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Here, have some crack-fic

Everything was peaceful in Cody's office. No Waxers and Boils to bother him, and he could finally get that flimsiwork that he procrastinated done.

Until Rex abruptly ran into Cody's office and scared the living daylights out of him.

"Cody, I need you to babysit the 501st for a while." Quickly said Rex. He sounded like he had been running for hours.

"What? Why?" He asked, sounding exasperated.

"No questions! Just do it please," Rex pleaded through his exhausted panting. Cody rubbed the bridge of his nose. So much for getting that flimsiwork done.

"Fine." Sighed Cody, standing up from his chair and neatly stacking the pieces of flimsi that he nearly threw.

Rex was about to leave, looking as if he was going to run again, but stopped briefly "you should probably hurry before Hardcase gets shoved into the washing machine again." And then, Rex was off before Cody could say anything.

Cody wasn't too concerned on where Rex was going, or why he was in a hurry. But the idea of someone getting shoved into a washing machine again definitely warranted his concern. So he ran, out of his office, passed curious shinies and troopers alike, until he reached the 501st laundry room. Everyone in the room froze like eopies in headlights, Hardcase nearly fell over, Jesse just blankly stared at him, and Fives dropped some Tide pods, which exploded once they hit the floor. Cody sighed. This was going to be one helluva babysitting job.

"All of you, out." Cody ordered, and they all moved out of the laundry room and stood guiltless in front of him, awaiting punishment.

He inhaled an annoyed breath. He didn't even know where to begin. "You can't-"

"You can't just go shoving people in washing machines. We know." Finished Fives.

Cody was just at a loss for words.

"And we can do it because I volunteered to enter the washing machine. Willingly." Hardcase added.

Cody facepalmed himself. He was already so done and tired with this. "That still does not justify the fact that no living being should be inside a washing machine!" He was very thankful that he was in charge of the 212th now. "Look, I'm in charge of the 501st until Rex gets back, so can you please act as though Rex were here?"

The four exchanged mischievous looks before looking back at Cody and nodding. Little did Cody know, that he just made things a whole lot worse for himself.

One day later

Rex leaned back in his chair, soaking up the warm sun of Naboo. When General Skywalker suggested that he come with him and Senator Amidala for a little break on Naboo, he initially refused, but the General insisted, saying that he could tell that he needed a break. So, after a long time of convincing, Rex finally gave in. And he was glad he did. Being in charge of the 501st was exhausting after a while.

"Would you like a Margarita?" asked C3-P0, the shiny protocol droid holding a tray of drinks. Rex gratefully accepted the drink and took a sip. He was more of a whiskey person, but Nabooians made really good Margaritas.

Suddenly, his commlink beeped angrily at him, in which he sighed and tried to ignore it. It was when it beeped for the third time he finally picked up.

"Rex! Thank the force you finally picked up!" yelled Cody through the commlink, causing Rex to nearly drop his drink. "I have no clue where you are or what you're doing, but please-" Cody sounded desperate, "come back, I can't take this anymore."

Rex sighed, "Come on, it can't be that bad."

"It is that bad! Hardcase and Fives set the barracks in fire, Tup can't find his hairbrush, Jesse is spraying a water gun at Dogma- HARDCASE, THATS NOT EDIBLE! NO!"

There was a brief silence, except for the sound of a fire in the background. Then Cody returned, "anyways, Appo is doing-"

"So basically my average Taungsday?" Rex asked, interrupting him.

"Average Taungsday?" Cody sounded bewildered.

"Hey, you agreed to babysit them!" Rex accused.

"Rex, help me out here!"

Rex really did not want to go back to the 501st just yet, not while there was still leave time left. He was on vacation and he was going to enjoy it. "Cody, you're on your own for this one, vod."

"No Rex, you can't be serious.."

Rex smirked evilly, "Have fun, Cody!"

Cody made a shocked sound before frantically speaking again, "don't you dare hang up, please don't hang up, I need your hel-"

Rex hung up the comm, setting it back down on "do not disturb" mode, and continued to sip his Margarita.

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