How You Met Him (Finn)

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I am now doing Hux, so if you have any requests, comment on the request page!

"Not enough parts! Come back when you have them, you filthy scavenger," scolded a local market seller.

"I'm not filthy, " I mumbled, scraping away all the parts I brought to him to build my ship.

"What was that? " he snapped, jerking his head toward me.

I scrambled up on my feet, and stuffed my small ship parts into my backpack. "Nothing!" I assured him, turning my back away from him.

Suddenly, I was being pulled by my collar on the back of my shirt, almost choking me. The person yanked me towards him, and flipped me around, holding onto my shirt collar.

"Don't you turn your back on me when I'm talking to you, you low life scum. I wasn't finished with you yet," he growled, tightening his grip on my collar.

I looked around the market on Jakku, to see if anyone had seen what this man was doing.

I scrambled for words to help me get put of this situation. "I'll g-get the parts to you by t-tomorrow. I won't be late! I promise!"

He spat onto the desert floor. "Like that'll happen. You need sixteen more parts, and they're very hard to get. Most of them are on the black market, selling them by hundreds of credits. I doubt you'll find them in time. "

My eyes widened as a brilliant idea appeared in my mind. "I'll work for you. "


"Yeah, you know, work around, clean up a few-"

He interrupted me, shaking my by my collar again. "I know what you mean you slime! But may I ask why you want to work for me? "

"Maybe I could earn the parts or the credits from you-"

He laughed, throwing me onto the ground. "May as well give up. I see no point in dealing with any business with you. Scavengers are a low life scum-"

Out of no where, I got the courage to stand up, and I quickly threw a punch into the local's face, almost breaking his jaw bone.

He fell backwards, and held onto his cheek, where I hit him. "You have a lot of courage to do that, from a low life like you, for a people of high class like me. Maybe I should call the First Order on you. I have contacts with Kylo-Ren and General Hux to see if there's a problem-"

Suddenly, a tall guy came up from behind me and pulled the local up from his collar.

"What problem is there? I'm sure the First Order doesn't need to get involved in all of this," he paused, looking at the local dead in the eyes. "Or I can just handle you myself if there's a problem."

The local looked at the mysterious guy into his eyes. "No problem, " he wheezed, looking for air. "There's no problem at all. No need. "

The mysterious guy smiled. "Good. Now, if you leave this fine lady alone, then I'll let you go. "

The local nodded, obviously desperate for air.

The guy let the local go, and turning to look at me, with the locks scurrying off. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, observing him. "I'm fine, thanks. Although I can take care of my own skin. "

He had dark skin, brown eyes along with his hair, and he had a light brown jacket and black clothes. He surely didn't look like he belonged here... But he seemed certainly mysterious.

He chuckled, placing his large hands on his hips. "It looked like you needed help so I came to the aid. "

I shrugged tucking a bang behind my ear. "Well, thanks I guess," I paused searching for more words. "What's your name? "

He seemed at a loss for words at the moment. "FN- I mean, Finn. My name is Finn. "

I nodded, amusingly crossing my arms. "My name is (Y/N). Glad you meet you... Finn. "

"I'm glad to have met you as well."

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