How You Met Him (Hux)

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"I thought I told you to go on a patrol on Jakku!" scolded Captain Phasma.

I flinched from her yelling, nodding my head. "Y-you did. But then Sir Kylo-Ren told me to stay here on Base. "

She crossed her arms. "What's your trooper number, soldier?"

I gulped and held onto my blaster I was given. "FN-3149."

She grabbed onto my arm, and pulled me towards Kylo-Ren's computer room where he usually stayed.

"Lord Ren! I have a trooper here that thinks she knows how to follow orders. She's a problem," Phasma declared.

I heard the slow pace of Kylo-Ren come over to where I stood. "What's the problem here, Phasma? "

"She thinks you told her to stay here on Base even through I have her strict orders to go to Jakku and be on a patrol for that droid."

Kylo looked at me, but under that mask I could feel his cold eyes staring deep into mine. "I didn't know this Phasma. Take her to Jakku. Hux is about to leave with a ship there to search for that droid. And that traitor, FN-2187."

Phasma nodded. "Yes sir. Come along FN-3149. "

I hesitantly nodded, walking along Captain Phasma's side.

"Next time, just do what I tell you, and don't mention anything about orders from anyone else, and we won't run into any trouble with Kylo-Ren," she whispered, walking down the halls of Star Killer Base.

"Yes ma'am. "

We silently walked along, not bothering to talk to each other, until we reached the main hangar, where Hux's ship was waiting.

"Your ship is to the far left, FN-3149," she spat, shoving me over to it.

Oh how I hated working for the First Order. But she would probably kill me if I said something along those lines.

Under this helmet, I was breaking into a cold sweat. I was scared of my bosses. When I was a child, they swept me up from my house, murdered my parents, burned my home down, and they put me in the First Order to brainwash me. They even took my brother and put him in the Order.

Finally, I arrived in the ship, searching for where the other troopers were staying.

"Turn around, " said an unfamiliar voice. I blinked, thinking if I should follow their orders. They were probably on a higher rank than me, so I did so anyway.

Once I turned around, a very, very very, handsome guy was standing in front of me. He had red, ginger hair, hazel eyes, and a black suit.

He went in circles around me, looking at me up and down, sizing me up.

"Take your helmet off, " he simply said.

I did as he told, removing my helmet letting my hair fall out.

Hux's scowl, turned into a slight smile, his eyes turned from a cold and harsh hazel to a warm caring one.

"What's your number? " he asked. He stood still, not circling me anymore.

"FN-3149," I said softly.

He nodded. "You seem like a nice specimen. I'm General Hux, as you should know. It's nice to meet you. "

I simply nodded. "Of course, General. "

He smiled. "Just call me Hux. "

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