Chapter 5

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Ezra POV

While we were in the dark jumping from roof to roof, I thought back to the conversation I had had with Dai after we explained him the plan.

"How did you even know that Maia was caught?" I asked Dai.

"Because she sacrificed herself to save me." He replied.

"Why," I asked confused.

Dai sighed. "You're right, I am a coward, and I proofed it once again before I found you."

When I said nothing, Dai continued. "I had found Maia, she was on Tatooine. I met her by coincidence. Of course I did not tell here really everything that had happened after she left. "He said with a faint smile.

He scratched his head behind probably afraid of my reaction. Again I didn't responded so he just went on after clearing his throat. "I said that I had left to look for her. Eventually she convinced me to go back to Lothal for you. Once here we were recognized and she was arrested while she yelled that I had to find you. "

"Ezra hide!" Dai broke my train of thought.

We two were on the roof on the way to the prison for hacking the database and so to find Maia. All the rest would provide the distraction. Apparently they had already begun because all the troopers were running in the same direction.

"Has the explosion already been?" I asked.

"Yes, how could you miss that now." Dai said excited. "She knows some about it that Sabine. What a blast that was. A masterpiece or so! "

"Sabine don't know small explosions. It's like art for her. The more colorful the better, "I laughed.

Funnily enough, it felt good to be back working with Dai.

We were the only two who knew how Maia looked so all the rest had targeted a charge while we liberated Maia. Two missions at ones and they also made a distraction for us. It worked nicely, the last trooper just disappeared around the corner.

"Come on," I said and jump to the next roof. Dai followed right behind me. We didn't saw any troopers, they run right in our trap.

"You know, I think there has never been a mission that went as well as now." I smiled at Dai. Here he didn't respond. Strange. Dai suddenly seemed very stressed.

"Hey no worries. We'll find her." I tried to encourage him, but that wasn't the thing that made him so stressed.

Meanwhile, we had arrived at the prison. There were still five troopers around.

"I deal with them and meanwhile you look for the info." I said pointing to the troopers. I jumped off the roof and immediately started shooting at the troopers. Three I had dealt with immediately. The other two had the chance to hide, but the idea was to get the attention of Dai and that seemed to work.

I shot on the two and hit one of them. Dai eliminated the other from behind. I assumed that he had the information.

I quickly walked over to him. "And?"

"Cell A-13, which is on the similar tool." He replied.

I laughed. "That's come in handy. No elevators or stars."

Dai just nodded and we headed for the door. Along the way we shoot at the few troopers. This was a prison with not really important people so there weren't a lot guards. Especially there were thieves and "street rat".

"Here it is." Dai shouted. He opened the door and I went first inside. "Maia?" I asked when I was inside.

"Dai are you sure this is the right cell because it is empty." I cried out.

Iwanted to turn around when something hit me really hard on my head. My eyesclosed and I collapsed on the floor. One more time I could open my eyes. Iturned my com on that hung at my belt. A shadow was bent over me, but I couldnot see who it was. "Everything went according to plan master." Ihear someone say before I fell unconscious.,

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