Chapter 27

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  Kallus, Zeb, and Ezra were thinking about the gigantic spider that was searching for them.

"What do we do?" Ezra asked Kallus who was holding Begger from attacking the spider. "It wants us obviously. But I think it guards the fruit." Kallus said and Ezra frowned. He faced his head towards Kallus but his eyes were looking to the far left instead of in front of him. Kallus felt a pang of sadness every time he saw Ezra's grey, sorta white, blind eyes but he pushed that aside and focused on the spider trying to kill them. Kallus looked around Ezra and saw the spider smashing things angrily and hissing like it was trying to say something.

The spider threw a tree that Kallus had to duck unless he wanted to be decapitated. "What are we going to do-AH!" Ezra yelled out in pain and clutched his stomach in pain. "Ezra! What's wrong?" Kallus asked and Ezra panted heavily. "I don't know, I feel...tired..I want to go to bed.." Ezra started to sound loopy. Kallus paled. That was the last stage of the virus but, Kallus didn't remember Ezra getting clingy.

"Zeb! Ezra is in the last stage of the Icky Virus but I think he skipped a stage! He didn't get clingy to anyone!" Kallus shouted as he grabbed Ezra and ran to a new hiding spot as the spider stabbed it's leg into the ground they were once on.

"He did get clingy! He stuck to me like his life depended on it...I did not mean to make that pun!" Zeb shouted and he aimed his boe-rifle at the spiders leg and shot at it. Kallus watched as a piece of something came off of the spider. "What the..?" Kallus looked at the piece that fell off the spider and something clicked.

"Zeb! Get closer and shoot it!" Kallus yelled. Zeb looked at him bewildered and shouted, "Look Sideburns, I like living so if you have a better idea where I won't get killed, come and tell me!" Begger was squirming in Kallus's arms and tried getting out but Kallus held tighter.

"Trust me! I think it wears armor so if you shoot it off, shoot the fleshy parts you nerf head!" Kallus shouted and Ezra clung tighter to Kallus until he started to slowly go unconscious. "Ezra! Hey! Come on, you can't fall​ asleep on me!" Kallus panicked and quickly grabbed the fruit in his bag.

"Eat this and you'll feel better." Kallus tried to sound reasonable but it was more like panicked yelling with him shoving the fruit in his mouth and forcing Ezra to chew and swallow.

Kallus forgot for a moment they were being attacked by a crazy, psychotic, spider-who broke the laws of physics but basically everything has-as he watched in relief as Ezra swallowed the fruit.

Before Kallus could react, Begger was out of his arms and barked at them like he was warning them. Kallus paled and quickly shoved Ezra as he saw the giant spider leg trying to squash them. "Ezra run!" Kallus yelled and felt the spider's leg slice his side a little.

Kallus quickly activated his boe-rifle while he was in mid-air and shot the spider underneath where the leg connected to the body. The spider screeched and thrashed angrily and stomped on everything but Kallus managed to limp ahead of it.

Kallus dragged Ezra who collapsed and drag him to Zeb and Begger who were hiding behind fallen trees.

"How can you not shoot it?! I gave you strict orders on what to do and what do you do? Not shoot the flippin spider that's trying to kill us!" Kallus whispered yelled and Zeb growled. "Sorry if your target moves every second!" Zeb retorted and they both growled at each other until Begger started whimpering.

Kallus stopped his childish fight and looked at Begger who was whimpering at Ezra who was sweating like crazy and moaning in pain. "Ah Karabast, is he going to be alright?" Zeb asked and Kallus nodded shaky. "I gave him the cure. He's responding to the cure, so he'll be better today but tired and sluggish is what he's going to be for about two days." Kallus said and watched the spider.

It was looking for them. It was moving slow, as if it could feel their presence. Kallus watched it but then had a sinking feeling. There's a reason why it was guarding the fruit. Earlier Kallus noticed the sliders eyes were grey, like Ezra's. It couldn't see but it could smell where the fruit was and it was staining Kallus's hands and pants.

"Zeb you need to run and get everyone out of here!" Kallus said frantically and shoved Ezra into his arms. "Why? What's going on?" Zeb asked and Kallus freaked when he heard the spider let a cry out and moved towards them.

"Because it can smell the fruit! I have it stained on me and its blind so its sense of smell is greater! Get to the ship and if I don't make till midnight then leave." Kallus ordered sternly. Zeb was going to protest but Kallus placed Begger in Zeb's arms also and shoved them into the forest.

"Go! I'll be alright!" Kallus said and Zeb watched with dread as Kallus ran into the opposite direction in the forest with the spider running after him. He looked down at Chopper and started walking back to the ship with sadness clinging to his bones.

  He just might loose a comrade......

         A friend.


   Kallus ran with his boe-rifle in his hands ready to shoot as the spider crushed the trees with its legs and made a screeching sound that chilled Kallus's blood.

  It sounded angry.

  Kallus ducked and rolled to the side as the spider swiped a leg above his head. Kallus gasped in pain as he started running again and looked down at his right side.

  It was bleeding badly. Blood was soaking his shirt and downwards. Kallus paled a little bit but kept running. He had to make sure Zeb and  the others got back to the ship.

  Kallus didn't remember himself ever being very daring but today really showed that. Kallus saw a cliff ahead and the other side of the forest. A dead end.

  Kallus got a thought. Not a good thought. Well, unless you count risking your life to a very big chance of death a good thing which he doubted highly. What Kallus was thinking was insane. Crazy. Idiotic. A big chance of death.

  Which was exactly why he was going to do it.

  Kallus was going to get as much speed as possible and jump off the cliff and hopefully, keyword is hopefully, make across to the other side and have the spider fall.

  The spider was gaining speed also and screeching its heart out so loud that Kallus was surprise he could still hear.

  The cliff was coming closer into view and Kallus slung his boe-rifle across his back and moved faster. His side was burning and hurting but he went faster. He had to make sure the spider was gone so Zeb and the others were safe and that he could make it also.

  Kallus then jumped and then widened his eyes as he flew in the air and then......

             To be continued......

    Next in line is;

         Star Wars Rebels: Lost

  Been awhile huh? I'm so sorry for not updating I had a huge problem and I had to take of it and also my family was sick and then I got sick and then other crap happened.....

Also the idea thing, I combined two different ideas so shout out to ilovedolphins101 and LightsaberBlaster!

I lava you!

  My sister said, "I found Dick Grayson's cup." 😂😂😂😂

  For those who don't get it, the cup says ICK but the handle is in the shape of a D soooooo.......

  It says a bad word but I found it very funny

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