Chapter 10

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Ezra POV

I was still in my cell and lay on my back on the bank, staring to the ceiling. It had taken me a while before I was able to set myself in this position. Those stupid chains sat in the way.

I didn't tried to escape because this time there was no vent in the cell. I did not know how I would get out of here once I had broken the chains. And I do not think they would fall for my trap again where I was choking.

So I was still thinking about the conversation with Dai. In one way or another, I had to agree with him. How hard I hated it.

The Empire had never done much good for me. And what the Inquisitor had said to him, everything could easily been set up. A bit like a game.

Would his parents ...

No! This is what they wanted. He began to doubt at himself, the ghost crew, the rebellion ...

I looked at my hands, which were clenched into fists. I was angry. Really angry.

Maia had betrayed him. Dai had betrayed him. My parents. The Ghost crew was he still not come to your rescue.

I clenched my fists even more. My knuckles were getting white.

The hatred, the anger was coming up again. And I did not even know why I was angry. Who or what I hated.

Then the door opened and I calmed down again.

It was Maia. "Ezra." She whispered.

I remained stubborn and stared at the ceiling.

Then I felt the chains around my wrists and ankles were gone and soon they clattered at the ground. I rubbed my wrists and saw red welts. I maybe wring a bit too much against the chains when I wanted to lie down. It was good to have them loose and to have a bit more free motion space.

"Why?" I asked. "The last time he wouldn't let you answer."

"They got Jonathan somewhere in a cell and the Inquisitor would torture him, if I didn't do it. The wouldn't kill him, but torture him. That is even worse. I can feel his pain already. He is scared."

She paused and then continued.

"But I heard the Inquisitor talk with Dai. They're going to murder me and together with Jonathan. Dai will murder us!" She screamed hysterically. "You must help me Ezra. I never wanted this." Tears streamed down her cheeks.

I stood up and laid my arms around her.

"We'll find him, but first we have to get out of here." It was unfortunate that this cell didn't had a ventilation hatch.

Suddenly she looked up at him with tears in her eyes as if she just realized something important. "They got your friends."

"Huh what?"

"When Dai came to talk with you that was just a distraction. So the Inquisitor and I could set up a trap. Dai was then called and I was sent out of the room, but listened to the conversation away from the air ducts." There still appeared a faint smile on her face. "You taught me what Bridger."

"And what did they say?"

"That the Inquisitor would let me kill once you had joined him."

"Phew. Even not in his dreams. "

"Yes, but he said he had found something. What, I do not know. "

"Okay, but do you know where my friends are."

She nodded. I pulled her to the door and just when she wanted to open the door, it opened automatically. The Inquisitor came walking in.

We both flew apart at an opposite wall.

"Maia, Maia, Maia. I knew you would betrayed me. When was only the question. I myself had given me a little more time, but you can't change the facts."

Maia began to make a choking noise. She gasped for air, but she couldn't.

The Inquisitor was strangling her.

"Stop!" I shouted at the Inquisitor.

Surprisingly enough he did. Maia was gasping for breath on the ground.

"You're right, my boy." He looked at me with a devilish grin. "We are going to need here again."

This couldn't have been much good.

"Dai!" He cried.

The boy came into the cell at the sound of his name. He bowed his head. "Yes, master."

"Bring the girl to the other. We're going to need her soon."

Dai went to his sister and hit her unconscious. He could easily lift her since he was a head taller than his one year younger sister.

"And we, my boy." His yellow dark eyes bored into mine. "Are going to have a talk."

I turned my face away when he came closer.

Kanan POV

I woke up in a large room tied to a wall.

"Kanan." someone shouted. My vision was blurred so I did not know who had called me.

"Kanan" a little louder. Hera? Or rather Sabine? I wasn't totally awake.

"Kanan" Now I was startled awake at once.

Zeb, Sabine and Hera all stared at me.

"Kanan" Sabine cried again. Jeh, I thought Sabine already had called me the other time.

"Easy Sabine. I'm awake."

I saw that they all three were chained to the wall. "What happened?"

"The Inquisitor hit you down and then he overpowered Zeb and me too. Hera was arrested in the Phantom. A droid braked down the control panel when she was waiting for us." Sabine explained further.


"So now we are hanging here nice to a wall." Zeb growled. "This is really our worst mission ever."

"And honestly, I have no idea how we are getting ourselves out of here." Sabine sighed.

"Yes," Hera said. "While you were still unconscious, we were working out some ideas."

"Most ended with someone died, broke all his bones, lost intellect or all memories and ...." Sabine went on.

I gave her a quizzical look. "That last one you do not want to know." She shook her head.

I just wanted to say something again when the door opened. I expected the Inquisitor, but it was Dai.

Dai entered the room and was carrying a person over his shoulders. He tied him to the wall. Because the face of the person was covered by a hood we could not see who it was. Dai made the person awake by hitting a couple of times in the face.

The person woke up and it proved to be a girl. I could see it after her hood had been dropped and brown hair had appeared. Startled, she looked around the room.

Then her eye fell on Dai. And her face became a rage of hate. Immediately she began to struggle and scream. She cursed Dai in a language I could not understand.

I looked at Sabine. At her face expression I could see that she understood it.

Dai just laughed and left the room.

And with that Dai left the room, the girl stopped screaming. Her face was red with rage and she was breathing heavily. I think that Dai was lucky that he had tied her up.

She seemed to notice that we all stared. Her gaze moved from the door to us.

"Did that feel good?" Laughed Zeb to break the silence.

She laughed. Nothing more. She laughed.

She shook her head. "You really have no idea. Being nice to me while I'm the reason you are stuck here. "

Now I recognized her. "You. You were the person in the cell. "

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "You are not the fastest."

She reminded me a bit of Ezra. Character anyway. Physical they resembled Dai. "You are Maia."

She nodded. "Good guess Jedi."

Okay this is not what I really had expected. "And hey what happened to you that you are hanging here now?" Sabine asked.

She sighed deeply. "Well currently I have not too much to do."

Andwith that she began to explain everything to us. 

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