Dark Side Struggles {Anakin} Part 1

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I love this pic so much you have no idea
There's a few POV changes but I hope they're worth it

Y/N and I were waiting for Obi-Wan to give us our mission, we always worked together, everyone knew we were in some kind of relationship, some were against it, saying that it was against the Jedi code, we knew it was, we just didn't care, others were really supportive, like Obi-wan, I wouldn't like it if he wasn't, he was like a brother to me, he was always there when I needed him, I knew that we would never betray each other.

Obi-Wan walked through the door and Y/N and I stood up "okay guys, here's what you have to do, something is happening in Tatooine," I tensed "we need you to go there and take care of it" I frowned as Y/N nodded.

"But, Master, how are we supposed to stop it if we have no clue of what it is?" I asked confused "I mean, you're telling us to take care of something but we don't know if we'll be able to" I rambled, I hated rambling but it happened sometimes

"Ani, don't worry babe, we will, you're the best Jedi I've ever met, besides, I'll be there" Y/N assured as a blush coated my cheeks, we'd been together for 6 months and I still blushed when she called me babe, crazy, right?

"Yeah, don't worry, you will be fine" Obi-Wan encouraged, I sheepishly nodded "I trust you... as long as you don't join the dark side" he joked and we laughed along

After a long time of packing, I walked to Y/N's flat, it was quite big, bigger than mine, it was great to spend time there, I knocked the door "Y/N?" I asked quietly, after a bit, she opened the door, a smile formed on both of our faces when seeing each other, I pecked her lips and she smiled wider "read to go?" she sighed and nodded but I could feel something worried her "what's wrong?" she shook her head, wanting me to drop the subject, but I couldn't stand seeing her like this "please Y/N, tell me, what's worrying you?" I looked at her with puppy eyes, I knew she would tell me now, she could never say no to my puppy eyes, she sighed and I waited patiently for her answer

"I just- I feel like you're leaving me in this mission, I feel like something's gonna happen and you'll leave my side" she explained, I tittled my head to the side in utter confusion, me? Leaving her? That wasn't going to happen, not in this mission, nor ever

"Awe, Y/N, I will never leave you, why would I? All I want is you to be safe and happy" I said hugging her tightly

At that moment Obi-Wan walked behind me "the ship is ready, good luck in Tatooine and may the force be with you" he smiled, we pulled back and left hand in hand


In the journey to Anakin's home planet, I couldn't stop thinking about him leaving, he asked 'why would I leave you?' little did he know that I had a pretty clear idea, I obviously didn't like it one bit, but I couldn't get him to worry, it was hard enough going back there. I walked to the room where he was sitting, a frown on his face, looking through the window "Anakin, are you alright?" I got concerned when he didn't reply "Ani?" I kneeled in front of him

He looked at me and almost inaudibly said "why all I feel is fear and pain?" he sounded like a scared child, so vulnerable and small, he glanced at the floor and back at me, his eyes shiny and teary "I'm so confused right now, I feel scared but also ambitious, I want more, it's wrong, I know, but I can't help it" I knew he was worried for this, I looked at him dead in the eye and before I could say anything, he interrupted me "we're not telling anyone, not even Obi-Wan, I know what you're thinking, if we do that he'll tell the Jedi Council and they'll start saying stuff like 'be careful with the Dark Side' and 'I sense hate and anger in you' I'm not ready to go through that again" he stated, he did have a point, he almost turned once, we had to stop him and we did

"Okay, we're not, just... Never mind" he looked at me suspiciously, I knew what to do in these kind of situations to make him feel better, I grinned and he immediately smiled, he covered his face with his hands as he blushed "I want to see you blushing Ani" I giggled as he put his hands down, I smiled and got up, shocked when feeling his hand around my wrist, he pulled and I fell on his lap "you idiot!" I squealed, he laughed and when I looked in his eyes, I knew I was happy

We landed and neither of us could recognize the place, everything was destroyed, I looked at Anakin, he looked at everything coldly, almost emotionless, why was he having no reaction? He lived here. We walked for a bit before I heard him yell "Y/N, careful!" I looked up and saw droids on a roof, we got our lightsabers and they started shooting, one of them disarmed me, I shut my eyes, waiting to get shot, but nothing came, I opened them again and saw Anakin standing on the roof, he had destroyed all the droids himself "surprised?" He teased, I chuckled and he jumped back down. Wow, I can't believe how much I love him, it's pretty much unconditional "let's get going, I want to see what's happening in this planet" he said, he took my hand and we ran, I didn't know where we were heading to, but Ani looked pretty sure so he most likely knew

We arrived to a strange looking building, it looked pretty suspicious so we ignited our lightsabers and cautiously walked inside "let's go different ways, we might find something faster" I said, Anakin agreed and left after kissing my nose, ugh, I love it when he does that

I walked through a few corridors and walked inside a few rooms, but nothing was out of place, everything looked pretty normal, at least to me

Anakin's POV

I didn't know why I took Y/N here, but I felt like I had to be here for some reason. Everything slightly familiar so maybe I came here as a kid

I kept walking for a while until I heard something at the other side of a door, I hesitated, the fear was way stronger now, I had never felt like that  before, I silently opened the door and was greeted by Chancellor Palpatine wearing a dark cloak with the hood covering most of his face, no one else was in the room "ah, Anakin, what brings you here?" I frowned "have you changed your mind about the Jedi?" He asked, there was no way what I feared most would get me now, right?

"Changed my mind about what?" I questioned innocently, I honestly had no idea of what he meant

"They don't trust you, that's why they sent you here, they want to know if they can trust you when it comes to fighting the dark side of the Force" I looked down, I knew what he was trying but I wasn't going to give in, I was a Jedi, there was no way he'd get inside my head, I wasn't planning on becoming a Sith

"You won't get me to do anything, nothing can change my mind, I'm happy being a Jedi, I-" I started but the man cut me

"Happy? Come on Skywalker, I can sense your fear, anger and hate, you're not happy, happiness doesn't exist, when you think you're it's because you're with Y/N but you are  still scared, and when you're not with her you feel angry and you're full of hate, just like now" be said, I shut my eyes, knowing he was right, I didn't want to feel those emotions, 85% of what I felt was negative, I didn't know how to control my emotions lately, I couldn't "follow your destiny Anakin, you're meant to join me"

I scoffed "like that's gonna happen, nothing will make me betray the Jedi" I said trying not to lose my temper

"So nothing? Right, how about Y/N? I know she's here, I won't think twice if I have to get her involved" I felt the hate and anger burning in my veins, I really  wanted to kill him, I ignited my lightsaber and he laughed "come on, kill me, I know you want to, the more time passes, the easier it gets to get you" my eyes widened, he wanted this, this was his way to get me to join the Dark Side, I dropped my lightsaber on the floor and sighed, he was right, he always was, it was meant to be like that, I was meant to be a Sith. I dropped to my knees and he smirked "good, you're doing what you must"

At that exact moment I heard a scream, I looked back and pushed the man standing in front of me so it was easier to escape, I grabbed my lightsaber and ran "Y/N!" I called. No answer, I called her a few more times, I was starting to panic when I heard a faint voice from down the corridor, something was wrong, I knew it

"Ani, help me" I heard her say. No. This wasn't happening, I had dreamt this many times but this  wasn't going to end the same way. I ran towards the voice and there she was, laying on the floor, bleeding. I picked her up and ran to the ship, I asked C-3PO to take her inside, the droid bad gotten used to flying

When the ship was nowhere to be seen, I heard a voice behind me, I wanted to use my lightsaber but decided against it "so cute how you care about her, but they can't save her from dying, only I can" Darth Sidious said. I rolled my eyes, why wouldn't he just give up? "Let's continue from where we left it, shall we?" At this point, I knew this was going to happen, I wasn't going to fight back anymore, I had been doing that for a while and I was just tired

I dropped to my knees once again "I pledge myself..." Was I really doing this? Was it the right choice? Could he save Y/N from dying? There was no turning back now... Literally "to your teachings, I'll do anything you ask..." I was really losing it, joining the dark side to save Y/N not even knowing if if would work, that's low Anakin, well, goodbye Obi-Wan, "Master" something felt different, I felt right, I felt like this really was my destiny

"You shall be known as Darth Vader" my master said "now, I want you to go to Mustafar, there's a job for you there"

I stood up and bowed "Yes Master"

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