Chapter 9: Miraculous

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 williamsmaurice1254


Sonic the Hedgehog was now standing on the tower far away from the town of Lothal before he jumped down and bolted off at high speed.

🎶Miraculous, simply the best🎶

Sonic is seen running lightning fast through the fields of Lothal with Loth-Wolves running on both of his sides.

🎶Up to the test when things go wrong🎶

His gear of gloves and shoes changes each time as he enters different planets as each of the Rebels join him as he runs.

🎶Miraculous, the luckiest🎶

Up above them is Darth Vader, the Imperial Stormtroopers and the Inquisitors, glaring at the Rebels and Superheroes.

🎶The power of love always so strong🎶

The Rebels were now running along with Sonic as he and his friends changed into their superhero suits and charged into the Stormtroopers.


Kanan, Ezra, Sabine, Hera, Zeb, and Choper were now seen standing, forming a circle with their backs facing each other. What they saw all around them were the shadow silhouettes of Sonic's missing friends looking at them.


Star Wars Justice League: Force of Destiny

A while after the Bad Guys left the group and were now scouring the galaxy with a crew, they were still searching for their friends. Whilst that was going on, they were also taking care of searching the outer rim for any of the other Justice League members thanks to Sonic's descriptions. Not to mention with their communicators, they can make holographic projections of everyone.

"We've just left Dantooine, working on a smuggling case," Wolf informed Sonic. "It's not the best job, but it sticks it to the Empire."

"Wolf, we're all outlaws," Sonic assured him, he didn't care much about the laws of this dimension. Most of them were made by power-hungry tyrants as it is. "You find anything?"

"Nothing of interest," Snake said with a sigh. "None of our friends that match our description. But I did learn that people call us "Outsiders." Gotta say it's pretty catchy."

Sonic rolled his eyes and looked at the Green Arrow. "Oliver?"

"We have scoured the entire world. We can't find any trace of any our friends or anyone from our universe." Lloyd informed the Hedgehog. "We are the only one's here."

"As of now." Oliver looked on the bright side. "I am certain the others are working on traveling the galaxy themselves. They'll eventually find their way here at some point."

"Right. Okay." Sonic sighed as he laid back. He knew he was making quick progress, considering he found few of them in the past short weeks. But that was four out of...he wasn't actually sure how many of them there were.

"Well, this channel is always open. So just send the word if you find even some sort of rumor of sorts." Sonic said.

"We shall," Oliver confirmed as he then closed the channel and vanished.

"See ya, Sonic." Wolf said as he closed the channel.

Sonic leaned back and sat down on the bench as he sat alone on the ship. Ezra, Sabine, and Hera were currently away on a mission that came from an informant known as Fulcrum. They knew nothing about the character and Hera kept saying that it was a need to know. Not something that Sonic liked to hear, as the last need-to-know thing he was never told, he ended up ruining a mission for

And that's when he felt the ship shake and heard the Phantom coming into park. Seems that they were back. The doorway opened up and Sonic looked over to see it was Sabine who came stumbling in with a sigh. She placed her helmet on the table and sighed as she sat down next to Sonic.

"So..." Sonic acted cheerful. "How'd it go?"

Sabine seemed to pick up on his sarcastic tone and played along. "Oh, you know, went for a fly, got shot at, almost died."

"So, a usual Thursday?" Sonic jokingly told her. "Or whatever weeks are."

Sabine chuckled as Hera came down from the latter, followed by Ezra. Kanan and Zeb walked over to greet them, giving Peter the room while he was on call.

"Everyone okay?" Kanan asks.

"We're fine, but I scrapped the Phantom's underbelly," Hera admitted with a shrug.

Kanan was shocked to hear that, "You?"

"It was unavoidable." Hera sighed in defeat, but then smiled and pointed to Kanan. "Once your plan went south."

"Ah, there we go." Kanan seemed to have expected that as Zeb and Ezra tried to sneak away. "I knew there had to be a way to make this my fault."

"And you were right, dear," Hera stated, quickly turning towards the escaping members. "Zeb, I'll need the Phantom ready to pick up supplies from Fulcrum. Adjust the steering and run a diagnostic. Chopper and Ezra will help you fix any problems you find."

Zeb scoffed when he heard that. "Really? Have you met them?"

Ezra hit and shoved the Lasat as he and Zeb started to make their way upward. "And I'm leaving soon, so get to it!"

Then Kanan and Hera made their way to the cockpit of the ship, leaving Sonic and Sabine together. Seems that neither has been having a good day so far.

"So, what's up with you?" Sonic was curious to know what was wrong. "You seem...agitated about something."

"Just this whole blindly trusting this Fulcrum character," Sabine explains and laid back. "You ever had to blindly trust someone and hope for the best?"

Sonic thought about it and could only recall a few times. "There was one or three times it's happened to me before."

Sabine raised a brow. "Really?"

"Hey, you asked." Sonic shrugged, knowing it wasn't the best example.

Sabine then sighed and got up. "I'm gonna have a word with Hera."

"Glad I could help," Sonic said rhetorically as Sabine walked away.

Sonic sighed and laid his head against the table, fiddling with the communicator for the other JL heroes. He couldn't help but think back to his world, wondering how everyone was doing. How Amy was feeling after this.

Then all of a sudden, he heard fumbling from the latter to the Phantom, which he then watched as Chopper, who was being rode on by Ezra, and chased by Zeb who came running past. He then watched as Hera and Sabine came up to him and looked up at the Phantom.

"Did they finish up there?" Hera asks Sonic.

"I would guess, but I'd double-check," Sonic stated, having blacked out and not sure how long he was in his own head. He then pointed back down the hall. "They went that way."

Hera sighed and walked off to find out if they did their tasks. Sabine stayed back and looked at Sonic. "I'm gonna go with Hera, see if I can figure out what's going on with this Fulcrum guy."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Sonic asks her. "I mean, if he's in the dark, he's in the dark for a reason."

"When was the last time you followed what you were told?" Sabine asks Sonic and crossed her arms.

Sonic thought about it and recalled the last time. "Probably when I shattered the Kyber Crystal. What I'm saying is I needed to learn a few lines could be crossed. But other lines are there for a reason."

"That might work for you, Sonic." Sabine understood what he was saying. "But I've already been kept in the dark, and I don't want to repeat it."

They then heard the clanking of metal down the hall and Sonic winced, thinking of being confined on the ship with those two on the loose. "You mind one more tagalong?" He then went to begging a little too quickly. "Please don't leave me on this ship with these two unsupervised."

Sabine looked down the hall and knew Sonic was right that they could be a handful. She then gestured to the latter and basically told him to board.

Meanwhile, two figures were landing with their ship at the rendezvous point, which was an old Grand Army of the Republic asteroid base. Once the ship landed, the two figures emerged from the ship and were revealed to be Ahsoka and Logan.

"Alright, let's get these crates unloaded," Ahsoka tells Logan as she pushed a button and Logan watched her hover the crate away. "Still impressed?"

"Hey, this might be causal tech for you, but it's still impressive to me," Logan stated as he got to work. "So, who is this Spectre contact of yours?"

"Just another section of the Phoenix Squadron, helping us cause trouble for the Empire." Ahsoka shrugged as she walked over and grabbed another crate. "Nothing really unique about them."

Logan was listening when he looked around at the abandoned base. He started to get a bit of a flashback to his time back in the war. How all of his fightings ended up with him being turned against the people he fought aside for years. Ahsoka noticed he seemed to be flashing back and walked up aside to show him some support.

"Sorry." Logan managed to slip free of his trance and rubbed his head. "Might not have been my war, but I can still..."

"Feel the battle?" Ahsoka asked, following what he was saying. "Yeah, I can't say I don't understand."

"Should make sure your contact is on their way," Logan stated as he walked over towards the shuttle.

"That's a good idea." Ahsoka agreed as she pulled her small communicator.

Back inside the Phantom, Hera didn't seem to have anything against Sonic joining the two as they separated from the Ghost. Making their way through the air and starting their flight path to the rendezvous.

"So, who exactly is this Fulcrum?" Sabine asked as she stayed near Hera. "Is he another smuggler like Vizago and Lando? Why all of the secrecy?"

"Well, it's no secret that we're fighting against the Empire." Hera shrugged as she fiddled with a few controls. "We need all the allies that we can get."

"How do you find a way of answering questions without giving any answers?" Sabine asks her.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Hera asked jokingly.

"Phantom, this is Fulcrum." A voice came through on their communications. "Come in."

"This is Specter-2, Fulcrum." Hera made contact.

"Why don't I talk to him?" Sabine tried to intervene.

"Don't you dare." Hera warned her away from that.

"Already at the rendezvous, Specter-2. Supplies are unloaded and ready. Should I wait?"

Sabine then jumped in and tapped the comms. "Yeah, stick around. Specter-2 and I would love to talk to you."

"Specter-2, what's the problem?" Ahsoka asks.

"No problem, Fulcrum. Specter-5 and 7 decided to help with the supply run." Hera explains and sternly looked down on Sabine.

"Understood. Fulcrum out." Then it seems that the connection was closed.

"You know. An outburst like that is not appreciated." Hera informed Sabine.

"Neither is all of this secrecy," Sabine replied and crossed her arms.

By the time the Phantom came in for a landing, they saw that there was nobody else around and gave the impression that "he" left. Ahsoka and Logan have indeed left their supplies for them to arrive and take before they then took off. The Phantom came down and landed in the middle of an opening where Ahsoka and Logan previously landed.

"So, where is this mystery man?" Sabine wonders as she looks around.

"I don't know, maybe he didn't appreciate your attitude," Hera stated sarcastically. "I know that I didn't."

They then started to walk towards a few crates that were nearby and Sonic couldn't help but feel something was off. As he was starting to look around to try and focus his senses, he wondered what could possibly be here that sets his senses off. Deciding to just ignore it, he walked over and activated one of the crates so it would hover and he could drag it over. He also noticed his gear changed against to rock-like climbing gear.

But as he was moving the crate over, he suddenly stopped and felt his HUD's senses go off. He froze and felt something was wrong. He could hear the muffled voices of Hera and Sabine talking as he looked around. He heard what sounded like scraping and spun around to notice there was a missing crate.

"Faith that there is a long-term plan that's bigger than you or me, bigger than Lothal. Bigger than the entire Outer Rim." Hera stated to Sabine as Sonic walked over and kneeled to the crates. "We- Sonic, what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure," Sonic said as he eyed the scratch marks on the ground. He then quickly activate his suit and used his suit's systems to scan the markings. "But something was just here."

"There were definitely more crates." Hera took notice of this.

"Seems someone dragged them away." Sonic took notice.

"Maybe he's still here." Sabine took a guess.

"Who?" Hera wonders.

"Fulcrum." Sabine guesses.

"No." Hera denied that as it didn't add up.

"Well, who else knows about this place?" Sabine wonders as Sonic followed the scratches.

"Not sure, this base was abandoned years ago, after the Clone Wars," Hera explains to them and trying to make sense of it all. "Besides, why drag them? Why not use the anti-grav?"

Then a meteorite came around and blocked off the light from the Star for a moment. It face them with a bit of darkness for a good second before the light quickly returned.

"Whoa, sunrise comes along fast in these parts." Sabine jokes.

Sonic made it to the inside of the base and found a completely destroyed shuttle, followed by his switching to night vision on his HUD. "Uh...I have a feeling something else comes along fast." He then came across the crates. "Found the crates."

Sonic then pulled the crates out into the light as they started to enter the facility a little. "Someone was eager to get to what was inside."

"Too eager to open the hatch and take it?" Hera questions. "Who would-"

That's when they started to hear a chittering creature from within the base. They started to back away and make it into the light.

"That's comforting," Sabine commented in worry. "You don't happen to know why this base was abandoned?"

Then they heard hissing that sounded like an earth cat to Sonic but sounded like something else demonic.

"I'm starting to have my suspicions," Hera commented in worry.

"Oh, man," Sonic stated as he tried to scan for life forms in the dark.

They just continued to back away when suddenly one of the creatures came into view. What they saw were ferocious silicon-based species that attacked their prey with sharp teeth and claws and crawled out.

Sonic quickly did a Spin Homing Attack to keep them in the dark and they backed away into the light further. The creatures chased after them until the sunlight shined over the area. They then watched as they scurried back into the darkness and left them alone.

"Huh, must be some sort of nocturnal creature." Sonic guessed as he retracted his mask. Then he saw that neither of them understood the meaning of that word. "Means that they don't like the light."

"Okay, but you see that?" Sabine asks as she gestured to a gigantic meteorite. "That asteroid will block the light for quite a while."

"How long?" Hera questions.

"I don't know, long enough for us to become lunch!" Sabine cried in terror.

"Luckily we weren't planning on staying," Hera stated as they gesture to the crates. "Let's go."

They then started to continue loading the shuttle, none of them aware of the leakage underneath the ship. They just went on and continued to load up the ship as Sonic kept looking up at the meteorites, worried about smaller ones giving the creatures time to attack.

"Last one," Sabine said with a sigh.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Sonic was happy to see they didn't have any other problems.

Hera complied as she took the pilot seat and got ready for takeoff. But when she started the shuttle, they were getting alerts from the systems and she started to become worried.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Hera cried in worry when she saw the empty tank. "We had nearly a full tank when we landed. Now we're out of fuel?"

Sonic was shocked (but not surprised) when he heard that. "What? Out of fuel?! Didn't Zeb, Ezra, and Chopper run a diagnostic-" he then sighed as he knew he should have checked the diagnostics. "Of course... I gotta make a call."

Back on the Ghost, Ezra was rising Chopper around and knocking him with a wrench. He was enjoying getting some payback for what happened when they were fixing the Phantom. Zeb was in the kitchen making himself something to eat when he came rolling inside.

"Hera is not here to save you now!" Ezra cheered as he continued to hit him.

But then Chopper spun his head around and smacked Ezra into Zeb's food. Zeb now become irritated and grabbed the boy, kidding the droid back and getting ready to pummel him.

But Sonic's voice luckily came just in time when he filled their comms. "Spectre-7 to Spectre-4. Come in. Specter-7 to Specter-4. Come in!"

Zeb sighed and dropped the boy. "Go ahead, Specter-7."

"You did run a full diagnostic on the Phantom, right?" Sonic asks his crewmates.

"Of course." Zeb seemed a little offended by that.

"And you checked the results?" Sonic asks them. "Please tell me that you guys did."

Zeb, Ezra, and Chopper immediately became silent and freaked out. They then ran through the ship to the docking port so they could check the results. That's when they learned that there was indeed a problem when they saw a fuel leak was a problem.

Zeb scratched his head and pulled his comm back out. "Uh, Spectre-7, there might be a small problem with the fuel line."

"Small Problem? SMALL PROBLEM?!" Sonic cried in worry, causing Zeb to move the comm away due to the volume. "Well, we have a situation on our hands! GET OVER NOW!"

"Understood," Zeb said and sighed. "Hang tight, we'll be there soon."

Sonic sighed and rubbed his head and knew he should double-check any job those two do together. Especially with Chopper in the mix, since it seems impossible to get the three of them to work together.

"And this is why I'm glad to be an only child now." Sonic sighed to himself.

Sabine was looking up at the asteroid in worry. "No way they get here before that asteroid blocks the Star and-" Then they hear the screeching from within the base, making them guess they were waiting for the darkness. "I guess we could hole up in the Phantom."

"Judging by the torn-up shuttle in there, locking ourselves in the Phantom won't protect us." Hera took a wild guess. "Could get grim."

"Well, I'll take grim right now," Sabine stated as she walked towards something.

Sonic sighed as he exited the Phantom and gestured back inside. "Well, I activated the beacon. They'll be able to find us whenever they arrive. And if we're lucky, maybe some passing ships will notice it."

Suddenly, they heard some crates falling from a different side of the abandoned base. Sonic goes over to investigate and saw 5 kids and a baby dragon who he instantly recognized.

"Jim! Marinette! Adrien! Toby! Claire! Riyu!" Sonic shouts in joy as he sees more of his missing friends.

"Oh, you have no idea how good it is to finally see and speak to someone else besides my friends! No offense." Toby said to his friends as he hugs Sonic.

"It's so good to see you again!" Marinette said.

"I take it you guys know each other?" Hera asked.

"Totally. These are some of my missing friends." Sonic said.

"Hi. I'm Marinette, and this is my brother, Jim and that's my boyfriend, Adrien." Marinette said introducing herself and her brother and boyfriend.

"Hi. That's my best friend, Toby and my girlfriend, Claire." Jim said as he introduced himself and his best friend and girlfriend.

"And this little guy is Riyu." Toby said petting Riyu.

"Nice to meet you kids. I'm Sabine and that's Hera." Sabine said.

"Hi. We're new friends Sonic made here." Hera said.

"Looks like we missed a lot, huh? Any chance you found Aaarrrgghh!!! yet?" Toby asked. Sonic unfortunately shook his head "no".

"Oh..." Toby said sad and upset.

"Don't worry, he's out there somewhere. They all are." Sonic said reassuring his friend.

"Yeah... I guess." Toby said as Jim hugs him to comfort him.

"Did you find anyone else?" Adrien asked.

"So far I've found; Rykarr, Oliver, Wolf, Snake, Drago, Blinky, Dictatious, Draal, Barry, Jessica, and all the Ninja. So I have been making progress." Sonic said with a little hope.

"Well that's good to hear." Claire said.

So... is this where you kids ended up? From when Sonic shattered the Kyber Crystal?" Hera asked.

"Yep. We had no idea where we were or how to get help. And on top of that, we had to deal with those creatures." Jim explained.

"Well, I guess we're gonna have to work together if we're gonna survive." Hera said.

"Time for us to transform." Marinette said as she and her brother and friends smiled.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette shouts as she transforms into her alter ego, Ladybug.

As Ladybug, she wears a red ladybug-themed superhero black turtleneck collared jumpsuit with black spots. Above her hips, she wears her yo-yo around them with the string, and she wears a red mask with black spots. Her earrings become red with five black spots, and the bands holding her hair back become red ribbons. Her hair and her eyes become slightly bluer.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien shouts as he transforms into his alter ego, Cat Noir.

As Cat Noir, he wears a black front zip catsuit with a golden bell on his chest. The suit is made of the Kwami known as Plagg, and is completely indestructible. It clings to the wearer's body like spandex but can sometimes resemble vinyl, and cannot be taken off. The only way to remove it is to undo the transformation. He has a long belt that hangs out like a cat's tail, gloves with claws on the fingertips, and boots. He has black cat ears and a black mask covering part of his face. His eyes, including the sclera, are green and look cat-like, and his hair is messier and untamed, covering his normal ears. His ring turns black and gains a green paw print in the circle.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Longg, bring the storm!" Jim shouts as he transforms into his alter ego, Shenlong.

As his superhero identity, Shenlong, he wears a red suit with an image of a black rose with a yellow outlining involving him from his left leg to his chest with the flower holding the images that represent the three elements she controls: Lightning, Wind, and Water. He also has a black collar/turtleneck (where he has his choker), black forearm-length gloves and black legs starting at a point in the middle of his lower legs, both with yellow outlining. On the back of his head, he has four red dragon-like horns with yellow tips with black outlining, and, on his back, he has a holder for his sword. On his face, he wears a red mask around his eyes with a yellow and black outline at the base of the sides. His eyes also get golden with yellow scleras.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Trixx, let's pounce!" Claire shouts as she began to transform into her alter ego, Vixen.

As Vixen, the tips of her hair are now white and she has a ponytail. She wears an orange fox-themed superhero jumpsuit with a white front and an orange and white mask. The arms, hands, legs, feet and collar of the suit are black. The Fox Miraculous doubles as a zipper for the collar. She has orange fox ears with white insides on her head, and a coattail that looks like a fox's tail. She carries an orange and white reed flute for a weapon, which she keeps on her back when she's not using it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Stompp, make way!" Toby shouts as he began to transform into his alter ego, Minotaur.

As Minotaur, Toby retains his brown hair with a small tuft of blue hair at the front. His green eyes are covered by two navy, crescent ovals forming a sort of mask. Minotaur has two large horns on either side of his head. He wears a navy blue outfit with a gold ring on his chest.

"Whoa! How did— but how?" Hera said surprisingly shocked.

"Oohhh... you kids are the Miraculous Holders Sonic mentioned to us, right?" Sabine said.

"Yep. Call me Ladybug." Ladybug said as she spun her yo-yo.

"Name's Cat Noir." Cat Noir said as he bowed in a dramatic but respectful way.

"Minotaur's the name." Minotaur said swinging his mallet around.

"I'm Shenlong." Shenlong said as he whipped his sword.

"I'm Vixen. Sneaky like the fox I am." Vixen said proudly.

"Impressive. Now we might have more of a chance to survive." Sabine said.

Then Sonic noticed Sabine already walked off and was looking over an old crate. "What's that?"

"Thought I recognized these markings," Sabine said as she flipped and switch and the crate hummed to life. "Say hello to one of my oldest and most explosive friends. Rhydonium."

"This is not what I mean when I say you need more friends." Sonic quipped and crossed his arms. "What's the plan?"

"Well, since we don't know how many of those creatures are in there, we can set up groups of canisters and create explosions that take them out a wave at a time." Sabine explained.

"How do you plan on getting the creatures close enough to the explosives to be effective?" Hera questions.

"We're gonna need bait." Sabine took this into account.

"And I have a bad feeling of what the bait is," Sonic said in worry. "It's us, isn't it?"

"Point for Sonic." Sabine confirmed his worry.

"Well, looks like we're gonna need some luck too." Cat Noir said to his girlfriend.

Ladybug took a small step back - then wound her arm back, and launched her yo-yo straight up.

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her power.

Reaching the end of the cord, the spinning disk hung in the air, blazing red-white light. Swirling flecks of luminescence flashing in every shade from blood-red to snow-white gathered together in the center of the light, coalesced into a single shape, flared-Red and covered with large black dots, a crate dropped into Ladybug's waiting hands. She opens it and finds...

"Fireworks?" Ladybug muttered incredulously.

"I think it's too soon to celebrate our victory." Cat Noir joked.

Ladybug then looks around the area and soon puts a plan together to go along with Sabine's plan.

"I know what to do, but we're gonna need one more Miraculous Holder for this." Ladybug says as she goes into her yo-yo and pulls out a Miraculous.

"Sabine Wren, here is the Miraculous of the Tiger, which grants you the power of Clout. You will use it for the greater good." Ladybug said presenting the Miraculous to the Rebel.

"Wait-what?! You want me to use a Miraculous?" Sabine asked in disbelief.

"In order for the plan to work, I need your help. I know we just met, but if Sonic trusts you... then I trust you." Ladybug said still offering the Miraculous to her.

Sabine smiles as she takes the Miraculous, a purple orbs pops out of the jewel as it floats around her as it takes form, revealing Roarr, the Kwami of Elation.

"RARRROR!!! Let's cause some havoc!" Roarr said.

"Whoa! I guess you're my Kwami, right?" Sabine said.

"Correct! You and I are gonna get along just fine. All you have to is say: Roarr, stripes on!" Roarr explained.

"Roarr, stripes on!" Sabine shouts as she punched up.

"Here you goooooooo!" Roarr said as the Kwami gets sucked into the Miraculous.

Sabine's face changes as she gets golden eyes and has dark fuchsia and light heliotropeish gray tiger ears. Along with getting long, dark grayish heliotrope hair with deep fuchsia highlights tied up in a high ponytail with long bangs. She has dark grayish blue-violet lipstick on her lips, and a deep fuchsia & light magentaish gray mask. From the hand with the Miraculous, she wears a pale, light grayish fuchsia superhero body-jumpsuit with dark cerise tiger like stripes and brilliant crimson marks on it. Her tail was a Bolas as she whipped it on her hips.

"Whoa! Now this is super cool." Sabine said amazed by what just happened.

"Hey Vixen, you're good at making illusions, right?" Sonic asked.

"Obviously." Vixen smiled.

"Well, if anything goes wrong... do you think you can make a Gundark illusion?" Sonic asked.

"Ummm... what's a Gundark?" Vixen asked confused.

"I'll explain it to ya." Sonic said as they get ready.

It took the group some time to set things up, putting all of the crates into a position where they would be useful. Sonic's super speed and strength helped a big part in setting the canisters up quicker. They were done with a few moments to spare before the darkness of the asteroid came over them. When the darkness was starting to come in, they started to notice the creatures starting to come out of the base.

"Wave one coming in!" Hera warned as they ran into position, taking it just a few feet away from the closest bombs to the base.

Minotaur peaked over and took in the dozens of creatures that were coming as wave 1. "Woah, that's a lot."

Hera and Sabine then started to open fire on them and shot the canisters, exploding them and killing the creatures.

"Fall back, Wave two!" Hera shouts.

They then fire again at the canisters as it exploded. The explosion then sent a few of them flying,

"It worked. We just might survive this." Sabine said.

"Wait. You doubted your own plan?" Ladybug asked.

"Never." Sabine replied.

"Good, 'cause I did." Hera said.

"Hey!" Sabine said insulted.

The explosion then sent a few of them flying, but then revealed there were a dozen more of them coming out.

"Come on. They're closing in. Wave three." Hera said as they continued to run away from them.

The creatures continued to pursue them despite of their kind getting blown up.

"Wave four. Incoming!" Hera shouts.

"Oh. Did I mention there are a lot of 'em?" Sabine said.

"Sounds familiar." Shenlong said.

"Fall back." Hera cried as they started to retreat further back.

More creatures emerged from the darkness as they continued to chase the heroes.

"Light it up." Hera said as they fired at the canisters, creating a bigger explosion.

They looked through the fires, and saw more of the creatures coming in angry and aggressive.

"Wave five?" Sonic asks in shock.

"We didn't have a plan for wave five." Hera was sorry to say.

"Phantom?" Sabine gestured to the ship.

"Not inside. Go up." Hera tells them.

Sonic grabbed the both from behind and wrapped his hands around their hips. "Hold on."

They then held their friend as Sonic leaped them into the air and landed on top of the Phantom to give them some room. They kept opening fire and were starting to become surrounded. Then they opened fire again and tried to take them down.

"We're surrounded!" Sabine cried in worry, grabbing one of them and tossing him.

"Tell me something I don't know!" Hera cried as she kept opening fire.

"We're gonna die!" Sabine proclaimed.

"That's no secret!" Hera didn't see that as news.

"Time for you guys to use your powers!" Ladybug shouts as she whips back the creatures as she sets up the fireworks.

"WIND DRAGON!" Shenlong shouts as he uses his power and becomes elusive as the wind.

He began to gather the creatures a whirlwind as he throws the creatures all over. Vixen then uses her flute to create an Illusion to scare the creatures.

"MIRAGE!" Vixen shouts as she creates the illusion of Gundarks.

The "Gundarks" roar at the creatures as it scares some of them back. Minotaur jumps in as he prepares to use his power.

"RESISTANCE!" Minotaur shouts as he becomes invincible as he rams through the creatures without getting wounded.

"CATACLYSM!" Cat Noir shouts as he uses his power of Destruction and hits the roof and causes pieces of it to fall on top of the creatures.

"You're up, Sabine!" Ladybug says as she fires the fireworks at the creatures.

"CLOUT!" Sabine shouts as she jumps up high and slams her fist down against the ground, causing a big explosion, destroying the creatures.

"I think we might survive!" Sonic said as he sees things turning around.

But then they watched as there was sudden interference in a dozen blaster fire and they looked to see sudden lights coming down and scaring the creatures. Except they were expecting to see the Ghost, but then they saw that it was some sort of different ship.

What they saw was a large trapezium-shaped starship with two wings on either side. They were confused about who this was and was confused when the doors then opened and Sonic's senses went off and he realized they weren't friendlies.

"Guys, watch out!" Sonic warned them a little too late.

Sabine was the first to get shot with a stunning setting, causing a blue ring to fly and shoot the Mandalorian down. One by one, each of the young Miraculous Holders were taken down too. Sonic, no idea what it was doing, quickly leaped ahead of Hera and took the shot for her. He and Sabine were rendered unconscious and Hera quickly dropped down to get out of their range of fire and huddled against the ship. She was wondering who these people were, then figured that they picked up on Sonic's signal and came to "help". She sneaked off into the darkness to keep them out of her line of sight to stay safe.

"Where'd the Twi'lek go?" One of them asks as they started to take the unconscious forms of her teammates.

"Who cares? We have the Mandalorian, this kids and the hedgehog. These ones will fetch a high price. You see how they fought?"

Hera was shocked to hear this and was starting to worry about what was going to happen to her teammates. But she couldn't do much as it seemed that they were outnumbered by professionals. She just needed to wait it out and hope the others arrived soon. Then she heard the ship take off and the asteroid left, giving her the light she needed to stay alive. She was able to leave her hiding spot and looked out to see if she could see what direction the ship was headed. But she came short of nothing.

The Ghost however flew into view, and Hera knew she was going to get them back. Even if she needed to scour the universe to get them back.

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