Chapter 19

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"What ..." began Hera.

And then the last person that I would expected came inside. In how far you could call him a person.

"Chopper you rolling trash of bolts!" I smiled happily. "I never thought I would ever be happy to see you."

"How the hell did you do this?" Asked Sabine.

Chopper gave a few biebs and tried to explain it to us.

"Well most of the time they ignore droids anyway." Laughed Sabine. Chopper wanted to shock, but she jumped just in time away. "Hey!"

"Chop, now is not the time. We have to find Ezra first. "Said Hera.

"Beep beep."

"What?" Cried Sabine, Kanan and Hera.

I who didn't understand what that astromech droid was saying gave them a questioning look.

"He saw Ezra along with Dai boarding a ship. They are long gone. "Translated Sabine.

"You know where our stuff are, chop?" Said Kanan.

Chopper rolled out the cell on his way to our stuff.

Maia POV

I woke up in a cell. I immediately felt that I was not alone.

I turned around and saw a boy staring at me with his big green eyes. "M ... M ... aia?"

I could not suppress my tears of joy. I hugged him right away and he hugged me back. "Jonathan." I whispered. I had never been so happy to be thrown in a cell.

He stopped the embrace first. "Where's Dai?" He asked hopefully.

I looked somber and his face darkened too. "He's gone over to the dark side. But he liberated me for a moment and was back light. Then we were both beaten down by ... "

The door opened. "... Ezra"

"So this is Jonathan."

I looked at him sadly. "Ez. Do not do this. "

"What?" He laughed. "Kill you? Be on the dark side? What? There are many things that you probably do not want me to do. "

"Where's Dai?" Jonathan yelled beside me.

Ezra looked at him. And stretched out his hand. Jonathan grabbed his throat and was thrown against the wall. I wanted to run to him, but was pushed by Ezra to the other side.

He walked himself to Jonathan and bent over him. "I would just dim your tone. It is not polite to interrupt a conversation. "

He straightened up again. "But since you asked so gentely. He's here on the Star Destroyer. Somewhere. Finishing a job for our master. "

He was making his way to leave the cell and I crawled over to Jonathan, who looked at Ezra with frightened eyes. "You know Maia you can still change your mind. For now..."

Hera POV

We had found our weapons and the Phantom. Which turned out to be restored again. Why? No idea.

We controlled him quickly for a tracking device or something and after I had seated in the pilot seat.

Now we were back in the Ghost in space.

Fulcrum had informed us that Ezra was in the Star Destroyer that hung over Lothal. Since ther was only one we easily found the right ship.

Kanan came inside the cockpit.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Why would I not be okay?"


"Okay." He sat down in the chair next to me. "It's like there is an emptiness inside me. The band I share with Ezra's almost gone. I can't feel it. "He sighed.

"I know. Come on, do something useful and go get Zeb and Sabine. We are here."

He nodded and left the cockpit.

Please, let this go well...

Maia POV

I had fallen asleep in the cell. I turned out to be more tired than I thought.

I dreamed and sadly enough it was not a happy one.

I walked into the tall dry grass of Lothal. Smiling. Fortunately, though, I had no concern.

"I would run faster if I were you!" Cried someone behind me. I turned around and saw no one. Surprised, I stopped.

I was sure that I heard someone behind me.

"Gotcha!" Someone called and I was pulled down in the long grass. We rolled down the hill we had just run up. We stopped and I saw Ezra lie beneath me. His beautiful eyes where I love to drown into. His hair where I wanted to get my fingers through and his lips that I'd love to kiss ....

My feelings for him had never gone away.

Suddenly the temperature dropped to freezing point. I could see my own breath. I looked up at the sky when there appeared a large cloud in front of the sun.

And just a minute ago there was not a cloud to be seen.

I looked back down to Ezra.

But he was gone ...

I stood up and looked around. "Ezra ?!"

A lightsaber was activated. And another. I turned toward the sound.

As the Inquisitor stood beside Ezra. His eyes almost completely black and dark. "Ez?"

"Do not bother stupid girl." Laughed the Inquisitor. "He's mine."

When the ground beneath my feet disappeared, I saw Ezra with a cruel smile looking at me.

Just before I hit the ground, I stopped and hung in the air.

And then after a short hesitation, I fell with my face on the floor. Pain shot through my cheek.

I lay down with a groan on my back and closed my eyes and curl up into a ball. I pressed my hands to my ears when Ezra's laughter echoed. But not the cheerful laughter of before. No a cruel, evil laugh.

Why can't I just wake up from this nightmare.

So I just can wake up into a new one: reality.

Ezra ...

Dai ...


Something tapped my cheek.

I woke up because someone was tapping softly against my cheek. I blinked my eyes against the light. Jonathan's face appeared before my eyes.

"What?" I began. He put a finger to my lips and then his gaze shifted to someone else in the room.


My own eyes did not stopped at my brother. No, they moved to someone else in the room.



Hey my stars (jey I love stars and my readers so you get it)

this is going well, but can you pleas drop some comment about this story. about what should happen, what you think, some negative points even (but rather not ;)

pleas I need it and I would like it

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