That Spark (Kylo Request)

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"Kylo-Ren," said your big brother, Hux. Today was the day. You were going to be enlisted into the First Order, along the side of Hux. He wanted you to be his right hand man... Er, woman. "I want you to meet my little sister, (Y/N). She will be staying with me, and will be my right hand man, helping me with everything. I want you to show her around today, because I have other things to attend to. "

You removed your attention from your big brother to look at the dark tall figure in front of you. Honestly you heard some pretty dark things about Kylo from Hux and Captain Phasma, but you've never gotten the chance to meet him face to face. Slowly, Kylo turned around to face you and Hux. Even if you weren't a Jedi or a force wielder, you could sense the darkness radiating off of him. He was confused, angry, and sad, like all the dark masters of the Force were. Well, from what at least you heard. Nobody ever really talked about the Force that much, or Jedi.

Kylo-Ren was exactly like you imagined: dark, mysterious, strong, and from what you could tell, determined. He dressed in all black, and had a hood over his mask that covered his identity.

"Leave us, " He instructed sternly. Immediately you were surprised and taken back by the sound of Kylo's voice. It was deep, and distorted, probably from the mask. Hux nodded, bowing then he showed himself out.

"Well, follow me," he said blatantly.

I raised an eyebrow at him wondering if we were going to talk and have a conversation, or we were just going to walk in silence.

"We can talk, " he said, as if he read your mind.

"Uh.. Did you just read my mind?" you asked.

"Yes, I did, " he chuckled. "You also have a very... Funny mind. "

"oh yeah, what was I thinking?" you challenged him, crossing your arms.

"You were also thinking about what I looked like under the mask, and how good I am under the sheets, " he remarked, laughing.

You stared at him in shock. "I did not think that second part! " you laughed. So this master of darkness was humorous after all.

"Aha, but you are thinking of it now, now that I put it in your head, " Kylo laughed, turning to me. "Although, I can show you what I look like under this mask. "

You stepped back, as he brought his hands to his hood, throwing it off. He then brought his hands back down to his mask, lifting it off as many sounds started to clank and churn together with gears to make the mask lift off. Underneath the darkness, there lied a handsome man, with long dark wavy hair, and beautiful big light brown eyes, and on his right side of his face lies a long scar. He was very good looking.

"Well this is the face, " he sighed, running a finger through his long hair.

You chuckled. "Yeah I guess it is, Kylo-Ren," you said very awkwardly, still unsure of what to call him.

He nodded. "You can just call me Kylo if you want."

You smiled, knowing this tour wouldn't be so bad after all.
*A Few Years Later*

"Get off of your butt (Y/N), your training is still incomplete, " Kylo instructed.

Currently you were in the training room, going over fighting moves and techniques. Honestly you didn't want to do it, but Kylo wouldn't stop bugging you until you agreed.

For several years now, you and Kylo had been best friends, you were destined from the moment you took that tour, there was something that just clicked between you two. Your brother Hux warned you not to get into any romance with him solemnly because he thought it was going to disrupt the feel of the work area, but you hadn't cared.

Kylo wasn't some disruptive, murderous animal like people had described, but he was soft and kind, and sad... Well, at least he didn't act murderous around you.

You eventually stopped thinking about your friendship with Kylo, and you got off of your butt, standing back on your feet, ready to get your butt kicked again once more.

"(Y/N), I want you to look at me when I talk to you, okay? Stop staring off into the distance I'm trying to help you here, " Kylo sternly put, brushing off his pants.

You groaned, getting tired of training and it's only been twenty minutes. "Kylo I didn't sign up for this! I won't ever be out on the front lines like you, I work with Hux, I'm his right hand man! I'm-I'm his secretary! All I do for him is make calls, tell people to report to 'General Hux' and I fetch things for him and I make sure everything is in order! There is absolutely no point for me to do this, " you huffed, crossing your arms and staring down Kylo.

At that moment, his excited face turned into sadness, and his shoulders slumped. Oh no, you thought. You just made him sad. His head slowly tilted toward the ground, and his eyes hung there.

"Kylo I-" you started to apologize until he started to walk off. His feet dragged all the way over to the resting bench where he sat. You watched him, feeling bad about what you had said, because obviously he was really excited to do this. He pulled his water bottle to him using the Force, even though it was two feet away from him, on the same bench. He took a sip and placed his head in his hands.

You sighed and walked over to him, sitting by his side. "Hey Kylo, I'm-"

"I only asked you to do this because I wanted to hang out with you, " he admitted, still not meeting your eyes. "I knew it was pointless, but I had no other brilliant ideas. I'm busy all the time, and training is the only time I have time for myself, so I just asked you to join me. "

Suddenly you felt a pang in your heart. He just wanted to hang out, he wasn't really interested in training you, and what he said was true. He was busy basically all the time, you never really got to see each other anymore unless Hux needed you on the bridge planning out attacks with Kylo, or during lunch in the mess hall, but that was rare as well.

You didn't really know how to respond, except show affection, so you just placed a hand on his back and you started rubbing it, hoping to relax him.

Eventually you sighed, hoping that apologizing would be enough. "I'm sorry Kylo, I had no idea of your intentions... Maybe next time if you just told me, we could plan something so we could hang out, okay?" you asked.

You didn't get a response, except him shrugging, and him still staring at the ground.

You smiled and put your fingers on his chin, lifting up his face so you could look him in his eyes.

"Hey," you kindly said. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, " you joked, referring back to what he said earlier.

Kylo chuckled, moving his head back, escaping from your fingers, then he looked back at you, his eyes looking right into yours.

"We can hang out anytime you would like, " you said, pressing your forehead against his. "Just warn me so we won't end up into this situation again, okay?"

He nodded, chuckling.

Then there was silence. It wasn't a bad silence, but a forgiving one. It was nice. For a while all you did was stare at each other, eyes shifting to take in the view of each other. Slowly, Kylo leaned in, his hand was brought up to your neck, pulling you in closer, until your lips met.

Then suddenly, there were sparks. You could swear there were fireworks going off in the distance, someone screaming very excitedly. It seemed so cheesy to you, but you enjoyed every second of it, it was magical. You had no idea what it was, but you loved it.

Finally, Kylo pulled away, his smile more vibrant than ever.

"Did you feel it?" He asked, his hands moving down from your neck, to your hands, his grip very firm.

"Yes, I felt it. "

Yooo that was cute lol. This was requested by Lukes_jediprincess. I hope you enjoyed it :) sorry it took so long, I thought I wasn't going to be busy this weekend but apparently I was?

Also guys this is a serious question: should I do dirty stuff? Like you know, SMUT?????? I'm very wary of this because I am very uh childish and I feel like I would make it silly? 😂😂 lmao, but lemme know cause there isn't enough sw smut here on Wattpad and idk why because sw people are h o t. Anyway byeee lmao 💕💕



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