A Cooler Time Travel Fic

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Leave it to dreams and aspirations to pull one out of a self loathing funk. Star Wars time travel fics tend to revolve around Luke saving Anakin in ROTS. Father/son dynamics, happy ending, Anakin never goes dark side. That sorta stuff and we all LOVE it.
But I've never seen a time travel fic which includes... Luke's own son? And even fewer time travel fics take place in Clone Wars arcs.
Here's a new project that I'm actually excited to write!


Luke Skywalker groaned in agony. He had not felt this hung over since Lando and Han threw him a three man bachelor party to make up for the much more... eventful party.
Half his face was buried in grass and dirt. Luke pushed himself onto his side. Light pierced through his lids, making Luke immediately regret this action, but he fought through it anyway and pulled himself into a sitting position. He attempted to reach out to the Force and purge whatever ailed him, but the Force had no effect on the grogginess. Luke did notice however, that his instinctual reach to the Force was more tangible than he had ever experienced. Even Dagobah was immediately put to shame as Luke reached further in. The Force felt almost physical.

A moan not too far from Luke forced him to finally brave the blinding light and open his eyes. He turned to his left, immediately his blurred vision picked up a figure wearing an obnoxious yellow jacket that contrasted sharply against soft green grass. Luke ignored his own pain and abrupt dizziness, crawling over to the prone red haired boy.

"Ben? Ben you okay?" Gently he shook his son.

"Kriffin' hell Dad!" Ben moaned, throwing an arm up to wave Luke away. "What'd we do last night? Drinking games?"

Luke sat back and chuckled in relief. But Ben brought up a good question. What had they done last night?

"I wouldn't be a good dad if I let you play drinking games with me."

Ben scoffed and tried to sit up. Luke laid a hand over his back to support him.

"I'd beat you anyhow. Coward." Ben boasted, still rubbing his eyes and refusing to take on the sunlight.

Luke shook his head and sighed. Content to know his son was no worse than he was, Luke stood to his feet and looked around. They were on a large, lush cliff side. There was a path going along the mountain that rose far above them. And beyond the cliff was of course the rest of the world. It was a beautiful sight, but it was not the beauty that caught Luke's attention. Rather it was the unreal way that there were no sounds of nature. No wind. And rocks were literally hanging mid air across the view. Luke furrowed his brow and turned to Ben who was finally blinking his eyes open.

"Do you remember anything?"

Ben shook his head. "Well, maybe a big white light." He amended. "Last thing I remember was going to bed."

Luke sighed and crossed his arms. "Come on, if we can't find civilization we'll have to make a place to sleep."

Ben had got to his feet and his nose was starting to wrinkle up. "Good Force... don't you feel that?"

"The Force?" Luke asked.

Ben nodded. "It's so... thick." He waved an arm wildly at the air around him.

Luke nodded. "Much stronger than I've ever felt from any planet."

"Are those rocks-"

Luke nodded again. "This isn't a normal place, Ben. I don't know what's going on so hold onto those questions. Stay close won't you?"

Ben sighed, wide blue eyes still staring out at the oddities across the world. "Yea. I think I will."

Luke shook his head and gestured for Ben to follow. If they could find any sort of life on this planet, they might be able to get help.


They had been walking for ages. That's what Ben kept complaining about. And he was hungry. Luke let him rant it out. Ben was like his mother. From her Luke had learned early on to let both his wife and his son scream it all out before he offered comfort or solutions. It was his best tactic as a husband and father.

"Bet I could survive a fall from here." Ben said suddenly.

Luke glanced downward. They had decided to take the trail along the edge of the mountain as it seemed more traveled on than the trail into the sparse forest. "Even with the Force, I doubt it." Luke decided.

"Oh but you could?" Ben egged.

"Yes, I could." Luke said in mocked smugness. He could practically hear Ben's eyes roll.

Suddenly the ground began to shake. Luke and Ben quickly got to their knees and huddled against the cliff wall as the quake continued. Dirt, rocks and even boulders were falling down around them. Then as suddenly as it had started, the quake stopped. Luke frowned and reached behind him, finding Ben's arm.

"You okay?"

Ben had crept closer and Luke felt him nod against his back. "Still starving."

"I know." Luke said with a small laugh. "We should pick up the pace."

They stood up and continued.

As they went on Luke noticed the oddest thing yet about the planet. Ben spoke of it first. "Dad, the greenery." He pointed down at the forest far below. It was no longer green but instead the leaves were turning shades of yellows, oranges and reds.

"I don't know what to make of it." Luke finally admitted, shaking his head at the seasonal change. They kept going. And finally, finally they came into an opening along the cliff. This was not the best part. The best part about the opening was a ship parked right in the center of the clearing. It was an odd ship, but a ship nonetheless.

Ben grinned as he came to Luke's side. "Think they got food?"

Luke shrugged. "I don't see anyone."

"There's no sign of a fight or murder." Ben reasoned. "Maybe they'll be back."

Luke shrugged and sighed as he watched Ben happily approach the abandoned ship. Reluctantly he followed. The ramp was not down and Luke had to watch Ben consider slicing into the ramp with his lightsaber before realizing that was stupid. Luke opted to discover the ship's affiliation, eventually determining it was not Imperial. Which was good, Luke would rather not have to talk down a bunch of scared Imperial loyalists, much less kill them for their ship and supplies. He did not have time to find out exactly where the ship came from. He had circled to the far back, studying the design when the familiar sound of a lightsaber was ignited behind him.

Instead of responding in kind Luke raised his hands. Was it a Jedi? It must be... he could sense no evil coming from where the lightsaber hummed only a few yards away. "We don't mean any harm." Luke began. Slowly he turned his head. Behind him were two beings. One was an orange skinned Togruta with a green lightsaber at the ready. The other was a beared man with a sharp nose, he also carried a lightsaber but had not drawn it. Ben suddenly came around the corner of the ship, his own lightsaber drawn and at the ready.

"Ben." Luke said, keeping his voice soft and even. "It's okay." Ben merely glanced at Luke, his stance did not relax. Luke sighed and looked to the bearded man.

"Who are you two?" The bearded man sounded much more curious than his companion was defensive.

Luke offered a small smile and took a step forward, hands still raised. "I'm Luke, this is Ben. We're Jedi."

The togruta immediately relaxed her stance, prompting Ben to do the same though both were still intensely wary. The bearded man smiled however and waved his friend down. "How did you get here?"

Luke shook his head. "We don't know. How did you get here?"

The beared man sighed. "We have been at a loss since our arrival. I apologize, today has not been going as planned."

The togruta had put her lightsaber away. Ben slowly did the same.

"Ah, and I apologize for my manners." The bearded man continued, shaking his head in apparently disgust at himself. He came forward and offered his hand to Luke. "I am General Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is Commander Ahsoka Tano."

Luke blinked, his hand tensed in the bearded man's grasp. "Kenobi?" He asked carefully, his ears must be deceiving him. But the man only nodded. Luke frowned, looking more closely at the man with smooth skin, bright auburn hair and twinkling blue eyes. It was the eyes and the wise smile that were suddenly so dearly familiar to him. Though brighter and obviously younger... it was Ben Kenobi in the literal flesh once again.

"You look pale, friend." Obi-Wan said with concern.

Luke swallowed and tried to ground himself. "I'm fine. It's just... it's been a long day." Luke released Obi-Wan's hand and sighed. "Do you have anything to drink or- or to eat?"

Obi-Wan offered another kind smile. "I believe we have enough to share with our fellow Jedi."

Luke offered his own faint smiled and bowed his head in gratitude. Ben was looking between Luke and Obi-Wan in wide eyed disbelief. Luke shook his head slightly at the boy before he inhaled shakily as Obi-Wan led the way into the ship. What had the Force done to him this time?

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