Chapter 21

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 Kanan was with Ezra who was puking again...the seventh time today. Kanan helped him clean up and lay down on his medical bed, Ezra had only a week left in the med-bay but now that he's sick, he's staying till its over. Kanan was putting a wet wash cloth on Ezra's forehead and rubbing his shoulder.

   Ezra groaned and Hera walked in to see their son. "How you feeling?" She asked as she sat at the end of the bed since Kanan was sitting next to Ezra. "I'm fine, Kanan's been smothering me." He said but it kinda came out like a slur. Hera rubbed his leg soothingly and said, "It'll be other soon sweetheart. Just rest and watch out for Kanan, he's been an overprotective dad." Hera joked and made Ezra laugh.

  Kanan rolled his eyes and said, "Are not." Ezra and Hera fixed him a look, well, Ezra gave him a look with eyebrows since the whole, blind thing.

   "Maybe a little.." Kanan said and Hera intensified her look. Kanan just went back to changing the wash cloth. Ezra frowned and said, "Kanan? I think I'm delusional." Kanan frowned and asked, "Why?" Hera faced him and Ezra said, "Cause Hera's hand feels like a droids." Kanan panicked and asked, 'How long has this been going on?"

  "Well since its the first time I'm telling you it would be the first." Ezra replied sarcastically and Kanan raised an eyebrow. Hera sighed and said, "This is more than a cold, its a bad sickness you must've picked up." She got up and said, "I'm going to see if Sabine can help me, I know the staff here could help but I have a sick feeling this is something more." She left and Kanan slumped.

  Ezra could sense he was tired and asked, "Dad, is this something more?" Kanan sighed and said, "It could be but there's always a way to help. Rest my son, you need it." He sent soothing waves through the force to Ezra whom he fell asleep.

  Kallus walked in and saw Ezra sleeping, he looked at Kanan and motioned him outside. Kanan reluctantly went with a nurse droid watching over Ezra. 

  "What's wrong?" Kanan asked as he met Kallus. "I heard Ezra is going delusional, no I wasn't listening in, Hera told us and I think I know whats wrong." Kallus said and Kanan perked his head up.

 "What?" Kanan asked and Kallus hung his head. "I don't think its this one but its a thought. Its something called the Icky Virus, it was a long name I didn't make it." Kallus said and Kanan frowned. "What does it do?" He asked and Kallus paled.

  "It makes it like a normal cold but you get delusional, then you loose strength, then you get clingy to whoever is closet to you, then you get sleepy where you fall asleep out of nowhere, then death." Kallus said and Kanan freaked.

  "Ezra might've got it but I don't think so but if he does then the next stage should start today since he's been here for another week." Kallus said and they walked in to see Ezra talking with droid and he couldn't even pick a book up without shaking and dropping it of lose of strength.

  "He has it." Kallus said and protectiveness started washing over. He deeply cared for Ezra.

   Kanan walked over and started talking to Ezra and Kallus watched in despair. He seen men loose their lived to this and its sad. Kallus talked to Hera through the comm's and explained but he knew called for a meeting with Ezra.


  Everyone was in the medical room and Kallus was speaking. "I explained this virus but its deadly, it moves quick and Ezra's in the next stage and he knows that he only has two weeks if we don't find this cure. Its a small thing but its a fruit that is rare. I can't remember the name but I know what looks like but since its far away and I wouldn't be able to get back in time, Ezra would have to come with me." Kallus said and everyone was arguing.

  "Ezra needs to stay here, he can't go anywhere." Hera said but Kanan sighed. "I don't like it but he's right. Kallus said its to far and Ezra could get better, do it if its the only thing." Kanan said and Kallus grimly nodded.

  Zeb sighed and said, "I'll go, you might need help with the Empire looking for us." Kanan shook his head and said, "I'll do it." Hera sighed and said, "You can't, Sato needs you here."

   Kallus sighed and said, "Zeb will come since he can and I'll need him for support." Kanan waited till they all left and said to Ezra, "I'm sorry-" Ezra interrupted and said, "Dad, you didn't do anything."

  "I know but, I love you." Kanan said and hugged his son and Ezra hugged him back. "I love you Dad."


  The Phantom was ready and Ezra was saying goodbye to Kanan. "I love you Ezra, be safe." Kanan said and kissed his forehead. "I know, I love you Dad." Ezra said and Kallus watched pained to see father and son split apart.

  "We'll see each other soon, goodbye my friends." Kallus said and they waved as the ramp closed and Kallus flew the ship.

   Zeb watched Ezra and said, 'We'll get this over with and  you'll be running around soon...hang in there kid." Ezra smiled and said, "I hope so."


      Kallus hoped also.


  Hey! I write another and needed some action!!!! Sorry its short but I write as much as my brain wanted too.

   Sorry for not updating haven't been feeling well but eh. Party time!!!! With me on the couch....typing a story....I got no life....

     Hope you enjoyed!!!! 

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