Anytime, Jedi. (Anakin Request)

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This is a padawan Anakin request. Also Rated R scenes ahead.


You looked up from your hands, as you were playing with a necklace one of your best friends had made for your when you were little. You sat up from your bed, turning around to face who had called you, your gown swiftly swaying with your movements.

You saw who it was, as it was one of your handmaidens, Lana, was her name.

"Yes, Lana?" you asked, fixing your posture, all the meanwhile placing your beaded necklace down on the nightstand next to your bed. You turned back around, smoothing out your golden gown that you were to wear, only because you were a princess. Honestly the dresses that you had to wear were beautiful, but you hated it most of the time. The only time you didn't mind wearing a gown was when you were sleeping, in your nightgown.

"Mi'lady, " Lana bowed, and you dipped your head in return. "The Jedi are here. "

You sighed, rolling your eyes as you remembered your father ordering the Jedi to come to your world to protect you, as there had been threats about bounty hunters coming to kill you. This, was nothing new. Of course there had been threats before, but nobody actually acted upon them, so that's why you had been so passive about them. Nothing really happened where you lived, except politics and cooking channels on the Holonet. And better yet, the Jedi were probably old, and prideful, as you wanted something exciting to happen, and adding another old Jedi to the mix wasn't going to make things better.

"Bring them in, " you sighed, ready to be disappointed again.

Lana bowed, turning around to push the button that opened the door. The door slide open, and to your surprise, you saw two young Jedi standing at the door, with handsome smiles.

Instantly, your face lit up with excitement, as there was someone you could talk to and not get bored to death, as you saw a younger one, a teenager even. He was very handsome indeed. To the teenager's right, there was an older man, probably his master who had longer hair which was a blondish auburn, and a beard. The younger one had spiky hair dirty blonde hair and dark robes. He had piercing blue eyes, and a rather lavish smile.

"Hello!" you chirped, holding your hand out for them to shake, but the younger one grabbed it and kissed it in greeting. "Oh, " you giggled, leaving a smile on his face as he pulled away. The older one followed suit.

"Hello, " the older one responded, dipping his head, along with the younger one as well. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. We're here to protect you I believe. " He showed his hand to Anakin, introducing himself, leaving Anakin to wave.

You smiled, nodding. "Yes, I'm Princess (Y/N) (L/N), and unfortunately there have been bounty hunter threats near me, and my father has gone overprotective and decided to order Jedi to protect me instead of his own guards, but the more the merrier I suppose. "

Obi-Wan chuckled, nodding his head. "Ah yes. Well, I suppose the more protection the better. "

You nodded, walking towards the Jedi, and eventually out of the room. "I'm sorry you got called all the way out here just for some protection job, I'm sure you have better things to do," you said, starting to slowly walk down the hall, with the Jedi walking by your side.

As you walked, your heels clicked against the marble flooring, and you could hear your dress dragging behind.

"It's fine, that's what we're here for mi'lady, " Anakin says, his voice being very calm and welcoming. "We're here to protect, and maintain peace, and that's what we're doing for you."

You smiled. The Jedi always had a way with words. "Thank you, I appreciate it. Although, I'm afraid you won't find what you're searching for here, " you sighed, clasping your hands together.

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, looking at Anakin, as Anakin shrugged. "What do you mean, mistress?"

"Well, " you sighed again. "Every time someone says there are threats of bounty hunters coming to assassinate me, it's always false, and Jedi always leave rather grumpy... And I'm afraid you're waisting your time, " you simply put, not afraid to be rather blunt.

Obi-Wan's face turned into shock, turning to his padawan, then looking back at you. "Well, I'm sorry those Jedi had been rude, but if that's the case, we'll leave happy that you were safe, and did not end up getting attacked, right Anakin?"

Anakin chuckled, nodding. "Right, master. "

You smiled, spinning around, your dress flowing behind you. "Well thank you, I appreciate that. Now if you excuse me, I will return to my quarters, and I suppose I'll see you two at dinner?"

Anakin bowed his head, smirking. "Yes ma'am. "

You raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to why he had done so, but you just smiled it off, and walked to your bedroom.

It was later, and you had changed into a smaller and more sleek dinner gown, which was a maroon burgundy red. The fabric was sleek and it flowed at the bottom. The dress had a cutout for your legs, and had small cutouts on your back. Again, you hated wearing dresses, but it was required. Then your handmaidens slipped on some black heels, and gave you some small dangly diamond earrings to put on to your ears.

You stood up from your vanity, thanking your handmaidens, then walking to the dinner table where your father and other politicians sat.

"Thank you for joining us, Jedi. (Y/N) and the rest of us appreciate it, " my father said, thanking him while taking his napkin up to his chin, and wiping something away.

"It's no issue, thank you for having us," Anakin replied, smiling at the king, then turning his head to smile at me.

You blushed, as you felt Anakin's eyes on you. He was such a gentleman, and so polite. Plus he was very good looking, and you couldn't help but catch glances of him too.

"You know, I-" my father was about to say something, until the glass windows behind us were shattered, with three bounty hunters ramming through the glass, sending shards everywhere.

Unsure of what to do, you yelled and got up and immediately started running. The two Jedi nodded to one another, and pulled out their lightsabers, ready to face the bounty hunters.

"After her!" one of them screeched. You could only guess they were talking about you, so you ran faster to your quarters, as you were unsure of where else to go.

"I'll go get the princess, you hold them off!" Yelled Anakin. You could hear his boots catching up to you.

Suddenly you took a sharp turn to your left, slamming your hand on the button to open your door. The door lifted, but just as it had done so, you heard a loud thud, and you turned your head to see what happened. Anakin had killed one of the bounty hunters, as their body had hit the floor. You gasped, your hands covering your mouth as you realized that someone was dead.

"Princess! Get into your room, you'll be safe there," he commands. "I'll go help Obi-Wan!"

You nodded, and went into your room to hide, and get dressed into more comfortable clothing.

It was a few hours later, and you sat in your bed, reading, as the Jedi had captured the bounty hunters, and Obi-Wan had taken the remaining two to Coruscant for interrogation, while Anakin had stayed to protect you.

You were just about to turn the page in the book, when you suddenly heard a knock on your door, the metallic sound clanging. You raised an eyebrow and bookmarked your spot, setting it aside on your nightstand. You threw off your blankets, standing up and letting your nightgown slink with you as you stepped to the door. You opened it, revealing the young Jedi, Anakin.

"Yes?" you asked, crossing your arms. What could he possibly want at this hour?

"I was just wondering, if I could stay in your room? If more bounty hunters attack, I believe they would come to your room tonight, instead of coming straight into the castle, " he suggested, placing his hands behind his back..

You nodded, gesturing that he should come in. He nodded back, and stepped inside your room.

You sighed, making your way back to your bed, and laying down on it, opening your book again. You glanced up at Anakin, as he stood in front of your window, looking at the night sky, with his hands clasped behind his back, and his legs spread apart in a stance.

You examined him, wondering why he always stood like that. Ever since he arrived, he always had his hands behind his back, and his feet separated.

"Are you going to stand like that all night, Anakin?" you asked, chuckling.

He turned around his confusion, then chuckled, his head falling in embarrassment. "No, sorry miss. I'll sit down if you want me to, " he chuckles, going to sit down in the chair that sat next to the window.

You stopped him before he could. "Come sit here, " you patted a spot next to you, asking for him to sit down.

He nodded and made his way over to you, sitting down where you asked him to sit.

"So, " you started, crossing your legs criss-cross on the bed, facing Anakin. "What's it like to be a Jedi?" you asked, placing your cheek on your hand to rest there.

He chuckled, shrugging. "It's great, sometimes. "


"Yeah... I like traveling, and training with Obi-Wan, but sometimes I miss my mother, and my friends back on Tatooine. Plus you can't do certain stuff, like use certain powers, or even love, or have attachments. "

Your heart melted. "You're not allowed to love?"

"Well, Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say, that we are encouraged to love," he says, his blue eyes looking at you, studying your body. His eyes trailed up your figure, then landing and locking into your eyes.

Your heart started to beat faster, as you realized you were falling for him. How could this be?

"Wow, " you breathed in awe, as you stared at the handsome Jedi in front of you. He was good looking and intelligent, which was rare to find in men these days.

"You are so... Beautiful, " he sighed, which made you blush. Suddenly, as if he realized that he said that out loud, he looked startled, and shifted, and got out of the bed.

"I-I'm sorry, " he apologizes, grabbing his cloak off of the coat rack, and making his way over to the door.

Quickly you scrambled up out of your bed, rushing over to him. "Wait!" you said, grabbing his hand and spinning him around to face you. "Wait. "

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

You shook your head, grabbing his other hand and intertwined your fingers with his.

"Hey, it's okay, really," you assured him, flashing him a flirty smile.

"Are you sure mi'lady?"

"Yes I'm sure. "

You look down at the ground, then looked over at your hands, as they held on to one another, until you realized Anakin had unclasped one hand, slowly bringing it up and lifting your chin up.

"May I kiss you?" he asks, his eyes staring into yours.

"What?" you asked, baffled.

"May I kiss you?" he repeated, flashing a grin.

"I uh-" you weren't sure how to respond, as the Jedi had just asked if he could kiss you.

He chuckles, raising an eyebrow. "I'll take that as a yes, " he mutters, as his lips drew closer to yours, then locking with you. Well you certainly couldn't say no to him.

Slowly, Anakin's hands moved up your arms, then cupping your face with his hands. Meanwhile, your hands pressed up against his chest, grabbing at the thick leather of his armor. Your lips moved in sync, all the while his tongue explored your mouth, wanting to see what this "princess" was more about.

His hands traveled down to your waist, and leading you over to the bed, then slowly laying you down on it, while his lips were still locked with yours. Your brought your hands down to his leather armor, sliding it off and tossing it to the floor.

Anakin's hands slid down your arms, then back up, trying to make you comfortable as possible. He pulled away from the kiss, only to slip off his top portion of his robes off, leaving only his pants.

You gasped quietly, taking in his image, his body was well sculpted. You were so surprised for his age, for he could be nineteen or twenty, at how well built he already was. Instantly your hands started to wander his chest, still in awe at how handsome he was.

"What?" he chuckled, lowering himself back on to you, connecting his lips to yours.

"You're... Just so... Good looking, " you said in between kisses.

He chuckled into the kiss, sending a shiver down your spine. "Thanks, " he muttered, his kisses starting to trail down your body.

You just nodded in response, but then moaned as he left a hickey on your neck. Soon enough, he reached your gown, his hands traveling to the bottom of it, then lifting it over your head, and tossing the silk dress to the side.

His eyes wandered your body, his breath hitching, as he saw how beautiful you were.

"Wow, " he breathed. Your hands slid up Anakin's back, and wrapped around his neck, allowing him full access of your body.

As soon as he could, he attacked his lips to your body, making sure he left his mark on you before the Jedi would leave. His hands worked on your breasts, while you weaved your fingers through his short hair.

Your bodies pressed up against one another, all hot and sticky from the sweat that dripped from each other. Anakin's hands moved down your body, along with the rest of him, inching closer and closer to your heat. He stopped when he reached the hem of your underwear, taking his hands and slowly sliding them off and throwing them aside with the rest of the clothes.

He looked at you, seeing that you were already wet made him chuckle. "How long have you been like this, Princess?"

You laughed as he called you princess, but even as many people called you that, when he did it drove you bonkers. "Ever since you arrived, " you joked, raising yourself up on your elbows so you could see him.

"Oh really?" he chuckled, spreading your legs further apart.

You nodded, biting your lip in agony as you waited for Anakin to do what he was going to do.

He chuckled once again, smirking at how desperate you were for him. He dove in, licking your clit to please you, tasting you and pleasing you.

You moaned, falling off of your elbows and back on to the mattress, your back twisting in the pleasure that was thrown upon you. You grabbed the sheets for support, your eyes rolling back as you felt his tongue explore the cavern that lied below.

"Hey careful, " he muttered looking up at you. "We don't want them to hear us. "

You threw your head back, as he attacked you with his tongue again, licking all of your juices out. "Oh please... " you gasped, gripping the sheets even tighter. "These walls are sound proof."

He raised an eyebrow, wondering as to why they were. But he just shrugged, and said deeply, "I guess just make all the noise you want. "

You chuckled, then groaned again, as his talented tongue explored you inside out. For awhile he continued to eat you out, sometimes his tongue even penetrating you, which made you double over in moaning.

Eventually, you got up on your elbows again, watching him eat out your sex. You took your fingers and started playing with his hair, making circles on his head. Before finishing you off, he gave you a few more flicks with his tongue, then pulling away, leaving you desperate and throbbing.

He sat up on his knees, giving you a full view of his body. Your eyes searched him, looking at him from up to down, then landing on his waist as you saw his big bulge pressing up against the brown fabric of his pants.

You bit your lip, wondering how much he would fill you up. "How long have you been like that?" you chuckled, twirling a strand of your hair playfully.

He looked down, realizing what had happened, he blushed, then scratched the back of his neck in nervousness. "I uh... Ever since I saw you in that dress at dinner, " he admitted, still sitting on his knees. He started to pull off his pants, with you watching, your eyes grew bigger as he continued to strip down in front of you, revealing his big length in front of you.

He lowered himself down on to you, lining himself up with your sex.

"You ready?" he asks, kind of breathless.

You nod, biting your lip as you braced for impact. In a quick moment, he slammed into you, bucking his hips in a rhythm, sliding in and out of you.

You moaned wildly, as he was just do good at what he was doing. You wondered if he had done this before.

He started kissing you again, your kisses very sloppy, as he couldn't stop moaning and neither could you. You wrapped your arms around him, your nails digging into his skin and releasing every time he thrusted.

Finally, after much grunting and moaning, his pace started becoming sloppy, indicating that he was close to finishing.

"(Y/N)," he moaned, "I-I'm close," he warns.

You nod, as you were too, your toes curled up and your fists balled up in the bed sheets. You released before him, the warm liquid ejecting from your body, making your eyes roll back and then your toes returning back to their normal position and your hands letting go of the bed sheets. Anakin had finished after you, pulling out, and flopping on the bed beside you.

You both were left breathless, both staring at the ceiling in awe of what just happened.

"Thanks for that, "Anakin mumbled, taking your hand and kissing it, just like he did before when he arrived.

You smirked, nodding. "Anytime, Jedi," you replied, looking at his abdomen. You took in all of his glory, the aftermath sweating, his golden skin glistening from the sweat.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at your eyes, then realized you were looking at his chest. He chuckled, throwing his head back on to a pillow. "I guess I'll have to come out here more often then, " he sarcastically adds, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Hmm, maybe. " you smiled, staring back into his eyes. You laid on your back, your head tilted towards him, offering him the best charismatic smile you could conjure up.

He turned over on his stomach letting go of your hand, then propped himself up on his elbows, his face hovering over yours. He slowly brought up his hand, taking a strand of hair that laid in your face and tucking it behind your ear. He leaned down again, giving you a final kiss, before leading into a deep sleep.

Sorry that imagine was so long lmao. I hope you liked it, Starwarprequelfan! Also I won't be taking anymore "regular requests" until further notice. I'll finish up a few people's requests, then I'll start the prompts.

Also school starts for me tomorrow so I won't be as active. :/

But make sure to request on the prompts! Ily all 💕💕 and should I do a face reveal? lmao

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