The Smack

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A crack oneshot for lovely ol' Star Wars Day!
May the Fourth be with you!


Between the duel, the lightsabers snapping and the pumping adrenaline this scenario provided Darth Vader he was ecstatic. And he was frustrated. The boy was stubborn and had the skills of a seasoned soldier. He was infact a near worthy opponent. Able to withstand Darth Vader's oppressive atmosphere and his equally hardened attacks.

Lightsabers locked, Darth Vader overpowered Luke Skywalker, pushing him down to the metal grate of the gantry.

"You are beaten." Darth Vader threatened. "It is useless to resist. Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did."

The Sith's words of warning however were unheeded by the audacious boy. His sweaty face reddened further with rage. Luke lashed out with the noble blue blade and scrambled to his feet.

The duelists clashed again. Darth Vader swung downward. Luke ducked, side stepped and blindly struck. The lightsaber hit Vader on his neck.

The sensation was infuriating. Only his armor and the boy's flightful desperation had saved his head from leaving his shoulders.

Luke retreated further down the narrow gantry. But Darth Vader did not pursue him this time.

Instead Darth Vader straightened to his full height and deactivated his weapon.

Luke appeared and clearly felt utterly stunned at his actions.

Darth Vader took that moment to stalk right up to his son. All logical thought was absent. With the open palm of his hand, he raised it up and brought it hard across Luke's face.

Now the boy was dumbfounded. Even with his lightsaber still at the ready he seemed paralyzed. Trying and failing to process the newest form of attack.

Finally Luke blinked. "What in the name-"

Abruptly Darth Vader grabbed Luke's arm and smacked the foul mouthed boy's hand. "Do not bring curses and swears into this young one. You are better than that."

Luke gaped at the Sith Lord. Darth Vader was quite literally punishing him as a parent would a child. He opened his mouth again, but this time thought better. "Okay...?"

Darth Vader snorted. "You are in grave trouble young man. A lightsaber is not a toy. You could have taken my head!"

"Isn't that the point?" Luke asked, seeming to have found his voice. "This is a fight right? That's in the memo-"

"You will keep your lightsaber away from my neck! Or I will return the favor promptly." Darth Vader raised a finger, shaking it at the insolent boy.

Luke straightened slightly, staring at the Sith with an extremely perplexed look. "What's in your water supply?"

Darth Vader snorted. "You'll find out soon enough. Now come along, boy." He turned to lead the way back.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Luke objected strongly.

Abruptly Darth Vader turned back around. "As your father you will do whatever it is I demand-"

"My what?" Luke shouted over the rising wind gusts.

"I am your father. You are my son. And this is my lightsaber." Darth Vader drew his weapon again. "Now let's go before I have to pummel sense into you."

If Luke's jaw went any lower it would have unhinged. Promptly Luke deactivated his lightsaber and placed it on his belt.

Darth Vader felt his chest puff up in satisfaction. Finally some sensibility had found it's way into his son.
However that satisfaction began to fizzle as Luke suddenly grabbed the gantry railing.

"Excuse me." The boy said in quite a polite tone of voice. And then before Darth Vader could do anything to stop him Luke threw himself off the edge.

Leaning over the edge Darth Vader screamed after the falling boy. "I'M GOING TO HATE IT IF THAT'S A HABIT OF YOURS!"

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