"Oh, I will, Minister. It's been such an honor. Thank you." Sabine said with giddiness as Zeb gave her a light push.

They started to come together, still trying to stay apart from one another as a squad of Troopers met with Tua and Wabo. She directed them to bring the two of them to Bay 17, as that was where they were expecting their shipment of weapons to be.

If only they had double-checked.

Sabine strolled past Sonic and Ezra, who were both hanging back and waiting to be told where they needed to go next. "Bay 7."

Sonic nodded before going discreetly his own way while the others were already on their way to the correct hanger bay. Sonic hid behind a few containers and waited for Ezra to join him.

"Kanan, I thought you were gonna teach me Jedi stuff," Ezra complained as he crawled through the vents to reach Sonic. "So far, all I'm doing is thieving, and I already knew how to do that."

"Just get yourself and Sonic to Bay 7," Kanan responded through the coms, "Open the door, and we all get paid."

"So, we steal to stay alive," Ezra recapped what their mission was. "See? Told you I already knew this."

Soon, Ezra opened the hatch to the roof of the building they were on. Sonic held his hand out to give Ezra a hand to come out as they saw the many buildings and many flying ships around them.

"Do you see Bay 7 from here?" Sonic asks, unsure how he's supposed to tell. "My H.U.D's scanners aren't equipped to translate your guys' language yet."

"Yeah, it's just a few buildings this way," Ezra said as he gestured for Sonic to follow him.

Sonic decided to do just that, mimicking the boy as he leaped from one building roof to another. Ezra was quite quick and agile and even Sonic had to take notice. But there was one cylinder rooftop that Ezra ended up slipping and began to fall.

Sonic leaped over and grabbed onto Ezra before he could slip and fall. "Thanks."

"Can't have you fall on my watch." Sonic joked as he then yanked the boy up and they slid down to the next roof. "This it?"

"This is it," Ezra confirmed as he walked over to the vent. "Give me a minute, come in after me."

"My version of minute, or yours?" Sonic asks.

Ezra didn't know how to respond as he just jumped and slid down the vent. Sonic shrugged as he walked over, pulled the vent open, then dropped down and shuts it on his way down.

The two of them crawled their way out of the vent. Then he looked and saw that it was Bay 7 with their crates full of weapons just across from them.

"Guys, we found them." Sonic told them in the comms as Ezra opened the doors.

The doors opened up for the crew as Kanan went to the conjoining shuttle landing for Hera to park the Ghost for transport. Hera came flying in just seconds later and lands the Ghost just in time for them to pick up the weapons.

Then Zeb walked in as he slow-clapped for the two kids. "Well, kids, you two pulled it off."

Ezra smirked in response. "Was there any doubt?"

"Yes." The two replied as they strolled past.

Sonic knew they were just being playful and chuckled as he retracted his mask. "My friends are gonna love these guys."

"Do we know what exactly Vizago has us stealing yet?" Hera asks the group, wanting to know what they're stealing.

Sonic decided to take a look as he activated his mask and managed to scan through the box using his suit and was capable of getting a look at the weapons. But they didn't look much different from the guns he would stop from being sold on Earth. In fact, they were eerie similar, so he decided to take a further look inside them. But the second he did, his suit picked up a ton of energy being held within the weapons.

"Ow!" Sonic had to close his eyes as the feedback was hurting his sensitive senses and took a few steps back. "Whatever they are, they're holding some serious firepower."

Zeb seemed to become worried by the statement as he quickly opened the crate and got a look at the weapons. He then gasped and followed Sonic by taking a few steps back, but for completely different reasons than the Hedgehog Ninja Speedster.

"Karabast." Zeb said in fear.

"Whoa!" Sabine was the first to find her voice as she picked up one of the blasters. "They're T-7 Ion Disruptors. These were banned by the Senate. you can short-circuit an entire ship with these."

Sonic pulled his mask off and rubbed his eyes. "No wonder it drove my scanners crazy. Those things are like EMPs times a million."

"That's not why they were band," Zeb said with a shaky voice, something Sonic hasn't seen in his voice.

Kanan snapped the crew out of their thoughts as he took the disruptors from Sabine and returned them to the crate. "Get them aboard before company comes."

The Imperial support had just arrived in Bay 17 where Minister Tua did not look happy. She was looking around the empty hangar and was wondering where the disruptors were.

"There is nothing here. Where are my disruptors?" Tua asks the group.

The blue and white Astromech, R2-D2, beeped something to the protocol droid, C-3PO.

"Yes, she said disruptors. Now hush." C-3PO replied.

Just then, Amda Wabo said something in his native language which none of them understood.

"Apparently, the cargo is in Bay 7, so Amda Wabo wonders why we are here." C-3PO translated for them.

The Minister blinked in confusion, as she recalled what Sabine had told her. "But the girl told me 17."

"In Aqualish, a translator can easily confuse seven with seventeen," The protocol droid informs Tua. But he still needed to be a bit snarky. "If she is an amateur."

"Well, there's no time to waste," Minister Mua turned to the Stormtroopers. "Take us to Bay 7."

They nodded as Chopper grumbled through the coms to warn the others.

"What?" Hera quickly responded. "Well, stall them!"

With no time to waste, Chopper rammed into Artoo starting a small fight between the two Astromechs. 3PO seemed to think the whole thing was an accident as he marched over to the R2 unit.

"R2-D2, I told you before to watch where you are rolling! You appear to be malfunctioning again. Really. R2-D2, apologize." 3PO demanded his counterpart.

"Wait." Minister Tua seemed to have recognized Chopper. "This is the C1 droid that caused our translator..." Then she knew what was going on and panicked. "To Bay 7, double time!"

The Imperials raced for Bay 7 as Chopper rolled his head in panic and quickly followed them.

Sonic, Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb were racing across the two landing pads with as many of the crates as they can carry.

Kanan slid down the ramp after getting warned by Hera. "Hurry! We're running-"

Sonic easily sensed something before he had time to finish. "They're coming!"

"Noticed!" Ezra proclaimed as he and Zeb were looking at the Stormtroopers and Tua running at them. "We're busted."

Peter then saw he was out of sight and quickly leaped onto the ceiling. "Sabine, get the crates on board. I'll help them out."

"How?" Sabine was afraid to ask.

"Very carefully," Sonic said as he crawled into the vents.

The lead Stormtrooper raised his weapon as his squad repeated the action. "Hands up!"

Zeb complied with a smile as Sonic got into position. Ezra however didn't know what he was planning and got worried. Kanan and Sabine saw that they were given an opening to keep going with Sonic and Zeb acting as the distractions. Since Sonic managed to get most of them most of the way there, all they needed to do was drag them to the ship.

"What are you doing?" Ezra asks him.

"Is there a problem here?" Zeb asks the group.

Wabo then grunted in his native language to Tua as she was only confused until 3PO and R2 managed to catch up with them.

"Amda Wabo says those crates contain his disruptors." C-3PO translated for Tua and the others.

"Must be some mistake," Zeb said in a calm voice. "Can't possibly be disruptors in there 'cause they're illegal, right?"

Kanan helped Sabine get a few crates on before going over to help and assist the others in escaping. Sonic crawled through the vents and managed to make it right above Tua and the troopers. Quickly opening the vent up for a second, he shot out a gust of wind that yanked up one of them into the venting area. That managed to go unnoticed and gave Peter the opening to crawl out and drop down when he gets the opening.

"That's irrelevant," Tua stated regarding Zeb's comment. "We're going to search your crates."

Zeb moved aside as he gestured to the crate that he and Ezra had. "Be my guest." But then when two Stormtroopers walked past Zeb, he then changed gears. "On second thought..."

Zeb then grabbed onto the two of them from behind and threw them back at the troop's squad. That managed to take down a handful of troops from both ends, scaring the leader.

Sonic leaped down as he Spin Dash the trooper.

"Sorry, guys, the evil weapons transport was at twelve. Wait, how does time work here again?" Sonic asked as he Spinjitzu a trooper.

The troopers then opened fire on Sonic as he dodged the blasts and saw Zeb coming at them. They opened fire on the Last Lasat as he pulled out his bo-rifle to fight them off.

Just as one of the troopers were about to shoot Zeb...


A fireball hits the trooper out of nowhere. The troopers and rebels stopped fighting for the moment as soon as that happened.

"Whoa! Where did that come from?" Ezra exclaimed as Sonic grinned, knowing who did that.

They turn to where it was shot. Jumping out of the shadows were 5 colorful robed warriors.

"Firing at someone from the back? So not cool!" Kai said as Nya and Zane fire water and ice at the Stormtroopers.

"Ninja! Yeah! You're back!" Sonic said in joy as continued to fight.

"You want disruptors, you gotta come through me! Never again!" Zeb proclaimed to them, swinging the rifle to attack them.

Kanan ran over to Ezra and the two noticed the two members were fighting off the Troopers. "Get those crates aboard ship, now."

"Uh, right." Ezra guessed and got to it.

Kanan then started to shield Ezra and help him get the last of the crates aboard so that they could get out of the area. Back with the other two, Sonic leaped over a railing and Spin dash a bunch of troopers in one move.

"Alright, come on, boys, we've got a lot of things to do today," Sonic told the troopers as he Wind blasted another to the wall. "Let's keep this moving!"

One trooper aimed at the hero's back just as Jay Thunder Shocked the trooper. Cole then Earth-Punched the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked everyone back. Tua was watching from behind a stall as her men were gunned down by the Rebels and the strange, powered individuals. Wabo then started to say something in his native tongue, only getting on Tua's nerves.

"Will you please stop talking?!" Tua begged of him.

C-3PO and R2 were also watching as Sonic leaped around the landing pad to fight off the troops and help his team get some extra time. The two of them were surprised to see that they were stuck in the middle of another impossible scenario.

"Brigands, R2!" C-3PO cried in terror as Peter used a web slingshot and used it to smack a Trooper flying across the room. "We're surrounded by brigands! The mission is doomed and so are we!"

R2 then spotted Chopper as he was just rolling through the chaos and was heading to the Ghost. The R2 unit started to follow him and ended up confusing the protocol droid.

"What? R2! R2! Where do you think you're going?!" C-3PO questioned as he ran off.

Artoo beeped in response as C-3PO just followed his companion.

"Following that droid?" C-3PO questioned.

The Astromech beeped in confirmation as Chopper entered the Ghost. Ezra was helping Sabine with the last of the crates as C-3PO just missed the thieves running inside.

"Well, he certainly seems to be on a mission, so you had better accelerate yourself," C-3PO stated as they followed him.

"Specter-4! Specter-7! It's time to go!" Kanan tells the two of them as reinforcements were on their way.

Zeb growled as he dropped a trooper he was currently choking out. "Right!"

"Aw!" Sonic said in sadness as he dropped two troopers he was holding by the leg on the ceiling. "And I was just getting warmed up!"

"Come on!" Kanan cried as he ran towards the ship.

"Zane!" Kai shouts to the Nindroid.

"On it!" Zane said as he creates a wall of ice to block off the Stormtroopers as they ran to the Ghost.

"Welp, it was nice meeting you all!" Sonic said as he saluted to the troopers behind the ice.

"Remember this as the day that you almost caught-"

"Sonic!" Sabine called out to them.

"Oh, come on! I have waited to say that all my life!" Sonic cried as he leaped and swung over and landed on the docking bay as they started to take off. As he sighed and removed his mask while still facing the door.

"So close to finally finishing that quote." Sonic said bummed out.

Then he turned around and noticed the two droids.


"Oh, look, Chopper made some new friends," Sabine commented.

Chopper then turned around and only just now noticed them, groaning in annoyance at the sight.

"I am C-3PO, and this is my counterpart, R2-D2." C-3PO introduced himself and his counterpart to the two. "I was translating for Minister Tua when we were attacked by thieves like..." Zeb then walked past the droid as did Kanan, Sonic, and the Ninja. "You..."
On the darkness of another planet in the universe, Logan was searching the area he was in for the figure. That mysterious figure he showed up facing and was trying to slice him down. Using some strange technology that made him bring to mind Wakandan spears, but highly advanced.

It was almost like he sensed the figure coming back as he spun around and rose his Adamantium claws up to the weapon and blocked their attack. The figure wasn't done fending for themselves as they swung another of their weapons in their hand at Logan. He however managed to use his hand again and rose his claw to strike back.

The figure leaped into the air and landed on some nearby rocks, giving the impression they were in a cavern of some kind. Logan then does Spinjitzu at the glowing sticks and saw as they tried to block them. But the moment his tornado with the claws hit her, it then caused her to cry in pain and hold where the claw hit her.

"Impressive, you certainly have skill and look like someone from the Dark Ages." The girl commented as she got over the pain and ran to the shadows.

"Yeah? Well, I'm from a Dark Age." Logan commented as he tried to stand guard against her again. "What about you? Where am I?"

"You don't know?" The girl asks. "How'd you get here?"

"In all honesty, a stupid friend of mine got me l sent here." Logan recalled what Sonic had done as he kept looking around. "Sent me and my friends here..."

"Friends?" The figure asked as she leaped down in front of Logan, getting his attention and pointed his claws at her, and shut off her weapons.

"There are more of you?" She asked.

The figure then reached up and removed her hood and gave Logan a look at her. She is a Togruta woman with orange skin and white markings, blue eyes, and white lekku with blue stripes on them. "I think we got off on the wrong foot."

Logan was a bit surprised to see the strange-looking woman but knew he saw even stranger things when he saw Brainiac during the Battle for Metropolis. He decided that she didn't seem like a threat and pulled back his claws.

"Maybe we did." Logan decided.

"Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka named herself as she placed her weapons on her belt and held a hand to Logan. "And you are...?"

"James Logan Howlett." Logan introduced himself as he pulled his mask off. "But people like to call me Logan or Wolverine."

Ahsoka then started to sense the new guy and closed her eyes. "Whoa. That's a lot of... grief. You have... suffered for a long time."

"Yeah, kinda have." Logan sighed as he has lost a lot. "What now?"

Ahsoka opened her eyes and gestured for him to follow her. "Now... you tell me where you're from and how you got here. Once we get to my place."
Back on the Ghost, they were flying off to their rendezvous point so that they can sell their weapons. Along with them were some of Sonic's friends; The Ninja.

"Boy am I glad to see you guys!" Sonic said.

"Same with you, Sonic." Cole said.

"Even if us being here is your fault." Nya said.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that okay. I know I should've listened to Oliver and Lloyd. Hey, where is Lloyd?" Sonic said as he looks at them.

"Lloyd... wasn't with us when we ended up on that planet." Zane said sadly.

"Oh... Sonic said a little sad.

"I'm sure he's okay. Along with the rest of our friends in this crazy universe, no offense." Kai said.

"Eh, none taken." Ezra said.

"So you guys are some of Sonic's friends?" Zeb asked.

"Yep. Ezra, Sabine, Kanan, Chopper, Hera, Zeb... meet my friends, the Ninja. Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, and Nya." Sonic said as he introduced them to the rebels.

"Nice to meet you guys. Despite the circumstances." Cole said.

"Same with you guys. Gotta say, your outfits are really colorful." Sabine said loving the Ninja's suits.

"Thanks. The colors match our powers." Jay said in pride.

Sonic was happy to have found some of his friends, but they also had the problem to deal with their new guests that snuck on board.

"We have company. Imperial droids." Kanan commented as he then turned to Sabine, Sonic, and the Ninja.

"Specter-5, Specter-7, let's put a couple of restraining bolts on them."

"Restraining what?" Sonic and Jay asks, having no idea what that is.

"Come on, I'll explain on the way," Sabine said as she gestured for Sonic and Jay to follow her.

Kanan turned to Ezra and Chopper. "Spectre-6, Spectre-3, keep an eye on 'em."

"Right," Ezra rolled his eyes, "That'll happen."

"Excuse me, sir, but this is a terrible mistake," 3PO informs Ezra who wasn't paying attention.

"My counterpart and I were..."

"Kanan? A word?" Zeb stopped the Jedi from going onward up the ladder.

"Can it wait?" Kanan asked his friend. "If I don't confirm our rendezvous with Vizago, we'll have done all this for nothing."

"Yeah. About that..." Zeb rubbed the back of his head. None of them noticed that R2 raised an antenna from his head. "Maybe this time we don't sell to Vizago, eh? Maybe we get those disruptors out of circulation instead?"

Sabine spoke up as Sonic carried the toolbox from the ceiling.

"At least we got 'em out of Imperial circulation. When I was translating, I found out they were shipping those T-7s as prototypes so the Empire could mass-produce them on Lothal."

"Yikes. And I haven't even seen what they were capable of yet." Sonic commented as he took out two restraining bolts.

R2 sneaked his antenna away before anyone could even notice.

"See, Zeb?" Kanan decided to take over the conversation. "Perfect crime. We get the weapons out of the hands of the Empire, and we sell them for credits we desperately need to keep this bird flying."

"Hey, maybe Vizago will buy these two droids." Sabine offered an idea as she gestured to the two droids.

"Not a bad idea." Kanan saw it as an idea to explore.
In Agent Kallus's Star Destroyer, the report of the stolen disruptors had been reported by Minister Tua. Kallus turned to the transmission of the Minister of Lothal after her recent report of the disruptors.

"Describe the thieves," Kallus asks of her.

"I saw 6... An adult male, a juvenile male, a blue speeding male they called Sonic. A juvenile female, an old C1 droid, and a Lasat." The Minister answered. "Honestly, Agent Kallus, I didn't think there were any Lasats left."

"A few, Minister. Only a few." Agent Kallus smiled as he turned to face her.

"And what of this...Sonic? Where did he come from?" Tua questions, wondering where such a man with his powers and armor could have come from.

" someone who is of high curiosity to the Empire," Kallus replied, knowing that Sonic is important.

"But that's not all, 5 colorful hooded warriors also helped the rebels. But they had some type of special powers. One of them created a wall of ice to keep the troops away." Tua said.

"Really? Please... tell me more." Kallus said.
The Ghost crew then arrived on Lothal where they were supposed to meet up with Vizago so they could sell the weapons. As soon as they landed, the crew all met up with each other in the cargo hold.

"Can we discuss this later?" Kanan asks Hera.

"That's fine, love, but we will discuss it," Hera replied.

Sonic was a little confused by the nickname and looked to Sabine for answers as she was leaning on the wall nearby. "Love?"

But it seemed the Mandalorian girl was just as confused as she shrugged.

R2 then beeped and got their attention again.

"Oh, yeah, this R2 unit, he said its real mission was to make sure the T-7s never reached the Empire, and that his master will pay handsomely for their return." Sabine translated what the droid was saying.

Kanan saw that was something to consider and scratched his beard. "Alright. We'll return them after we deal with the disrupters."

"So, we're not selling the droids, but we're selling the weapons?" Zeb didn't seem too fond of the idea. "We don't even know who his buyer is."

"We know it's not the Empire." Kanan shrugged. "And I already made a deal with Vizago. So, let's get these crates off the boat."

Sonic and the Ninja could tell from meeting Vizago that there was something...devilish about him. Maybe it was just those horns on his head.

The Ninja kept their masks on to protect their identities because they could easily tell they couldn't trust Vizago with something like that. And the Ninja didn't want the Empire to learn about what they looked like underneath so they can keep their personas and the Ninja persona separated.

As his goons opened one of the crates, Vizago picked up one of the weapons with glee. I can make some beautiful music with these."

Zeb growled in the back of the group in anger at the idea of him having these weapons. "They're not that kind of instrument!"

"Ah," The weapons buyer smirked, "You just have to know how to play them. And how to play those who want to buy them."

"You still have to buy them from us first." Ezra tapped into the conversation.

"Finally! Someone on your crew who understands business!" Vizago sounded happy to hear it as he spotted the Ninja just staying out of the way.

"What about them?" He asked.

Kanan looked over to the Ninja minding his business. "What about them?"

"Those suits... I could offer a fair price for them." Vizago offered up to them.

"Not interested." Zane snarled. "You wanted the guns; all you're getting is the guns. And we're getting paid for the guns."

"Finally, you also got someone with some backbone on them." Vizago was amazed by him.

As they were discussing, Zane's senses alerted him something was coming when he looked up and noticed a strange ship approaching carrying what he could only describe as walking tanks.

"Guys?" Zane tried to get their attention toward the ship coming in. "We've got company coming!"

Vizago's eyes widened in horror when he saw them come for them to land. What is this?" He then turned to the Rebels and Ninja with an accusing point. "You were followed!"

"It's not possible." Hera defended.

"Tell it to the Empire!" Vizago cried as all of his men ran off to try and get away.

But before he could sleaze away, Kanan grabbed Vizago. "You haven't paid us!"

"Cikatro Vizago doesn't pay for half a shipment, and he doesn't pay for trouble with Imperials," He declared as he hopped onto the back of one of the loaded speeders. "My friends, I hope you live to bargain another day. And if you don't..." He simply shrugged as the speeder drove away. "Eh!"

"Shouldn't we be going too?" Sabine asked their leader.

"We can't let these disruptors fall into Imperial hands." Kanan saw that they weren't getting paid for it, they might as well destroy them. "Sabine. Go get the explosives."

"We might be able to buy you guys some time," Sonic said as he looked at the Walkers. "Those giant legs won't do well if I tied them up."

"Tie them up?" Zeb asks. "You think you can?"

"I did it once," Sonic said as he leaped over onto a boulder. "Against this guy who was the same size as those things. Maybe bigger."

"Okay, I need to hear the rest of that story later," Sabine stated as she backed off. "I'll get my tools!"

Sonic then saw that as the okay as he leaped off the boulder just before they could start to open fire on him with the one turret on the front of the gunner. The Ninja then jump into action as they fired their powers at the Imperial.

As Sabine was making her way to the Ghost, R2-D2 rolled out of the Ghost followed by C-3PO as he cried out to his compatriot.

"R2-D2, stop! What are you doing?!" 3PO questioned him.

Artoo whistled in response as the protocol exclaimed in confusion.

"Joining the crew?" C-3PO was only getting more confused.

R2 then picked up one of the disrupters and bleeped as he got Sabine's attention. She walked over to listen to the droid as she translated what he was saying.

"Of course!" Sabine got what he was saying. "Overload the disruptors and boom! Great plan, little guy. You can join our crew anytime."

"Not a bad idea!" Jay said as he jumped into the air to dodge another blast, shooting out a whip of lightning to latch onto the Walker. "I'll keep them occupied, then toss them out when I get back!"

"Roger that, Lightning Ninja!" Hera decided it was a good enough plan. "You sure you got this?"

Jay crawled around the AT-ST as he constructed a lightning whip to one leg and started to crawl around it. He then Lightning Jabbed it as the lightning short-circuit the AT-ST as it collapsed.

"I've got it!" Zane said when the blaster shot off the his ice he created. In the process, the second walker got into position and tried to shoot him down. Sensing it ahead of time, he quickly leaped out of the way and used his legs to latch onto the bottom. "Getting there!"

Zane then blasted the legs again, incasing them in Ice as they soon broke into pieces. He then jumps up and does Spinjitzu as he beat back multiple Stormtroopers.

Cole jumps onto one of the Walkers as he then punched the people in the controls and threw them out the same hole that he crawled in from. Once they started falling, he then poked his head outside and looked around.

"I see your problem! You've got some pests in here!" Cole quipped as he referred to the Empire as pests.

As the cruisers that dropped the Walkers proceeded to land, deploying the familiar Agent Kallus and a squad of Stormtroopers at once.

"Advance and fire," Kallus ordered the troops as they ran off.

The rebels all ran off to find some cover as 3PO walked ahead of the Rebels, praising the Stormtrooper's arrival. "Thank you. Thank you. I knew some form of rescue would arrive. I told R2, but he thinks so ill of Stormtroopers."

However, the blaster fire nearly hit the droid, as the Stormtroopers didn't seem to care about their own Imperial droids, as C-3PO pleaded with them.

"Wait! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" He then turned around to head back to cover in a hurry. "You're here to rescue me!"

Watching the poor slow droid trying to escape the rapid-fire got Sonic's sorry side to show. Groaning for his compassion to help everyone (even when they're not technically alive), Sonic leaped into action and left the other Walker so he could save the protocol droid.

As they continued to open fire on his friends, Kai leaped over them, and he shot two fireballs out to two trooper's guns. Burning them out of their hands, the guns turn to ash in the troopers's hands as he then threw another fireball at them. That gave his friends the opening to shoot them down and for Sonic to tackle the protocol droid behind some rocks.

"Keep your head down!" Sonic tells the droid as he saw they were now cornered due to his rescue. "Great."

"You..." C-3PO was surprised at the heroes' action to rescue him. " saved me."

"Doesn't matter what you did or who you are, I came because you needed help." Sonic proclaimed as he got up fast enough to do a Homing Attack at the troops.

Agent Kallus walked to the battlefield before calling out to one of them specifically. "You! Lasat!" Zeb turned to him and much to his horror the Imperial Officer pulled out his own bo-rifle, as he put it into combat mode to challenge him, "Face me!"

Angered by the fact he was carrying the weapon of his people, Zeb charged in as Kanan and Ezra tried to stop him.



Zeb ignored the warnings as he was overcome by rage as he sifted his own weapon to combat before he engaged the Agent of the Empire. Each clashed their weapons against each other until Zeb delivered the first blow knocking his foe down but not out. The Lasat glared at him, "Only the Honor Guard of Lasan may carry a bo-rifle!"

"I know," Kallus smirked as he picked himself back up, ready for the next round, "I removed it from a guardsman myself!" Once again, the two bo-rifle users engaged in combat once more, as the villain taunted, "I was there when Lasan fell. I know why you fear those disruptors. I gave the order to use them."

In a rage, Zeb roared as he attacked with fierce attacks while Kallus used his rage against him. Just then, Sabine had finished overcharging the remains disruptors with Artoo, she called out to her friend. "Sonic! Ninja! We're ready!"

Sonic sighed in relief as he grabbed onto C-3PO. "Let's get out of here, Goldie."

As he leaped into the air, getting an earful of screaming from the droid. Landing next to his Mandalorian friend, he saw it was now up to him to get rid of the last Walker. "Alright. Time to take out these Walkers!"

Sonic got to work he quickly picked up the crates filled with bo-rifle explosive disrupters and tossed them at the Walker. The moment that the two of them connected, a shockwave went off that sent everyone flying in different directions and caused Zeb to lose his footing. Dispute the heavy losses, Kallus used this to his advantage, delivering an electric shock at the chest causing Zeb to fall to his knees.

Ezra was the first to recover when his eyes widened in horror as Kallus raised his bo-rifle ready to deliver a fatal blow. "No!"

Going on instinct, Ezra raised his hands and Force pushed Kallus away from Zeb. Ezra even looked shocked at what he had just done. Zeb fell to the ground, but he'd live to fight another day.

Kanan turned to the hedgehog. "Spectre-7! Get the kid on the ship!"

"Right," Sonic nodded as he grabbed the teenager before racing them back to the Ghost as the other Rebels and droids did the same. "But first..."

Just for safekeeping (and because he wanted to rub it in their face), Sonic had Zane incase the Agent to the boulder in ice as he was waking up.

Kanan decided to roll with it as he went to check on the Lasat. "Zeb! Come on, big guy. We gotta get out of here. Zeb?"

The Lasat slowly grabbed his rifle making the Jedi smile. He helped the others onto the Ghost as Hera closed the cargo door behind them.

"Will our torment never end?" C-3PO wondered out loud.

"Buddy, I've been asking that for the last few years." Jay joked.

Hera then rose one of the coms to her face. "Chopper! Get us out of here!"

Sonic, the Ninja, and the crew gathered around the recovering Lasat. Sabine asked, "Will he be okay?"

Zane gave Zeb a scan with his arm, "He's a bit bruised up, but his heart and blood pressure seem to be normal. I think he's going to be okay."

Sabine turned to the Nindroid with a smile, "So, you can scan people's health too, huh?"

"Yes, it's one of my abilities besides being an Elemental Master of Ice." Zane explained.

"What kind of droid are you? I don't think I ever came across a droid that can show or feel emotions." Ezra wonders.

"I'm not like the droids in your universe. I am a Nindroid, an android cable to feel emotions. I was created to protect those cannot protect themselves." Zane explained.

"Really?" Kanan clarified. "Your world is strange."

"Ours?!" Sonic and the Ninja questioned as they retracted their masks.

"We fought a dozen guys dressed like snowmen. You have a glow stick sword that can cut through virtually everything. You have a droid that looks like a walking trash can. No offense, C." Jay said.

Chopper grunted back, saying some but not a lot was taken from that analogy.

"I say our worlds are equally weird." Sonic finished his statement.

Zeb chuckled as he had to admit he has a point and looked to Kanan. "Yeah, he's got you there." He then grunted out of pain from the Bo-rifle. "And thanks for the save."

"It wasn't me." Kanan confessed as he looked to Ezra.

Zeb turned to Ezra in shock that it was he who saved his life using the Force and not Kanan. Still, the Lasat gave him an appreciative smile all the same.

Kanan then turned to Ezra and promised him, "And, Ezra, your formal Jedi training starts tomorrow."
Later on, after learning who the droids' true owner was, they made contact in order to return the droids. He was more than grateful for their return and Kanan came to the senator's ship personally to make the return. The Senator paid him really well in return.

"That's very generous of you, sir," Kanan admitted as he saw the credits that could have bought ten of these same droids.

"Well, I'm very fond of these droids." The Senator explains why he would pay so much.

Kanan nodded as he gave R2 a few pats on the head to say farewell. "Then I'm glad we could return them."

"The simplest gesture of kindness can fill a galaxy with hope." The senator said as if he were quoting someone.

Kanan recognized that saying and was confused. "Isn't that a Jedi saying?"

The Senator didn't answer him. "Safe travels, my friend."

The Jedi didn't press further as he nodded and needed to get going. "Safe travels."

With that, Kanan returned to the ship with the Ghost's crew morally right-earned credits.

"You didn't tell them my name?" Senator asks C-3PO.

"Of course, I didn't, Senator Organa," The protocol droid answered. "But this entire ordeal has rather stressed every one of my circuits. Permission to shut down?"

The Senator of Alderaan nodded and patted his shoulder. "Granted."

As C-3PO walked off to get a well-earned rest, Bail knelt down to R2, "You recorded everything, old friend?"

R2 beeped in confirmation as Organa smiled at the confirmation.

"Good. We'll focus on the Imperials later. For now, show me what you have on your rebels." Organa asked of him.

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