Chapter 13

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Ezra POV

I opened my eyes and realized that I had opened them in another memory.

The first thing I saw were two green eyes that reminded me of spring. Young, fresh and full of life.

On the back of my head I felt something cold. Also I noticed that I was tied to a wall. I pulled out a few times violently, but without success.

I felt these two beautiful green eyes still staring at me.

They belonged to a girl with a slightly darker shade of skin and a large bunch of brown curly hair. She had backed up a bit. Probably because of my violently pulling. In her hands she was holding an ice pack. So that was been cold feeling in my head. I guess they had hit me unconscious again after my newest escape.

She kept staring at me. "What?" I asked her, perhaps a bit too brutal.

"I'm Maia," she replied. I raised an eyebrow. Not the expected answer, but good. "And you?"

She could not have been much younger than me, maybe 9 or 8. "Jaba the Hut."

She giggled. "No that is not possible. Our master knows Jaba and I've seen him."

Wow wow wow. Our master?

"So it was your name?" She tried again.

"Ezra." I answered. Man she could stare at you with those eyes of hers. Like see could look right in your soul. "So tell me ... uh ... where am I?"

"Oh, sorry. I had to explain it to you. Almost forgotent. You're in the palace of well...yeah uh...our master. "

Although I didn't like the first sentence of her explanation and all knew it was going to get worse, I was silent.

"I'll say it briefly: we are slaves. Entertainment but also a sort of thieves and it seems there are even Bounty Hunters who work for the master of course. "

I pulled one eyebrow up. Where the hell was she talking about.

She shook her head. "Why do I always have to explain everything."

"Not your strong point?"

She just raised her shoulders. "What can I do about it."

"But please try because in fact you are talking like a Rodian for me."

I saw her think clearly. "I will give an example. Two years ago I was bought from the Empire along with my brother. We broke into a building of the empire and were caught, but were bought 'free' by our master. "

She paused and I nodded to indicate that I understood. I just had to gain her trust and then make here loos those annoying chains.

"So since then I have to serve guests when he has one. In the beginning, my brother had it sometimes difficult with because they didn't really kept their hands at home if you know what I mean. "

Again she stopped again and I nodded. Can't she hurry up a bit?

"My brother is not really the strongest person and quite a skinny stick and so was put between all the girls to keep this place dust free." She giggled when explaining the role of her brother. Probably her brother didn't found this is so pleasant.

"You can also be put into service for surveillance, but those are mostly older people who already have been here for a longer time. And of course other basic things such as helping in the kitchen etc. And then you have to fight. "


She nodded. "Yep fight."

"And what do I have to think about that?"

"The fact that you needed seven guards to bring you here and the boss is quite pissing on you, I think you're going to end up there."

I just could not suppress a faint smile. Seven? Not bad for a street-rat of ten.

"Our master is known by its guests for this kind of gladiator fights. So two of his 'collection' or 'catches' as he calls us, let he fight each other. The winner goes on. Currently Drax (At the moment I had to think about the guardians of the galaxy and there you have Drax the destroyer who is the one in the prison but a bit the dumber one. You really have to watch it amazing movie. Marvel rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oke but sorry for the interruption.) is the unbeaten winner. One and all muscles, but not really the smartest I must say. "

"So I would have to fight against him?"

"Oh do not worry big chance that you will never have to face him. You fight especially against people around your age and Drax have been here for more than ten years and has nineteen if I am correct, but .... "

Man what can she talk a lot and then she claimed that she isn't good at explaining things.

"In the beginning you said something about thieves?"

I had interrupted her in the middle of a sentence. She seemed equally lost the plot. "Euh ... yes. If we have nothing to do, we have to go stealing things. He uses us bacause we are not so easily caught by troopers. Those who are successful perhaps become Bounty Hunters. I would not really know. In fact I'm not so good at it. "

"But why do not you just run away?"

She shook her head causing her curls flew back and forth. "We all have a chip implanted in us and in our neck is our code. Through the code we have to give everything up whe collect and do and if you do not sign up in time ... BOOM" she made a dramatic gesture. "You get blown up."

"And I have that already?"

"No, not yet. I had to explain everything and then they would arrange that. "

I said nothing. This is my moment. "Okay then make me lose my chains and then we'll go to 'our master'."

She smiled sweetly and took a key out of her pocket. One hand free and ...

As soon as my second hand was also free, I shot off and pushed her accidently down while I run as fast as I could...

I'm going to stop here for this chapter. Jeah maybe a bit short. Next chapter I will go farther with Dai's and Maia's POV. it's the last time and then we are back up to date with Ezra's history lesson and will we move on.

~Starloverrebel out

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