You Guys get Caught(Anakin)

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(A/N) Warning, make out scenes ahead. MAKE OUT SCENES AHEAD! Be prepared for the Fangirling.
It's been weeks since you haven't seen Anakin. He's been out and about with the Jedi, only getting very few chances to contact you through the hologram messaging.

You tried comlink, holomessaging, letters, calling, texting, everything. He just was always too busy.

While he was gone, you were busy working as a Bounty Hunter, becoming more wanted every day, and working your restaurant every other day to earn more coin.

Which you were doing right now.

Suddenly, as you were washing the bar counter down, a mysterious costumer walked in, with a long brown cloak. He slowly made his way over to the counter, and sat down on a bar stool.

You did your usual, place the rag back into the sink and ask the costumer what he wanted to drink.

"Would you like a drink sir?" You asked, dusting your hands off onto your apron. You tried to see the man in the hood but he kept his head down.

"A shot of rum please," said the stranger.

Suddenly you realized, who always ordered that. It was Anakin.

Your eyes immediately brightened up. "Anakin?! "

You could tell the man was smirking under his hood. He quickly flipped it off, smiling his goofy grin. "Hey there Princess. "

You laughed, missing the sound of his voice and you immediately leaned in over the counter to kiss him, as he did the same.

You both gave each brief kisses as he pulled back, pressing his forehead against yours. "I missed you so much. Obi-Wan was starting to get on my nerves. "

"I couldn't stand a day without you, " you chuckled, putting a strand of hair behind his ear.

He leaned in to give you another kiss, which he did so, giving you many many short ones. "Oh this feels so good to do again, " he chuckled, his voice being very raspy, looking deep into your eyes.

You looked back into his, smiling. "I agree. "

"Speaking of which, sexy, how about we go home and take this further?" he said, his eyes becoming more dark.

You shook your head. "As much as I want to, I can't. I'm still working. "

"Oh come on. We haven't had any us time in months, baby. "

"I'm sorry, Anakin. I might get fired... We need to money. "

"No we don't," he said, his voice becoming more raspy, and more desperate for you.

Suddenly you smelled his breath when he spoke. It was intoxicated. He was drinking.

"Anakin, " you said, chuckling. "Have you been drinking?"

"Baby, only for a few days. I just haven't brushed my teeth either. That's what happens when you're in the wild for a few weeks. "

"Okay, I believe you. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to work. "

Anakin grabbed onto your hands before you left. "Please? It's been months since we've done anything. "

You sighed, running your fingers through his hair. "Well.... I am about to get off in an hour... "

"I can't wait any longer," he breathed into your ear, his face really close to yours. "I'm growing impatient. "

You groaned, getting bored with his pleading. "Anakin... If I go home now, I'll have to work extra tomorrow. "

He smirked. "Then I guess we'll have to go all out tonight then?"

You grinned at him, chuckling at his ideas. "I'll go talk to my boss."

His smirked clawed at his lips, as it grew more pleasing. "I'll be waiting here then, sexy," he replied, winking.

You rolles your eyes playfully, throwing off your apron at him and walking to your boss' office.

He was sitting in his big black chair, reading a newspaper. "What do you want (Y/N)?"

"Can I take the rest of the day off and go home? I can work extra tomorrow," you suggested, waiting for his reply.

Your boss sighed. "Fine... But you better be here early tomorrow. I want you to open up the shop. "

You smiled, being so happy you could go home with your boyfriend. "Thank you sir. I'll be here extra early. "

You were so excited, you practically bounced out of his office. You grabbed your apron which was in Anakin's hands, and hung it back up.

He smiled at you, as you engulfed him into giant hug, kissing him for such a long time, until you finally hesitantly pulled away.

"Let's go home and do this, " you said, as you looked up into his dark blue eyes.

His smirk only grew. "I'm glad you can agree, sexy. "

"Stop calling me that. "

"I'm not. Because it's true, " he chuckled, winking again.

You just rolled your eyes again, as you secretly knew you liked the nickname.

You both made your way out the door, and hopping into Anakin's speeder.

Quickly, you guys arrived at his apartment, where he excitedly picked you up, and carried you bridal style to the apartment, where he used the Force to open the door. He quickly shut the door behind him with his foot, carrying you over to the couch, and laying you down on it.

He started to get things into a hurry. He got on top of you, and started to quickly kiss you. His kiss was very passionate, obviously begging for more.

His hands traveled down your sides and started to run his hands up and down your sides.

You kissed back the same way, running your fingers through his hair and he did so with your sides. His kissing became much more needing, and desperate for you, as he deepened the kiss. Slowly, your hands went down to the hem of his shirt, as you slid it off of him. Your hands roamed his chest, as he tensed from your cold hands against his chest.

His kisses started to fastly trail down your neck, and onto your shoulder, leaving a few love bites here and there, as you softly moaned on each one.

You smirked down at him, as his kisses kept trailing lower and lower until he was stopped by your shirt.

Just as things were about to get even more heated, there was a sudden knock on the front door. Anakin ignored it, and looked at you, raising an eyebrow to take it off. You simply nodded, and his hands went to the bottom of your shirt, pulling it slowly off.

There was another knock. This time, he still ignored it, and the door swung open.

"OH MY FORCE WHAT AM I SEEING?! " Shouted Obi-Wan, who covered his eyes.

Anakin groaned, getting up off the couch, and walking towards him. "Go away. We were enjoying ourselves. What do you want? "

"I was only here... To tell you about our mission next week... I tried to contact you on your comlink, but you wouldn't answer... So I came to see if you were alright. Surely you were more than alright. "

Anakin glared at him. "Knock next time," he said.

"I did! But you wouldn't-"

Suddenly Anakin slammed the door in his face, and Anakin walked back to you.

"So. Where were we? "

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