Chapter 7: Strength, Sage, and Still

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 williamsmaurice1254


Tatooine is a sparsely inhabited circumbinary desert planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories.

Part of a binary star system, the planet orbited two scorching suns, resulting in the world lacking the necessary surface water to sustain large populations. As a result, many residents of the planet instead drew water from the atmosphere via moisture farms. The planet also had little surface vegetation. It is the homeworld of the native Jawa and Tusken Raider species. This was the planet where to which Silver the Hedgehog, opened his eyes for the first time. Groaning as he started to crawl upward, trying to get a sense of where he was. Spitting up some sand that entered his mouth, he groaned and looked around to where he was.

In his vicinity was nothing but some creature he had never seen before. A Dewback to be precise.
Rugged reptilian lizards native to the deserts of Tatooine, Dewbacks were able to withstand the heat of the world's binary suns, as well as the dust that caused mechanical breakdowns in high-tech conveyances. They had thick hides of scaly green skin, with long, rounded heads and short tails.
Surrounding the creature was a fireplace surrounded by stone, as well as a lantern of sorts.

Then there were two figures that were surrounding the fireplace that got his attention. One was someone he immediately recognized as Blaze the Cat, but it was the other one who got his attention pretty quickly. He was an older man, somewhat who looked like Master Wu's age. He had an old robe of sorts and wore it so it was covering his face. But they could both make out he had on a beard of sorts, showing off some gray tips over his ginger hair.

"You're a long way from home, aren't you?" He asks the two of them.

Silver didn't know what to think as he stood up. "Uh...Blaze? Where are we?"

"Silver." Blaze sighed in relief to see he was awake.

"Good to see you awake." Silver said to his girlfriend.

"Silver the Hedgehog. Blaze the Cat. We're going to have lots to discuss." The man said as he removed his hood, revealing it to be a relic of the past.

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Across the galaxy, the Rebels were currently on a new mission to save the galaxy from the Empire again. This time it was to try and stop a shipment of Kyber Crystals, which Sonic has been informed is what gives the Jedi's lightsaber its blade. But it could be used for much more destructive purposes if someone wished for it to be.

What they wanted it for, they weren't entirely sure of. But they knew they didn't need to know if they were to stop the shipment. Except the only way to find out where the shipment is coming from is for them to break into a highly secure facility. This wasn't exactly the type of facility where they could just break in and steal the data like before. This was too secure that even they couldn't get in and out.

But then they realized that this was where they were training cadets for the next generation of Stormtroopers. That was something that Oliver felt they could use to their advantage to send someone in undercover. Something that he had done and accomplished a dozen times. But since Sabine and the others were too old for cadets, and some of the Empire just might recognize them, they knew they couldn't risk some of them getting a face to the superhero names. What made them powerful assets was the fact they remained nameless. Since the Empire never saw their true faces behind the masks, gives them an advantage.

That only left one person, and that was Ezra.

With Kanan, Jessica, and Hera inside the Ghost orbiting the planet of Lothal, they were ready to get going at a moment's notice. Meanwhile, Sonic, Zeb, and Sabine were on standby outside the facility where Ezra was stationed. They'd check in every night until Ezra got the decoder they needed that was supposed to be relayed to them through Chopper.

That's where we find Ezra now, as he was currently sneaking into Agent Kallus' office. He simply made his way over to Kallus' computer with ease where he then found a decoder.

"One decoder, as requested." Ezra was happy to say as he made his way out of the office.

But just as he walked to the door, the second he opened it, he saw something that caused him to freeze. He saw a Stormtrooper standing in the doorway and looking over at him.

"What do you think you are doing?" The trooper asked him.

Back with the Rebels, Ezra was still standing in the doorway of the office when the Stormtrooper who found him noticed others coming. The trooper then pushed Ezra into the room and closed the door behind him. They then waited for the others to then leave and the trooper sighed as he walked into the room.

Getting a bit annoyed with the helmet, the trooper removed it and gasped in a breath of air.

"God, how the hell do these guys see in these things?" He asked in annoyance and looked over to the boy. He noticed something in his helmet and quickly grabbed it. "Hm."

"Hey!" Ezra panicked when this man stole his code. "It's not what you think."

"I think that this thing has a sensor, connected to that." He gestured up to the doorway where there was a sensor. "It will go off and set this place into lockdown if this thing leaves the room."

Ezra was now starting to become confused and looked over to the door and him. "Wait, are you trying to help me? Who are you?"

"Ya wanna discuss this here?" He asked and gestured outside, where they heard the troopers approaching. "You need a better plan. And we have a lot to discuss."

Ezra made his way over and put the decoder back into the computer. Then he and the man made their way out, working like they were a normal-looking squad of troopers to sneak around without suspicion. Outside of the compound, the group was waiting near the entrance for Chopper or Ezra and watched as the doors closed for the night. All three of them were getting worried about why he didn't show up as he was overdue.

"Specter-7 to Specter-1 seems the kid didn't come out," Sonic said in worry, wondering what could have kept him.

"Copy that, Specter-7. Give him one more day." Hera called back.

"Roger," Sonic said with a sigh. He then looked over at them in curiousness. "So, anyone for learning Rock Paper Scissors again?"

"Oh, no. I'm pretty sure you're making half of these rules up." Zeb stated in annoyance. "How does a piece of paper best a rock?"

Back inside, the man led Ezra into a maintenance room where he knew nobody would be around. Once he and Ezra closed the door and ensured they were alone, they removed their helmets to have a conversation. But before he could do that, he had a contact he needed to stay in touch with.

"Nat, you there?" He asked on an encrypted line the Empire wasn't looking for. Because it wasn't from their reality.

"Digger Harkness." A woman's voice replied back in a happy tone. "I was starting to get worried about you. What kept you? You get the information?"

"I was on my way, but then I found we have another coup in the nest." Digger Harkness stated as he looked over to Ezra. "Seems one of the cadets here are more than they seem."

"Well, figure out what he's doing and get what we need," Nat tells him. "That information could be a big deal to these people."

"I'm on it," Dig said as he looked over to Ezra. "Okay, kid, what were you trying to get that decoder for?"

"My friends need it to stop an Imperial transport," Ezra informed him. "What were you doing in there?"

"Searching for a specific file," Dig informed him. "Something that is top secret to the Empire."

"How'd you know about the sensor?" Ezra was a little curious.

"I've been stationed here a while." Dig said as he tried to recall how long it's been. "Got a bit of training from a new friend of mine. Learned a thing or two about security."

"Well, that could be really helpful for me," Ezra admitted and was curious about something. "You think you could help me out?"

Dig thought of it and knew he needed to get him out so he could find his file. "Alright, sure. I'll help ya out, and ya'll help me get out of here when I get my file."

"Perfect," Ezra said as they shook on it.

"But the only way I'm gonna be able to help you is if ya get in the top three again," Dig warned him.

"Don't worry," Ezra said with pride. "That won't be a problem."


It was actually quite easy for Ezra to make the top three. Dig had to admit that this kid could have given his a run for his money back on Earth. He managed to bring him somewhere that he could sneak into an air duct that would lead to Kallus' office. That way he could grab and slip out with help of the Force.

"How do you plan to reach it from up there?" Dig wonders.

"Don't worry. I've been training to be a Jedi." Ezra informed him.

"A what?" Dig wasn't sure what that was.

"You don't..?" Ezra was surprised he's never heard of a Jedi, but then a thought came to mind. "Never mind."

Ezra then made his way upward and into the vents while Dig started to go over and get the next part of the plan. He was meant to distract Kallus so that he could grab the disk whilst he wasn't at his desk.
Back on Tatooine, Obi-Wan was sitting across from the fire whilst Blaze and Sliver sat on the opposite side and facing the war veteran. He listened to their tale of where they came from and was surprised.

"You come from another world." Obi-Wan was having a bit of a hard time swallowing this information. "I must say, I have had heard of stranger occurrences. But at the same time..."

"It's kinda hard to comprehend, I guess, Blaze said with a sigh. "It's hard for us, too. We were even aware of what was gonna happening, but didn't see the results."

"How we ended up here was due to Sonic scattering the Kyber Crystal back on our universe and now we're told that Kyber Crystals are known here." Silver tried his best to explain, the realization still dawning he is in another universe.

"It's hard to explain." Scratch said.

"Well, I must warn you. Wherever you came from, you have set off a great imbalance in the Force." Obi-Wan warns them and closed his eyes. He then knew that there was a grave change in the once-foreseen path. "And I fear that imbalance might set off a lot more than you know."

"What does that mean?" Silver was a little confused about what he was saying.

"It means that you and your friends here with either save us or lead us into more chaos." Obi Wan Kenobi said.
Outside of the imperial academy, the group was waiting for Ezra and Chopper to show up. They were wondering what was keeping them when they saw Chopper roll up and had no sign of Ezra.

"You have the decoder?" Zeb asks the droid.

Chopper grumbled in his language and opened a hatch, showing he had it with him.

"Great," Sonic said as he took the card and handed it to Sabine. He looked around and noticed no sign of their friend. "Where's Ezra?"

Chopper grumbled in response, and Sonic still had no idea what he was saying. But what he was saying got the others confused.

"What?" Sabine asked in shock. "What do you mean he went back to the academy?"

Chopper then activated a hologram of Ezra. "Guys, I know you're expecting me, but I have to stay at the academy. There's this kid there, and he'll get scooped up by the Inquisitor if I don't help him."

"The Inquisitor? That guy from the prison?" Sonic was shocked to hear this. "Is he-"

"You probably think I've lost my mind, and you're probably right." Ezra seemed to have already known what they were thinking. "But it's your fault. The old me would have never stuck out his neck for a stranger. Clearly, I've spent too much time with you heroes. Decode the hyperspace coordinates and get them to Specter-1. Oh, and if you're not too busy, attack the Academy tomorrow at noon. Specter-6 out."

Getting a distraction for Ezra to escape was the hard part. It was the rest of the part that took a bit of doing for the group. Kanan, Hera, and the heroes were taking care of the transport.

When Ezra was knocked off of the Walker, he looked and saw a few troopers aiming their guns at him. He raised his arms in defeat just when a boomerang came flying through the air.

Ezra looked over and saw it was the man who helped him out who came in with a coat filled with different boomerangs. He slid against the ground as he threw another boomerang, which then sent out smoke everywhere and gave them some cover to hide in. Firing several normal boomerangs, they easily pierced their armor and took down the troopers.

As he shot another one, a trooper came up behind him and aimed the blaster at his head.

"Drop it!" The Stormtrooper ordered.

Dig quickly froze and wondered what to do here as he couldn't turn without being shot. But that's when help arrived in the form of a blue lightning streak. Sonic came in and Spin Dash the trooper, sending him flying.

"Oh, my god!" Dig said in shock when he saw the hero. "You're here Sonic!"

Sonic was shocked when he saw him. "Captain Boomerang?"

"I've finally found you!" Dig said with glee. "This is...this is incredible."

Then out of nowhere, another Walker was thrown over their heads as it created a big explosion. Some of the Stormtroopers started to coward away in fear as if they were seeing something and some were frozen like statues. As they were suffering, Sonic felt a familiar feeling, like familiar Forces. He then sees a wolf, a snake, and a Komodo Dragon appear with blue, magenta, and green lightning crackling off them.

"Wolf! Snake! Drago!" Sonic shouts in joy as he saw 3 of his friends.

"I thought I felt your presence." Sonic said as he does a Wild Rush attack.

"Same here with you!" Wolf said as he Sonic Howls some Stormtroopers away.

"Another fine mess you got us into Sonic!" Snake said as he psycho-blasted a trooper away and then nightmare-induced another trooper.

"Once again, I'm sorry. I've already told the others about the mess I made and I'm gonna do everything in my power to bring everyone back." Sonic said as he does a Homing Attack on a couple of Stormtroopers.

"Well that's good to hear, mate." Drago said as he Time Blasted the Stormtroopers.

Then several blasts came in just as Zeb and Sabine offered support to keep them back. Ezra then got to his feet and quickly helped his friend when they saw they needed to go.

"This is a riveting revelation, but can we get out of here?" Sabine asks them.

"Yeah, you coming?" Sonic asks Dig as Zeb drove over their ride.

"You guys give me a ride to my pickup?" Dig asks as the group run over into the vehicle.

"Sure." Sonic supposed as they drove off.
When the Inquisitor arrived at the Academy, he wasn't pleased to hear about the security breach and looked over the manifest. He saw Dig's photo, Ezra, and his friends.

"I do not know of the boy or this man," the Inquisitor said as he looked over them. "But this boy I know." He showed them the photo of Ezra. "This is the Padawan I encountered."

"That is Morgan, the other is Captain Boomerang." The imperial officer informed him.

"Well, it seems that he has a history with this Sonic." Inquisitor looked over this information.

That's when the door opened and the Inquisitor and everyone else were shocked when they saw who was entering the room. Mara Jade walked into the room and forced the tablet from his hands.

"Mara Jade." The Inquisitor snarled when he saw she was in on this.

"Inquisitor." Mara Jade replied, with no emotion in the statement.

"Grand Inquisitor," Inquisitor replied with a snarl.

"Really? I can't tell. You all kinda blur together after some time." Mara Jade stated as she looked over the data. "Seems Sonic was here with these Rebels."

"Yes, it seems he is constantly around when these rebels make their appearance." Inquisitor concurred with her observation.

"Seems like you and I will be working together." Mara Jade said as she tossed the tablet back. "You already lost a highly secure prisoner back during that breakout. You're working with me. Remember that."

"You recall what happened to the last Inquisitor who tried to overrun me?" Grand Inquisitor asks her in annoyance.

"Lucky for me, I'm coming from the Emperor himself." Mara Jade said with a smile. "I outrank you. So either we work together, or we're both going to disappoint our Emperor. And I doubt either one of us wants that."

The Grand Inquisitor knew she was right and that neither of them wanted to disappoint the Emperor. For several dozens of reasons, his wrath, his anger, their rank. A dozens of reasons to not disappoint him.
When they met up with their friends at the Ghost, the rest of them were introduced to another member of the universe. They were a little confused as Sonic knew his old buddy, Digger.

"So, you fight with a boomerangs?" Ezra asked as he looked over his boomerangs. "Feels pretty costly."

"Well, I was a criminal at first in my world who stole a lot to make money." Dig informed him.

"What kind of JL member were you?" Sabine wonders.

"Oh, I wasn't an JL member at first," Dig informed them. "I soon gave up being a criminal after falling in love and ended up joining the heroes."

"So, where are we dropping you off?" Hera asks him.

"I'll give you the coordinates." Dig offered as she walked over to the cockpit.

"He's still impressive," Sonic admitted as he watched him leave. "Sure he's a little clumsy but he does know how to get a job done."

"So these three are the Force Users of the main four in your universe?" Sabine asked as she looks at Barry, Wolf, Snake, and Drago.

"Yep. Barry, Wolf, Snake, and Drago are the prime users who are connected to the Four Forces from our universe." Sonic said.

"So you're saying there are four other forces out there?" Ezra asked.

"The Speed Force is an extra-dimensional source of dark matter energy that provides a particular variation of meta-humans known as 'speedsters' with their powers. It is also an elemental part of the universe. The Speed Force is comprised of positive tachyons particles that are infused with dark matter, allowing speedsters access to their main ability of super speed as well as their derived abilities such as time travel and dimensional breaching. Once a speedster makes a connection with the Speed Force, their speed is physically manifested through the lightning/electricity that trails from their bodies as they run. The color is different with every speedster, as it normally indicates the specific type of connection that they have achieved with the Speed Force. All chemical, cellular and neural processes, as well as brain activity, are far faster than normal, which enhances the speed and efficiency of physical healing and metabolism to superhuman levels. This causes users to be able to be completely healed from non-lethal injuries as severe as broken bones, burns and even paralysis, in a matter of hours or days without any linger effects, therapy, or treatment, unless the injuries are immediately lethal. Users are also more resilient to physical impacts and collisions, giving them immunity to being stunned, dazed, unbalanced or staggered by great forces, especially while moving at super speed. This healing is more than a simple boost given by the speed force as speedsters can recover from injuries completely that would leave normal people permanently debilitated or crippled. A user using super-speed while moving their entire body, or part of it in a repetitive motion, such as back and forth, spinning, or otherwise circular motions, can manipulate air flows and currents and therefore generate powerful winds and manipulating them with there repeated motions. These motions can also be achieved by the user moving or running back and forth or in a circle. The user can, therefore, create intense whirlwinds, cyclones, tornadoes, vortexes, and vacuums of air with these motions, or propel themselves through the air. This can allow the user to disperse the physical force from oncoming targets or propel them away. Since these enhanced movements and acceleration capabilities affected the user microscopically, it allowed the user to manipulate the movement and acceleration of their cells, and even their molecules, allowing them to shake and vibrate their bodies or parts of it by willing their cells to do so. These vibrations can enhance physical force produced by physical contact and distort the user's image to the point where the user becomes a vibrating blur of motion, even when they are not using their speed. A user can disguise their appearance with this, as well as their voice by vibrating their vocal cords, which can produce an electronic, distorted voice or a garbled, deep growl. Vibrating also allows a user to cause tremors and jolt through physical contact, enough to perform feats such as breaking metal locks or part of a mug by touching the object or generating enough friction to level a bridge by running on it repeatedly. By vibrating their hand, the user can generate the force of a buzzsaw, enough to effortlessly punch and smash through machinery and saw through metal chains. Some users can even use their vibrations to punch through flesh and bone, much like phasing through solid objects, though it is unknown how they accomplish this without harming themselves. Also by vibrating their bodies at different frequencies allows a user to become intangible and pass through solid objects, even people. Some users can even phase objects into people or infuse various objects with intangible with physical contact, though this is especially straining. through people can be lethal, as villainous speedsters will often vibrate their arms through a target and cause them to drop dead. With this, they are able to phase into people, while still being able to touch and grab tangible objects, which allows them to damage the victim from the inside. However, it is not always lethal, as a user could phase into someone to pull objects, such as bullets, out of the person, to put something they are holding inside of a person without breaching their skin, phase their momentum-enhanced punch into the targets of greater resilience to incapacitate them, or even run right through others without harming them. The ability could even cause an opponent's attacks to pass through the user, even if the attacker is someone as powerful as Supergirl. Vibrating through something electrical, such as a computer, can cause it to overload and fry. Alternatively, vibrational energy can be channeled in order to generate a powerful sonic boom able to repel or hold down people. Connection to the Speed Force causes speedsters' bodies to generate electricity, which they can learn to manipulate. It generally acts as a bolster, amplifying their running speed too much higher levels. By running within a circular motion with enough intensity, they are able to envelop their arms in electricity, that they can then throw at a target, though other speedsters may be able to solidify it through touch, and throw it back. Primarily, the Speed Force gives users the ability to move at superhuman speeds. This ability allows the user's overall speed to rival the fastest vehicles at low levels, while advanced levels allow the user to break the sound barrier and moving at supersonic speeds. The user's speed usually causes them to appear as vibrating blurs or streaks of motion. Users are fast enough to move on vertical surfaces and ceilings, as well as on water, with ease. With enough speed, users can enhance their ability to jump, allowing them to leap or spring several feet through the air, to the point where they can jump across the length of a freeway bridge. Advanced users can create a hole in the fabric of space-time and travel through time. They do with by entering the Speed Force which is connected to all of time and space through the multiverse. This allows them to safely navigate the time stream while being protected from temporal alterations." Barry explained as he eyes glowed yellow.

"The Strength Force is a cosmic force based on extremely heightened physical prowess. Powers given by the Strength Force revolve superhuman strength and shapeshifting; all of which is centered around the emotion of its host. Through it, the user can change their form in relation to its emotions. Strength Force users have extremely heightened physical prowess, easily able to over power some of the most destructive forces in the universe. Strength Force users are much stronger than normal humans and most other meta-humans. Strength Forces users are far more durable than normal humans and most other meta-humans; they can even tank an explosion of antimatter bomb, powerful enough to decimate a city, head on at point blank range and not suffer so much; as a scratch or light bruise. Strength Force users are far more agile than normal humans and most other meta-human. Strength Force users able to jump much higher and leap much further than normal humans and most other meta-humans. Strength Force users possesses far more stamina than normal humans and most other meta-human, allowing them to remain physically active for long periods of time; without the need to rest. Strength Force users can absorb several different types of energy." Wolf explained as his eyes glow blue.

"The Sage Force is an energy source that radically enhances the minds of its conduits, as well as granting them psychic powers such as telepathy and telekinesis. Sage Force users are able to augments the user's mind, allowing them to access a multitude of psionic powers. Sage Force users are able to make other individuals feel what they want them to feel. Sage Force users are able to manipulate the emotions of other individuals. Sage Force users can absorb several different types of energy. Sage Force users are able to manipulate the fears of other individuals. Sage Force users are able to create realistic illusions, as shown when Bashir was able to create partial speed mirages of himself, as well as to conceal his presence and that of others. These illusions are can be realistic enough to make recipients think they even performed actions into the illusion out of their own free will when in reality, it all just occurred within their minds. Sage Force users are able to trap other individuals within hallucinations with their fears and could cause physical harm to those individuals if hurt inside a hallucination." Snake explained as his eyes glowed magenta.

"The Still Force is the natural opposite of Speed Force, meaning that while the Speed Force is based around motion and moving forward, the Still Force is centered around stagnation, reversion and perpetuation. Still Force users can use the Still Force to travel back in time; though differently. Unlike normal time travel, they instead send their consciousness back into an earlier version of themselves; it's unknown if this is a personal choice or limitation. Still Force users can emit green blasts of Still Force energy to remove singular items and individuals from the time they're in. They can also send people back to their time and "rewind" their clothing. By rewinding time, Still Force users can bury memory of what has already occurred; though a mention of something yet to happen can return the victim's memories." Drago explained as his eyes glowed green.

"Wow..." Ezra said in awe from the new information.

Both Ezra and Kanan along with the rest of the Rebels were surprised by this. They nor any other Jedi or Sith have ever heard of there being other Forces besides "The Force".
Back on Coruscant, Vader and Palpatine were watching video recordings of the latest incidents of Sonic and his Super Friends fighting off their troops.

"Their's not connected to the Force," Vader said as they watched the recordings.

"Yes. It's quite impressive." Palpatine had to agree. "And from what we've have seen and heard from the Hedgehog, there are others. And..." then he brought up a hologram of the seven Chaos Emeralds as to how he described them. "These Chaos Emeralds...hold great power."

"The Archives hold information of similar weapons of power," Vader admitted as he thought of the archives.

"Find them," Palpatine demanded his friend. "If there are any of these out there in this universe...they could be of great interest."

"It is done," Vader promised and walked off to do just that.

The galaxy was about to be in a lot more trouble than they bargained for.
Dig was returned to his ship where he met up with Nat in the war room. She didn't seem too impressed with his accomplishments.

"You find it?" Natasha asks him.

Digger tossed her the data disk with everything. "What's so important about Project: Stardust?"

Nat plugged in the protocol and saw where they could find more information. "That's what we're trying to find out."

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