Chapter 7

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Ezra POV

I woke up...again in a cell, I thought irritated.

I immediately looked at the ceiling. The vent was on the same spot. They had just dumped me in the same cell.

I already wanted to stand up to crawl again through the grid, but was stopped.

Only now I noticed the chains around my wrists and ankles. With a total of four I was tied to the wall.

Oh fine.

Perhaps with the force I could break free?

I already wanted to focus on opening the chains when the cell door opened. The Inquisitor and a smaller hooded figure came in.

The Inquisitor laughed with his pointed teeth. He gave me the creeps.

"Padawan, how nice to see you here." He began.

"Let them go." Was the first thing I said, immediately thinking of my friends. Wow I just thought of Dai as my friend. But he was the one who betrayed me, didn't he?

And if they could read my thoughts, something happened that touched me deeply.

"Padawan, you hadn't have the change yet to meet my apprentice ."

The student stepped forward when hearing his name. "Right, I always forget you guys know each other."

And the person took his hood off. An all too familiar face appeared.


Hera POV

A few minutes ago I picked up Kanan and Sabine. We had landed on one of our regular spots. It was one not so far from Ezra's Tower. This was the closes to Capital City and with the situation I had to land as soon as possible.

Now we all sat in the common room, where so many plans were made and unfortunately those plans didn't always go as we had hoped. Similarly, the last one. We have our youngest crew member captured and together with Dai. And his sister they also had to liberate.

If Dai had never showed up. Everything went just well.

"So how about that? Are we going to save the kid or not?" Zeb broke my train of thought.

"Ezra will be difficult enough, but we must liberate the other two also." Sabine sighed. "And we can do it better now before they put them to a Star Destroyer or so. These cells are our best chance. "

"So we have to act quick." Nodded Kanan.

Zeb jumped up. "For what are we waiting than!"

"Zeb." I said. "This time can't go wrong. If we...Ezra ... "

I may not have finish my phrase, but I was sure they all knew what I meant.

Kanan POV

Hera was right.

If something happens to Ezra ...

If we lose him forever ...

I wouldn't know what to do. And it was not just our master-padawan band. The kid had touched me. With its liveliness and energy he brought here. His sarcasm which always made me laugh.

He was a kind of son to me. I now realized.

Crazy that you only realize such things as they have been taken away from you.

And then there began to form a plan in my head.

I know how we are going to liberate the kid, I thought.

"How?" Zeb, Hera and Sabine together asked.

Apparently I had said it at loudly.

I just knew there had appeared a smile on my face because with the rest also appeared one.

Ezra POV

"No no no." I exclaimed.

Disbelief welled up in me and with that new hate.

"How could you!" I yelled.

The Inquisitor all seemed to find it amusing.

My trust in people was simply broken.


I know what you're thinking, bwa I already know who the person is. What a stupid cliffhanger.

But I'm almost certain that you are wrong. ^-^ XD

But maybe because of my note you know who it is?


just wait and read the next chapter to find out

~starloverrebel out    

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