Chapter 2

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Couple month passed as the Phenix squadron

Ezra nightmare

Ezra suddenly saw a figure in a dark cloak, with a mask covering their entire face, except for the eyes, which were the color of the Dark Side as he gasped at seeing himself. Finally,Ezra sees himself fighting against Luke on Mustafar, close to the magma river.Leia was being choked by the Force and fell to the ground the moment Luke said"Let her go Ezra"

"No"Ezra whispered seeing himself choking Leia and glaring at Luke evilly.

"Now, I'm powerful enough, and you have turned her against me?!"The dark Ezra spatted in anger as he glared at Luke.

"You almost killed her in your anger!"Luke remarked and yelled at the same time with sadness.

"Join me Luke. We can rule the galaxy together! Together, we can save Leia"Dark Ezra said, making Light Ezra want to kill this version of himself.

"My loyalty is to the Rebellion, who wanna bring the Republic back to DEMOCRACY Ezra! Please let it in your head"Luke begged, making Light Ezra feel terrible.

"Then you are my enemy"He replied, making Light Ezra feel horrible. He doesn't wanna see his brother hurt or worse, dead, by his own hand.

"I will do what I must brother, in order to bring peace to the galaxy once again"Luke said as he was igniting his lightsaber.

"You will try"Dark Ezra replied as he did a flip and the battle started as Ezra watched his evil self and his duel against Luke. He never felt so guilty in his entire life.

"The emperor is evil Ezra! You know it!"Luke said, trying to make Ezra realized his truth, but his attempts weren't working.

"Well, in my point of view The Jedi are evil, Kanan was right the whole time!"Dark Ezra spat angrily as Raez watched everything from afar with a smirk.

"Then you're lost. Ezra you were supposed tofightthe Sith, not join them!"Luke exclaimed as Ezra noticed the tears in his eyes during the duel between his evil self as he kept watching he saw Luke jumped on a higher point, the Light Ezra then remembered about what happened to Anakin and Ob-Wan when The Empire raised.

"I have the high ground, don't try anything stupid Ezra"Luke said in a warning tone, though, it was futile.

"You underestimated my powers Luke, bad mistake."Dark Ezra replied angrily, the light Ezra watched everything and shook his head in disgust.

"No. THERE'S NO WAY I'LL BECOME THAT MONSTER!"He shouted to himself as he now saw what his dark version was about to do.

"Don't try it Ezra! This is my last warning!"Luke said, but Dark Ezra didn't listen as he jumped. He saw himself get his ankles cut, losing most of his limbs from his body, leaving his right hand only while Ezra falls near the Dark Ezra as he was angrily in pain.

"You were my brother Ezra. You said you would help us destroy the Sith not joined them. Bring Balance to the force not leave it in darkness. We took you under our wing, we embraced you as part of our family, then why? Why would you betray us?!"Luke asked, starting to cry as he remembered that day.

"I HATE YOU, YOU'LL SEE, I'LL GET MY REVENGE LUKE!"Ezra said glaring at Luke as his body started to burn and Luke took his lightsaber and left but not without one last look at his fallen brother.

"I am sorry Ezra."Luke whispered before leaving, then quickly it all changed and Ezra sees himself in a machine as a mask was put on his face. Ezra felt like he was Darth Vader but much younger.

"Lord Demise, can you hear me?"Sidious asked in an emotionless tone.

"Yes master, I can hear you."Demise said, no longer as Ezra Shan. "Where is Leia?"He asked, not knowing what happened.

"It seems that, in your anger, you killed her."Sidious replied, still with the emotionless tone but he was smirking inside, knowing that Demise would be completely consumed by the Dark Side.

"No. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I FELT HER! I SAW HER ALIVE!"Demise said breaking his chains, and the Force was causing the machines to start failing as they were being crushed.

"NNNNNNNOOOOOO!"He exclaimed and his pain echoed through the entire galaxy. Ezra eyes snapped open breathing hard as he tried to calm himself down. One sec later Padme enters feeling Anakin distress and decided to let a mother handle this situation since Padme took to the amusement of Anakin like a son and is very caution for his health that once Ezra disobey he immediately regrets it and never disobey her...

"Ezra sweety you alright." Padme asked hugging the boy as Ezra nods slowly

"Is...Leia safe." Ezra asked as Padme widen her eyes knowing what the dream is already

"She is...The dream was you losing her and falling to the darkside." Padme said holding Ezra tight as his head was on her body as he started to cry"Yes..It was..Anakin told me but it felt so real. It won't stop every night now ever since Vader found out about our relationship." Ezra said as Padme nods and put Ezra back into his bed as he starts to drift off

"Why did he go through this. Leia once told me he was a young and friendly cheerful boy who is a fighter to a semi cold person that cares those he trust and those who need help. It's isn't fair for him to live like that." Padme said seeing Anakin entered

"I know that why I always teach him the way of Jedi and heal his broken heart. It took Ahsoka Obi-Wan and I to get these two together and now he is happy in life but now the dreams is his enemy." Anakin said as they watched Ezra snore peacefully before leaving


Leia dodge Ezra swing as she smiled seeing her new boyfriend trying to defeat her

"You cannot keep swinging like that Ezzy." Leia said in a teasing manner as Ezra smirked as he force pushed Leia making her fall down to be caught in Ezra arms

"Hey that cheating." Leia said whining as Ezra gave her a kiss on the lips pulling her to his arms

"Maybe or maybe not." Ezra teased as Leia rolled her eyes as Luke and Mara chuckled just as a lightsaber has heard igniting as the figure jumped in half robotic suit

"YOU!!! I KILLED YOU ON MUSTAFAR SYSTEM!!!" Ezra shouted in anger his lightsaber ignited his purple blade

"Ha now If I kill you the emperor will believe that I am better than you." Starkiller said with malice in his tone

He then leaped down as well and the two men continued their fight. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in a display or red and purple, white sparking in every time their blades crashed together. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in intricate patterns and techniques prescribed to their forms. Ezra jumped and attacked Starkiller showing no mercy as he use form VII on Starkiller who had to blocked his strikes. Both duelist were launching heavy blows as Ezra had the upper hand. Ezra then swings his lightsaber at Starkiller midsection only for Starkiller to block it. Ezra then pushed Starkiller back to unleash a round of force lighting hitting Starkiller. Starkiller then got up charged at Ezra only to be stabbed by Ezra Second Lightsaber. Starkiller looked at Ezra shocked

"I may...die but it doesn' mean I can kill her..." Starkiller said pointing at Leia as Ezra eyes darken quickly slicing Starkiller head off

"Good Riddance." Ezra said just as he notice Kallus coming

"YOUUUUU!!!!' Ezra shouted as his eyes changing scaring Leia as he launched himself onto the surprise and fear Kallus

'ALL THE PAIN YOU GAVE ME!!!! I WILL ENJOY GIVING IT TO YOU!!! HOPE YOU ARE READY FOR ECHUTA!!!" Ezra shouted unleashed a red lighting hitting Kallus who screamed in pain

"PLEASE I AM...SORRY I CHANGED....STOP I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" Kallus yelled in pain as Leia grabbed Ezra hugging him tight starting to sob

Please stop Ezra your scaring me." Leia begged as Ezra eyes return blue and hugged Leia

"I am sorry but he and I hated each other...Don't worry I will try my best to hold back this evil again." Ezra said as Leia held Ezra tight

"Please tell me...Our mother and father won't tell us please I am your girlfriend let me help. Just one scene please." Leia begged putting a puppy face as Ezra sighed

"Alright, but its a very dark part." Ezra said as they nod

Ezra got up and slowly walked over to where Kallus was standing. Kallus took out a pair of handcuffs and placed them on Ezra's wrists. He grabbed Ezra in the crook of his elbow and led him out into the hallway. About 5 stormtroopers were standing behind him. Outside, the lights were even brighter. Ezra shielded his eyes with his arm and hissed. Trying to use only one arm while in handcuffs doesn't really work well for you if you got shot in one arm recently, apparently. Kallus shoved him forward in his bad shoulder. Ezra shouted out loud in pain and the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. He turned and glared murderously at Kallus and the stormtroopers guarding him. Kallus paled. Ezra's eyes were completely gold, the same burning gold he'd seen on all of the Dark Siders. Kallus unconsciously took a step back. Suddenly, the temperature went back to normal and Ezra's gold eyes snapped back to electric blue. He shook his head, trying to clear it. He stumbled over to the wall, resting his forearms and forehead against its cool surface. His head was throbbing and he felt weak. His knees gave out from under him and he fell to the ground, shaking. Ezra blinked a few times to try and clear his vision, but it remained blurry. Kallus looked down at him in disgust, though he probably did look pretty pathetic. He was freezing but his brow was soaked in sweat. He didn't know what just happened, or maybe he did and he didn't want to admit it. He had vowed that he wouldn't fall prey to the seductive allure of the Dark Side, after all. Ezra closed his eyes and tried to focus. He entered a semi-meditative state, basking in the warmth of the Light Side of the Force. There was something different about it, though. Though he could still feel the warmth, the Light Side shied away from him. The space it left was cold and unforgiving. The Dark Side.

Vader was meditating in his quarters, though he couldn't really concentrate. He couldn't get his mind off the Shan boy that Kallus had brought in earlier. Even if Vader had to break apart his mind and put it back together, piece by piece the Shan will be a perfect way to hunt down Anakin Skywalker and the last remaining Jedi Order

Vision end

"Sorry." Kallus said nervously only to once get electrode by Ezra again

"Now I am done." Ezra said smirking seeing the former Agent Kallus fried but still alive 

"Ezra that wasn't necessary." Sabine said as Ezra darken his eyes changing as Mara step forward taking her new brother away with Luke (Bonded quickly and act like siblings)

"Look, just leave him alone." Leia said walking towards other wanting to spend time with Ezra

"Why should I, he like a little brother to me. Beside aren't we friends Leia"  Sabine said as Leia ignited her blade

"This is one and one final warning. I am overprotective of him and I will not hesitate to slice your head off. Also we are no longer friend anymore Sabine" Leia said walking away for good leaving leaving a shock and upset Sabine

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