Chapter 1

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Ezra decided to help Kanan and Ashoka fight and Ezra clashed lightsabers with Maul.

  "Well well, I guess I have no choice, my apprentice." Maul grinned and attacked Ezra.

  Kanan felt furious and charged Maul. Kanan blocked a blow from Maul and Maul blocked him.

It was a pattern. Kanan attacked and Ezra blocked a blow but Kanan went from behind.

  Kanan waited then when Maul raised his arms to hit Ezra, Kanan lunged forward.

Maul turned to see Kanan and smiled. He force pushed Kanan into Ashoka and then locked lightsabers with Ezra.

  Kanan sat up and saw Maul slide his lightsaber to Ezra and...Maul's lightsaber connected to Ezras face.

The scream Ezra let out would haunt Kanan forever. "EZRA!" Kanan shouted and ran to his son.

  Ashoka engaged Maul in a fight and Ezra cried out when he touched his face.

Kanan held Ezra and said, "Ezra I need you calm down. But we have to get the holocron out of there." Ezra nodded and Kanan carried him up to the holocron.

  "I'm setting you down, now just hold my hand." Kanan said and Ezra shuffled with Kanan.

They were right in front of it. "Reach, just stay with my hand." Kanan said and soon they grabbed the holocron.

  "Pull!" Kanan yelled. They pulled and soon they flew back and Kanan handed the object to Chopper.

  "Run!" Ashoka yelled and Darth Vader appeared.

Kanan paled when Ashoka said that and that means she wasn't coming.

  "Ashoka?!"Ezra yelled. Kanan tensed, he knew Ezra would try to stay.

   "Ezra let's go." Kanan said sadly while Ashoka battled Vader.

  Ezra started squirming out of Kanans grasp and Kanan had to carry him back to the Phantom and Chopper followed.

"Kanan we have to get Ashoka!" Ezra yelled and Kanan gave a last sad smile to Ashoka who smiled back then Chopper took off.

"Kanan?" Ezra asked small and Kanan let Chopper take over. Kanan crouched in front of Ezra.

  Kanan already knew he was blind.

   "Ashoka's not here, I'm sorry." Kanan said and Ezra sniffed. Kanan hugged him and Ezra hugged him back.

   "My face hurts." Ezra said and cringed. Kanan pulled back and went through the medical kit.

"I'm gonna wrap your eyes and Ezra..." Kanan trailed off and wrapped his eyes. Ezra knew he was blind

  "Kanan I know already." Ezra said when Kanan finished wrapping.

  Kanan sniffed and Ezra heard that. Ezra reached forward and fumbled to place his hand on Kanan's shoulder.

  Kanan held his hand and Ezra said, "Its my fault this happened." Kanan shook his head.

  "No its not. You didn't know Maul would betray us." He said seriously. Ezra smiled weakly.

"I love you Dad." Ezra said and just realized what he said. Kanan burst into joy and Ezra started apologizing.

  Kanan pulled him into a hug and Ezra was shocked. "I thought you would be mad." Ezra said and Kanan rubbed Ezra',s back.

"I thought of you like a son." Kanan said and Ezra hugged him back tight.

                     *  *  *  *

Kanan helped Ezra stand up and said, "We're here." Ezra held Kanan's hand and walked down the ramp.

  Kanan saw Hera walk up to them and Sabine and Zeb. She saw Ezra's eyes and hugged him tight.

  Zeb looked at Kanan in shock and Kanan squeezed Ezra's hand.

  Sabine smiled small at Kanan. Rex walked up and looked at Kanan in sadness.

  Ezra sensed something was wrong and knew he should give them space.

  "Um, Sabine or Zeb can you help me to the med-bay?" He asked. Before Kanan could answer Hera beat him to it.

  "Sabine take Ezra, Zeb help Chopper put the Phantom back." Hera said and Kanan sighed.

   "Don't worry, I'll see you later, Dad." Ezra said and Kanan smiled. Sabine took Ezra's hand and led him to the med-bay.

   "I'm sorry this happened." Sabine said and Ezra stumbled but walked.

"Not your fault and thanks." Ezra said and they made it to the med-bay. A nurse droid came and showed the way.

  "I'll be right here." Sabine said and stood next to Ezra. The droid started working and Ezra hissed when the droid was cleaning the lightsaber burns.

  Sabine wanted to cry when the droid said he was blind. The droid finished and gave him painkillers.

  Ezra was about to touch the bandages but Sabine smacked his hand.

  "Don't you dare or I'll shoot you." She said and Ezra giggled. "Well let's get going." Ezra said but the droid came with a wheelchair.

  Sabine thanked the droid but let go of Ezra and when she turned around she saw him smack into the wall.

"Ezra!" Sabine said and helped him up. "Ow." Ezra said and Sabine huffed.

  "I got a wheelchair for you so sit here." She led him and sat him down and he groaned. "This is weird, I can just walk." Ezra protested.

  Sabine started pushing him. "Well your. . . Like this and don't complain, you need to rest." She said and Ezra sighed.

  "So where we going?" Ezra asked and Sabine thought on it. "I guess your cabin." She said and Ezra had an idea.

  "Let's go to the docking bay. I wanna rest there." Ezra grinned and Sabine hesitated.

  "Are you sure?" She asked and Ezra groaned. "Going going!" Sabine said and Ezra laughed.

  Sabine grinned and soon did donuts with the wheelchair. Ezra laughed and clutched the arms of the chair. Sabine laughed and pushed him really fast.

  Ezra laughed so hard he couldn't breathe. "What are you doing?!" Zeb asked and Sabine stopped.

  Ezra made a squeak​ sound and yelled, "Run!"

Sabine took off and Ezra laughed. Zeb growled at them affectionately but didn't go after them.

  Ezra wished he could see everything. Sabine stopped near the Ghost and Ezra sighed.

  Sabine sat next to Ezra and they talked. "Sabine where's Ezra?" Hera asked in the comm after fifteen minuets of no communication.

  "Right next to the Ghost why?" Sabine asked. "Cause Kanan went into overprotective papa Ewok mode." Hera deadpanned.

   Sabine and Ezra laughed. "Coming now." Sabine said and pushed Ezra to the Ghost.

  "Thanks Sabine." Ezra said and Sabine grinned. "No problem." She kissed his forehead and he smiled.

  Hera met them and felt heartbroken at Ezra. "Can I walk now?" Ezra asked and Sabine laughed.

  "I'll go put it away." She said and Hera helped Ezra get out.

  Ezra started feeling bad because he felt useless. He didn't want to be a pity case.

   Hera led him to the common room where Kanan was. Ezra sensed Kanan and smiled. "I heard you and Sabine were going crazy." Kanan said and smiled.

  Ezra stumbled to Kanan and bumped into the table. Kanan broke at the sight and helped Ezra sit next to him.

  "How are you?" Kanan asked and Ezra sighed. They just got done fighting Maul, they lost Ahsoka, and he was blind.

  How would one be alright?

  "Well, I'm grateful to be alive, so there's a bonus. But, Ahsoka. . . She deserved to be here, with Rex. He just lost his best friend. I can't see and I. . . I don't know what to feel." Ezra said quietly.

   Kanan wrapped his son into a tight hug. He didn't want to Ezra to go into depression.

  "Ezra, we are going to loose people in this type of work. People we love. But that doesn't mean we can't move on. It hurts but, their loss should make you stronger to fulfill their dreams. Ahsoka would want you to keep going. Fulfill her dreams. Keep fighting for her and the those who can't." Kanan said passionately.

  Ezra smiled. He would keep going. For Ahsoka.

  "I love you, Dad."

  "I love you too, son."

                         *  *  *  *

Ezra woke up and panicked when he couldn't see. Kanan took Ezra to his room that night in case Ezra had a panic attack like right now.

  Kanan was sitting next to Ezra and grabbed his hand. "Ezra its Kanan. Listen to my voice." Kanan said.

   Ezra felt his hand be brought to something. It was moving up and down, slowly.

  "In, out, in, out. Good job, keep breathing like me." Kanan instructed gently. Ezra felt himself calm down.

  "Dad?" Ezra called out, unsure. Kanan picked Ezra up and set him in his lap.

  He traced his face softly. Ezra nuzzled into Kanan's touch. "I'm sorry for panicking. I just don't know how to handle this." Ezra said quietly.

  Kanan held Ezra tightly."Its not wrong to be afraid son." Kanan said and Ezra wrapped his arms around Kanan.

  "Let's get something to eat." Kanan said and Ezra smiled.

  Kanan led him slowly as Ezra clung to Kanan and sensed everyone in the kitchen.

  "Morning Kanan and Ezra." Hera greeted them and Kanan smiled. "Morning." Kanan said and sat Ezra on the bench and slid in next to him.

  "Here's breakfast." Hera announced and set a plate of waffles on the table.

  Zeb was happy and had his mouth water. Kanan helped Ezra while he was embarrassed.

  They ate their breakfast in silence until Ezra broke it. "Who wants to go to Lothal and play?" Ezra asked.

   Kanan raised his eyebrows. Hera smiled and said, "I'll make the plans, we'll be there by tomorrow afternoon."

  Ezra smiled and fixed his bandages. Kanan finished his food and closed his eyes, listening to his family talk.

  Ezra couldn't finish his food and sensed something. Ezra cocked his head to the side and listened.

   It sounded like a lullaby, a woman singing.

  Ezra crawled over Kanan and everyone watched Ezra spin around. "Ezra?" Kanan asked and stood up.

  "I hear a woman singing, it sounds familiar." Ezra said and it soon faded.

  Ezra sighed and said, "Its gone." Kanan frowned and looked at Hera who was confused.

  This was going to be an interesting journey.

                     *  *  *  *

  Kanan led Ezra to his room cause Ezra was scared of waking up and having a panic attack.

   Kanan laid them both down and Ezra clung to Kanan. "Are you ok?" Kanan asked and Ezra cried. Kanan sat up and held him.

  "I w-wish I could take this back. . . Ashoka would be here. . . Rex would be happy. . ." Ezra buried his face into Kanan's shoulder.

  Kanan felt himself break at his words. "There was nothing you could do. She made her choice to fight and save us." Kanan said and Ezra took deep breaths.

  Kanan stroked his hair and listened to Ezra's breathing even out. Kanan laid them down and Ezra snuggled into Kanan.

  Kanan wrapped his arms around Ezra until he heard knocking on his door.

  He used the force to open it and saw Hera walk in. She smiled at the sight and Kanan sensed she had something to say.

  "What is it?" Kanan asked and she looked down. Her mouth opened and closed, she quickly spun aroun turned around to the door.

  "Never mind." Hera was about to walk away until Kanan force closed the door.

  Hera spun around surprised and Kanan raised an eyebrow at her. "Tell me." Kanan said, irritated.

   Hera knew he wouldn't open the door. "I didn't want to tell you but Sato wants you for a mission for tomorrow. But you might be gone for a month." She said quietly.

  Kanan stared in shock and tightened his arms around Ezra. "But Ezra, he needs me." Kanan said and Hera smiled sadly.

   "I know, I'm going to tell Sato I'm going." Hera said and Kanan stared in shock.

  Kanan groaned and said, "I'm going, I'll be ready." Hera shook her head.

  "No. Ezra needs you, your the only one who can help him." Hera said and Kanan smiled small.

   "But Sato wants me because he knows I'm the only capable because this is for a Jedi, right?" Kanan asked and Hera hugged herself.

  "Tell Sato I'll be ready." Kanan said and opened the door. Hera sighed and walked out.

   Kanan was alone listening to his thoughts of fear for Ezra.

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