Chapter 20: Fresh news

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just a randow pic I loved

okey I have done it, after this one there will be another 5 and a prologue

and than this is done

if everything go well than at the end of next week this will be completed

but for now enjoy
The start of the end

~starloverrebel out


Ezra POV

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

That is what the article that I had found in the labyrinth did the whole time.

Back and forth.

My eyes followed it.

Back and forth.

Slowly I began to get into a kind of trans.

Back and forth.

Silent whispers haunted me. I just couldn't tell what the voice or voices said. It was a hiss.

Back and forth.

Every bit of feeling began to flow out of me.

Until I fell a hand on my shoulder and the rope slipped out of my hands.

"Ezra? Did you hear what I just said? "

Sabine her face appeared in front of me. I shook my head. "Did you say something?"

Sabine POV

First I had knocked several times on the door, but I didn't get any response.

"Ezra, come on. I know you're mad at us and each of us really regret what we have done. When we realized that, it was already too late. "

Still nothing.

"Ezra." I had to get him out of there, if he wanted to or not. "We are sorry! You're already in there for almost a whole day. Isn't it time to get out for just a few minutes?" I bit my lip. "There's something that you really should see. I do not know if you're going to like it, but we don't want to hide something for you anymore. "


"Ezra?" I opened the door and was afraid to see an empty room, but to my relief he was laying on the top bunk. "Ezra, please. You probably should see this. It's about ... about." I hesitated. "It's about some people you know." I was not able to say it.

Yet he didn't even moved a muscle. What? The only thing that moved were his eyes. They followed the medallion that dangled a few inches from his head.

I put a hand on his shoulder and now he seemed to notice me for the first time. His grip on the string solved making it rolled off the bed.

"Ezra? Did you hear what I just said? "

He looked confused around the room as if trying to understand where I suddenly came from.

He shook his head. "Did you say something?"

Okay, I've just trying to suck something very nice out of my thumb. Okay it wasn't really that nice, but it is the thought that counted.

I put my hands on my hips. "Ezra, I've been here for nearly five minutes," Maybe a little excessive. "talking to you. When I got no response, I came inside. It was like I was talking to a deaf and blind! "

He jumped off the bed and picked up the strange medallion. "What do you want Sabine?" Something angry sounded in his voice as if he just remembered what we had done.

"We want no more secrets. We have found something that you really should see. "

Now I looked like I got his full attention. "What?"

I couldn't say it. "Just come along." I hung my head. He wasn't going to like this. Maybe a tiny bit, but mostly not.

We arrived in the common room where everyone had gathered around the holo table. Everyone had that sad expression with a touch of anxiety. Afraid of how he would react. "What is it?"

Nobody answered and Hera just started the recorded message we just saw. While Ezra looked at it, we studied every little change on Ezra's face.

"The empire will execute two criminals because of rebellion end this week. The two culprits were arrested nearly eight years ago while performing one of their crimes. After a long process, the verdict says execution and it will take place in two days place on the main square in the capital city. We ask you to look out and be carefully as expected that the rebels will try to free the two." Sounded the message. Ezra seemed not to know about who they were talking. His eyes widened, and then I realized that he had seen the photo of the two.

The Bridgers.

His parents.

Agent Kallus POV

"Have you sent the message as I command?"

I looked at the message again. "Yes Inquisitor." I turned to him. "But if I may ask, why? What's the point of announcing an execution that will never take place? "

"About that Agent Kallus you don't need to worry about. Just be sure you are ready. We are absolutely confident that our rebel group will take the bait."

"Yet. Why would they pay much attention to two strangers. We have announced that security will be optimal. "

"Again agent, no need to worry about it." With that he left my office.

I didn't understand it. The Bridgers have been settled years ago. Locked in a cell from where their voices of freedom couldn't escape. And then the Inquisitor comes suddenly with that idea. How did he know about? Documents from eight years ago seems to me unknown area for him.

Unless I was mistaken, and they were no strangers to the group.

I sat at my desk and tapped in the search. The Bridger document was only accessible to officers of higher rank.

Luckily I was.

With my fast fingers I gave my code to access the document. It had been a long time since I had opened it yet. The Bridgers had been my first assignment. I read the document full of information and some things that I had forgotten long ago, surfaced again. As the man was a Jedi and descended from a former Jedi who had violated the Jedi laws. Therefore he had lost his title. And then that one little detail I almost totally forgot.

The Bridgers had a son. I opened the document that contained the information about the young Bridger. At the time of the arrest the lad was seven. I wondered what had happened to him. Probably friends or relatives of the Bridgers had taken him under their hats. Much was not in there. Data from birth. Born on Empire Day. Weight. Size. Appearance characteristics. Difficulties.

Funny that the Bridgers haven't chosen a home birth. In this way, their son would be left out of the system.

And then I understood the Inquisitor's plan. A photograph required to be taken each year, stood beneath the screen. A series of fact, from every year.

The boy had black hair with a tint of blue like his father. The skin like many on this planet. Then the electric blue eyes. He looked exactly like...

The street rat and Jedi-Padawan of the Ghost crew alone seven or eight years younger.

Ezra Bridger had survived after all and had stepped in the footsteps of his parents.

Who had known?

okey Wtf is the inquisitor planning???? and what is up with the ghost and that amulet?

let me know! feels, thaught, things you like/dislike, seriously grammatical mistakes

~starloverrebel out

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