Chapter 19

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  Ezra and Kanan finished a mission together but Ezra almost ruined the mission because he messed up and almost got everything blown up. They were on Lothal and walking back to the Ghost. "Look Kanan-" Ezra was cut off by Kanan.

  "Ezra you almost ruined the mission and almost got yourself killed!" Kanan shouted and Ezra faced him. "I didn't mean it! It was an accident!" Ezra shouted and Kanan huffed. "No accidents on a mission. You can't screw up!" Kanan yelled and Ezra groaned.

  "Sorry if smoke clouds your vision!" Kanan threw his hands in the air and faced Ezra. "Use the force! I've been teaching you but do you listen?!" Kanan shouted and Ezra groaned.

  "I do listen! Maybe don't take me on missions!" Ezra shouted and Kanan shouted, "Maybe I will since your becoming a problem!"

  Kanan froze and Ezra felt heartbroken. He felt betrayed and ran off back to the city of Lothal. "Ezra!" Kanan shouted but Ezra was gone and Hera showed up.

"What happened?" Hera asked and Kanan had to tell her but just went inside.


  Ezra ran back to his old home. He opened the doors amd closed them and ran up the stairs and went back to his old room. He sat down against the bed and hugged his stuffed loth cat. It was brown and white and an eye was missing but it had a button stitched as an eye.

  Ezra cried into it and felt hurt. He felt like Kanan just ripped his trust and crushed it. It killed Ezra knowing what Kanan said. He cried and as much he wanted away from him, he just wanted Kanan.


  "Give him a few days." Hera said. Kanan and her were talking in his room and he wanted to go after Ezra but Hera said no. "He's my son, I want to fix this!" Kanan said amd she sighed.

  "Listen to me on this, give him some time." She said and Kanan slumped on his bed. "I guess." Hera left and Kanan didn't sleep.


   It was three days and Kanan was going nuts. He couldn't find Ezra cause he blocked his force signature so he went to go find his child and Hera sighed hoping Kanan could fix this.


     Ezra was laying against his bed and still hugged his loth cat, he named it Kitty when he was a kid. Ezra just wanted to be held by Kanan but he told him he was a problem.

  Ezra cried into Kitty and missed Kanan.


   Kanan checked Ezras tower first then moved to his house when he realized the tower was empty. Kanan was nervous but walked up to the doors of the house. He opened the doors and searched the basement then climbed back up when it was empty.

   Kanan saw a scrapbook on the ground and opened it. He saw little Ezra with his parents smiling. Kanan smiled and sighed.

    Ezras didn't live a normal life. He was only seven when his parents were taken away and struggled to survive. His trust was broken, he had no one until us and I hurt him. He didn't have a normal childhood. Kanan thought and heard crying.

   Kanan perked his head up and walked up to the stairs and slowly climbed up. He walked down the hallway and Kanan saw the door that the sniffling was coming from.

   Ezras bedroom. A small sign that was drawn by little Ezra Kanan assumed hung on the wall near the door. Kanan opened it and saw Ezra curled into a ball next to his bed.

   Ezra looked up to see Kanan felt happy but pain. He scooted away and tucked himself between the nightstand and the bed. Kanan felt guilt rip his heart, he sat in front of Ezra.

   "Ezra?" Kanan asked gently and watched his son tense up. "What?" Ezra asked and Kanan winced at the broken piece to it. "I'm so sorry at what I said. I was angry and mad that you almost died and I never wanted to hurt you." Kanan said and felt tears.

   Ezra slowly looked up amd Kanan saw his eyes were red and puffy. Kanan felt more guilt knowing he caused this pain. "I just felt betrayed. I didn't mean to upset you." Ezra said amd Kanan could tell he was choosing his words carefully and he felt his chest squeeze with guilt and pain.

  "I never wanted to hurt you Ezra. I was angry at the thought of loosing you and I know its not an excuse but I've been struggling with my anger. I'm sorry Ezra." Kanan said and sniffed.

  Ezra felt happiness. "I'm sorry too. I forgive you...Dad." Kanan laughed in relief. Ezra scooted forward and hugged Kanan slowly. Kanan hugged him back and they tightened their embrace. "I love you son." Kanan said and felt Ezra relax.

  "I love you Dad." Ezra said and curled into Kanans lap holding Kitty. "What's that?" Kanan asked Ezra. "My stuffed loth cat. My mom gave me him when I was four, I named him Kitty." Ezra said and Kanan smiled.

"I found a scrapbook. Why don't you bring these?" Kanan said and Ezra smiled.


    Kanan was holding Ezras hand and walking back to the Ghost. Ezra held Kitty and Kanan held the scrapbook. They walked up the ramp and Hera was standing a distance. She smiled amd Kanan smiled back.

   Ezra stumbled and leaned into Kanan. "Can I stay with you?" Ezra asked. Kanan smiled and Ezra went to change into his pajamas and Kanan went to his room and changed.

  Ezra came back with Kitty and crawled next to Kanan. He nuzzled his face into his chest and Kanan wrapped his around his child.

    "I love you Dad." Ezra said. "I love you son."

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