Piece Of Junk {Han}

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His hazel eyes locked with mine, his smirk still there, his hand still holding mine, he leaned in and kissed me for the first time that night, he always loved making out but he was acting weird that day, he had gone out with Luke and Leia that day and when he came back he wasn't the same, let's just say that he wasn't controlling the ship

"Han, is something wrong?" I asked for the thousandth time in the last couple of hours, he just smiled at me and shook his head, I knew he was lying, his eyes betrayed him, it was obvious he was hiding something, but what? "You don't have to lie to me, please tell me what's bothering you, I am here for you" and again, he just smiled and walked to the control room

I stood there, alone, he just walked off and left me there, what was wrong with him? "Han Solo! Get your ass back here right now!" I yelled, he turned to me, wide eyed, where did that come from?

"What? Why?" He asked in confusion "what have I done?"

"Look, don't turn your back on me when I am talking to you" I demanded

"You weren't-"

"Tell me what's bothering you, I'm tired of your secrets, this is just too much, if you don't start being honest with me, we are done" I threatened, his eyes widened, he looked at me and made me sit

"Wait a second" and with that, he left again, I rolled my eyes, why was he like this? After a few seconds he came back, hands behind his back and his entire body slightly trembling "what is it?"

"Just listen, please" he begged "I can't believe I'm doing this" he mumbled afterwards "look Y/N, you know I'm terrible at emotional stuff, so please just know that I'm trying my best" I smiled, still wondering what was going on, he'd been like this before but it usually was because he had a fight with Luke, he never fought with Leia, that was my thing "uh, I'm just going to start saying what everyone else says" I chuckled, he was so fucking adorable "when I first met you, on the Death Star, I didn't think I'd become a fool for love, I just saw you as another girl, but when I got to know you, I realized that being like that maybe wasn't that bad, I remember when Luke used to flirt with you, and you thought I was jealous because I liked him..." I laughed at the memory, I always liked the thought of Han and Luke being in a relationship "I remember those days on Naboo, you would stay up and lay on the grass to look at the stars for hours and I would just lay next to you to feel the way I still do right now, in love. Before you came into my life, I was just a smuggler, but now that you're here, I am a completely different person, I am caring... at least for you, and I know what true love feels like..." right then, it hit me, he was proposing, he was fucking proposing to me, fuck! I didn't see that coming, how could I be so stupid? All I did was try not to cry "I love you Y/N, and I don't know what my future will be like, all I know is that I want you to be there, no, I need you to be there, so..." he got on one knee and got a small blue velvet box out "Y/N Y/L/N, will you make my only wish come true and marry me?" I tried to stay calm as if I was hesitating, but I just saw his puppy eyes and jumped to his neck, kissing him passionately, we pulled back and he smiled "is that a yes?" I bit my lip and nodded, not being able to get any words out of my mouth, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he spun me around

"I love you so much Han" I said before kissing him again, at that exact moment, Luke and Leia walked on the ship "I still think this is a piece of junk"

Han laughed and looked at Luke and Leia, who were standing behind him "well, it's our piece of junk" the twins cheered and we continued our journey after having the biggest celebration I'd ever seen

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