Chapter 22

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    Season 3 for fun


  I don't need you.... Kanan walked out of Ezra's room numb. He felt hurt but, he felt nothing. Like for the past six months. He felt nothing but he just wallowe. He felt angry at himself for not feeling anything but he couldn't stop the small pain from Ezra.

  My son-wait, no, he's not my son. I wasn't there for him and now its my fault I left him. Kanan thought. The realization hit and Kanan fell on his back in the hallway of the Ghost.

  Kanan laid there in pain, the emotional though. Kanan picked himself up and carried himself back to his room. 

  I failed as a master and I failed as a...father.


  Ezra couldn't believe what he said. He was sitting down on his bed and starting breathing fast but, he soon wasn't panicking. He felt somewhat angry and protective but, he felt empty.

 Ezra was angry when Kanan wasn't around. He felt hurt...he felt abandoned.

 No, Kanan wouldn't. He promised me..h-he promised me....p-promised...


 Hera didn't need to be a jedi when she sensed something was wrong. Hera got up from where she sat and had a funny feeling Ezra was someone to see. She made it down to his room but stopped when she heard sniffling.

 Hera listened and knew Ezra was crying, she wanted to comfort him but something told her to go to Kanan. She marched to his room and opened to see him not there. Figures, Hera thought.

 Hera made her way to where Kanan would usually go and saw him sitting on his knees. "Kanan," Hera called out to see if he would pay attention. "What?" Kanan asked, he sounded pained. Hera walked towards him and stood in front of him. "Whats going on between you and Ezra? He was crying when I walked to his door." Hera said and Kanan flinched.

 "I'm sorry-" Hera cut him off with a yell. "Sorry?! Kanan he's crying! Your son needs you!" She yelled. Hera's accent was out so that means she was mad. Kanan looked down and said, "I can't be there for him! I failed him!" Kanna yelled back and felt anger.

  "You were gone for six months Kanan! Not dead! So shut up and be there for him!" Hera yelled and Kanan faced her, she could tell he was glaring even through the mask. "I want to but I can't! I failed him! Why do you care?! My s-padawan is failing cause of me!" Kanan yelled and Hera felt rage.

  "That's my son also! He's my son as much as your's! I care because my family is falling apart and our  son is lost! He's in pain!" Hera shouted, her accent was thick with anger. Kanan clenched his fists and yelled, "I failed him as a master!" Hera marched in his face.

  "Your more than a master!" She yelled and Kanan flinched how loud she was. "He needs his father!" Hera shouted and Kanan faced away from her. "His father was taken from him and I can't help him..." Kanan mumbled and Hera grabbed a fists-fulled of his shirt.

 "YOU'RE HIS FATHER CALEB!" Hera shouted and shook him. Kanan shook his head and said, "I..." No words came out. Hera shook him again and yelled, "My Kanan wouldn't have done this! He would have held our boy and been there for him instead of wallowing in self-pity!"

  "I'm not him.." Kanan mumbled and Hera pulled away from him. "Then your truly lost.." Hera said and walked away.

  Kanan slumped and felt sadness wash over.


  Hera walked away from Kanan. Her Kanan was lost...her Caleb was.


 Ezra was feeling panic. He was falling to his death. He wished he could've made things right between Kanan but he knew it wasn't happening.

 But then Kanan showed up. Ezra felt happiness when Kanan saved him. Kanan was still there.

  Ezra knew he would.


  Later, when the night settled, a Jedi Knight was awake thinking about Ezra and how he was doing. The sith holocron was gone and he could rest that Ezra wouldn't use it. Kanan felt fear and sat up.

  It was from Ezra, he sensed he was close so Kanan got up and walked out of his room. Sometime later Kanan found himself guided by the force to the common room. He sensed Ezra sitting on the seats and crying. "Ezra.." Kanna called out softly.

  Ezra jumped and relaxed when Kanan sat next to him. "I had a nightmare," Ezra said and felt his old self coming out. Kanna felt his old self coming out and reached out to Ezra. Ezra crawled into Kanan's hug and felt himself being carried away.

   "Thank you, for everything." Ezra mumbled and Kanan smiled. "I told you I would come back for you." Kanan said and sat them on his bed. Ezra was curled into Kanan's side and Kanan ran his hands in his hair with no struggle since he remembered a sense of ease and his old self was back somewhat.

  "I'm sorry, for what I said and what I did Kanan, I wasn't thinking-" Kanan cut him off and said, "I'm sorry too, I left you and you needed me." Ezra smiled and said, "I wasn't that mad, a lot kinda but that wasn't me. I felt abandoned.." Ezra whispered the last part and Kanan realized harder what that did to to Ezra.

  Ezra was abandoned for eight years until the crew came and Kanan was there always saying he was there but then he wasn't.

  They sat through the night with Ezra curled into his sidwhile Kanan played with his hair. They had a long road but they knew they could do it with each other.

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