The Pilot (Obi-Wan Request)

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You heard your name being called, and it immediately sounded like General Skywalker. You would know his voice anywhere. You got up from where you were sitting, which was on a supply crate, heading towards Ryloth, to aid the Twi'lecks, and you were going to pilot that ship.

"Yes sir?" you asked, standing up in full attention, saluting to your general.

"Change of plans," he sighed, waving his hand, telling you to be at ease, and so your shoulders softened, relaxing. "Instead of sending you to Ryloth, you're going with General Kenobi to Nar Shadaa. I don't know why, but it looks like we're sitting this mission out and Master Plo-Koon will be taking over the mission to Ryloth. "

You raised an eyebrow. This is certainly odd, you thought. Whatever. It seemed boring anyway to lead a supply mission. It should be fun to serve by General Kenobi for awhile anyway. "Alright, is it just going to be General Kenobi and I? Are you coming with?" I asked, still curious about the mission.

"I'm not really sure, but the Council has requested you, since you're our best pilot for the Jedi, they've asked you to aid Obi-Wan on his mission. And no I will not be attending the mission with you, " he confirmed, crossing his arms. "Now good luck, and may the Force be with you. "

You nodded back to him and saluted. "May the Force be with you Master Jedi. " he nodded at me, and walked off.

You sighed, and looked around the Jedi hangar to try and spot Obi-Wan. Where can I find him? You thought. Now you have never seen Obi-Wan, well actually, you've seen glimpses of him in battle but never had seen him face to face. You've only truly heard epic stories about him from fellow pilots and clone trooper friends who have worked with General Kenobi, but you've never had to witness his full face until you were assigned to this mission.

As you walked around the hangar searching for him, you couldn't help but think, why me? Honestly they could've had a clone trooper fly him off of Coruscant, it would've made no difference. You weren't a Jedi, you were just someone who worked for them, and you happened to be the best pilot that they had. Heck, Obi-Wan could fly himself. Now you really weren't sure what to look for so-

"Well at least I agree on that. " you were startled about having your thoughts interuppted, and you whipped around to see who this guy was.

General Kenobi. The description fit him perfectly. All of those stories people told you, it truly had to be him. The chin-stroking Jedi, you thought to yourself, while placing your hands on your hips and chuckling at your thoughts.

"What? Did I not meet your expectations? " he chuckled, holding out a hand for you to shake. You grasped it, shaking his hand. "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, and you must be (Y/N) (L/N). So glad to meet you. "

You smiled back, nodding. "Yes sir, that's me. I'm glad to be working at your side, " the hand shake stopped and you put your hands behind your back, as you both walked to your ship. You looked at him, he had gingerish hair, but more brown to say so, and his beard complimented his white beige clothes as well. He was a very well built man, but not as muscular as Anakin for sure.

He nodded back, acknowledging your greeting. "Of course, now let's get going, shall we? " he smiled, going up the ramp into our ship, and I followed behind.

Eventually we made it to the cockpit of the shuttle where I sat down in the pilots seat and he sat down in the co-pilot's seat.

"So I heard you worked with Anakin a whole lot, " he said, bringing him up into the conversation.

"Yes, I have. I'm surprised I've never seen you in the field before, " you chuckled, flicking on the engine.

He nodded his face a bit surprised. "Well, alright. Let's just hope you don't fly like him."
After what seemed like an eternity, you finally arrived at Nar Shadaa. It was a city-like-planet like Coruscant, it was one huge city, except it was ruled by the Hutts. Surely whatever Obi-Wan was doing, it wasn't good. This planet was for crime lords and gangsters, a hive of collage if you will.

"Alright, " Obi-Wan looked at you as he threw on his ominous Jedi cloak. "I'm going about. I want you to stay with the ship, and guard it," he commanded.

Even though you hated staying with the ship, you just nodded. "Yes General..." you sighed. This was going to be boring after all. I should've just went with Master Plo-Koon to Ryloth instead, you thought.

Obi-Wan laughed, you could hear him as he was walking off of the ship, "Oh come on, this should be fun!"

You just huffed, and rolled your eyes. Maybe you could catch up on some sleep...

With a jolt, you suddenly awoke to your comlink beeping. Obi-Wan must be in trouble. You clicked on the comlink and let his message speak through.

"(Y/N)! You're needed at my location! Please hurry I'm in a.. Bit of a situation," he said, very hurriedly. He sounded like he was in a panic.

"Okay, remain calm, I'll be there in a bit, " you replied back into the comlink. Not taking your own advice, you quickly panicked, and started running out of the ship, to find a speeder.

"Remain calm?! Hurry up (Y/N) I'm seriously in a huge situation here! Bring your blaster if you can!" he fired back into the comlink.

You grumbled, and mocked him in your head, Hurry up (Y/N) I'm in a situation. Stay on the ship (Y/N) I won't need your help, you thought, hopping on to a speeder, then firing away to his location.

Eventually you arrived to where he was, and he was right, he was in a situation. He was being raided by bounty hunters. And he had someone with him.

"General Kenobi?! What's going on?" I asked, very confused as I took cover with him. He was currently deflecting blaster bolts with his lightsabers.

He looked over at me and scoffed. "Well what do you think?! Don't just sit there, start shooting!"

You huffed in anger and started firing at the bounty hunters. "Who do you have with you?!" you yelled, over the commotion.

"Senator Amidala! She's unconscious right now cause I'm afraid they drugged her with something!" Obi-Wan laid her down next to me, deflecting another bolt. "Take care of her while I go deal with the one on the left! Keep firing!"

You sighed, looking at the senator, "Looks like you're stuck here with me, miss, " you groaned, and stood up. Sure Padmé would be fine. She couldn't go anywhere.

I rolled out of cover and stood up, and started firing at the one on the right. To my luck, the bounty hunter was preoccupied with Obi-Wan and didn't see me coming, and then bam! He got knocked out cold. Dead. You silently applauded yourself in your victory, but got cut short when Obi-Wan started shouting at you.

"(Y/N)! I told you to get down! I care about your safety!"

You groaned, "Master Jedi, I can take care of myself! I've been in battle with Anakin before, I think I'm fine!"

Obi-Wan laughed, "That's exactly what I'm worried about!"

Just as I started to laugh at his joke I heard a bounty hunter coming my way. I hid behind a corner to take a surprise on him, when suddenly he came up behind me unexpectedly and hit me on my back. I screamed in agony and fell to the floor. I wasn't going to go down that easily though. He looked like he thought he succeeded, though I saw up and swung my leg under his legs, knocking him off of his feet, and his butt on the ground. While he was knocked down, I quickly grabbed for his bowcaster, and shot him with it. I smirked, and decided to quickly stand back up, which I immediately regretted when I felt my back pop after getting punched there. I bit my lip in pain not wanting to yell like I did last time. No matter how much pain I was in, I stood up, my back aching, and my hands started trembling from how much my back hurt.

"(Y/N)! Watch out!"

Slowly I turned around to see what was about to happen, and well, I felt it. A red blaster bolt pierced my left cheek, leaving a nice, long scar.

I groaned in pain, and looked up at the bounty hunter who shot me, but when I looked up, he vanished.

Quickly Obi-Wan ran over to your aid, as you lied down on the floor. "(Y/N) are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, go fight the bounty hunters, " you coughed, looking up at him. The moment you saw his facial expression, he looked as if he was hurt, like he got shot in the face. He looked very worried. His eyes were darting everywhere, checking to see if you were alright.

"No, " he chuckled. "No they're gone. For now. We need to make it to the ship so we can get you and Padmé to Coruscant, to get you some help. All I care about is your safety, okay?" he whispered as he softly went over your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You did admit, it hurt when he did that, but.. It was nice. You didn't winced in pain, you just let him.

Quickly Obi-Wan realized what he was doing, and he stood up, fixing his posture, and throwing over his hood again. "Can you walk?" he asked, reaching his hand down for you.

You nodded, grabbing on to his hand. "Yeah I believe so. " you stood up, still seriously aching, but you didn't want to bother the general.

"Good, " he replied politely. "I'll take Padmé, and you can go to the ship, I'll be there shortly. Prepare the engines so we can fly out of here. "

You just nodded, kind of feeling hurt that he didn't ask if you felt okay to fly. You just shrugged those feelings off, knowing he's a Jedi anyway and probably wouldn't care either way. You hopped on to a speeder and quickly arrived at the ship.

You climbed on board the Jedi shuttle and prepped the engines just as he instructed you too. Not long afterwards, you heard Obi-Wan arrive along with the Senator in his arms. He quickly went to the back of the ship to where the medical droid was and dropped her off there. I heard him say something to the droid, then returned to the cockpit.

"Is she okay?" you asked keeping your attention to the view in front of you.

"Yes, the droid said she should be fine in the morning, " he replied, then sitting in the co-pilot's seat. "How are you?"

"Fine, " you lied, "I'll just receive medical aid on Coruscant. "

You knew that Obi-Wan could tell you were lying. You could feel his eyes on you. "Well, okay. If you need anything, let me know. "
Finally, you arrived back in Coruscant, with you off of the ship and you were on your way to the medical bay in the Jedi Temple, meanwhile Padmé was being taken to the Coruscant medical facility by Anakin and Captain Typho.

As you limped your way over to it, you heard your name being called out.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) wait!"

You turned around and saw General Kenobi. What could he possibly want?

"Yes General?" you asked, standing up straight, your hands massaging your back, hoping that it would help a bit with the pain.

"Please, just call me Obi-Wan, " he chuckled. "I just wanted to say, thanks for helping me out today. I really appreciate it. I feel like I would've gotten captured or drugged like Senator Amidala did if you hadn't come to my aid. "

You smirked, feeling accomplished. Praise from a Jedi came very rare to you, although you did get praise from Anakin, but his was just a formal, "Nice job, " or "Good going, " or something like that. For some reason, Obi-Wan's felt special. Nonetheless, you smiled and felt your cheeks heat up.

"Thanks, Obi-Wan. I appreciate it. It was no problem, besides, I usually just get stuck sending supplies out or flying people around, and I usually end up staying in the cockpit. I'm glad I got some.. Adventure out of this irregular mission, " you laughed, then regretted that decision as your back started hurting some more.

Obi-Wan laughed too, then noticed your pain. "Well, we should get you to the medical bay, we wouldn't want you walking around like that would we?" You nodded, being very happy with Obi-Wan's politeness. Anakin would surely never see you as this way, he would just hope you'd survive till the end of the mission and leave you where you were shot at, then call a team to rescue any survivors, then take you to the hospital. That was working for Jedi though you supposed.

Out of nowhere, Obi-Wan picked you up bridal style, and carried you to the medical bay.


Hey guys, it's me! This was requested by space-buns. I hope you liked it! Also should I do a part 2 where they get to know each other more or something? Idk let me know in the comments. Also don't forget to request! And you can dm me if you want idc anymore lol.

Also should I go back and edit His Path (book 1) and Anakin's Assassin to be less cringy and more developed and more accurate? Lemme know in the comments :) 💕


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