Chapter Nine

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The crew has not yet arrived at their destination, and it is not a given that they are going to. Young Ezra Bridger is still convinced that something, or someone, dark is lurking near.

"Hey Sabine." Ezra said casually as he walked into the common room. The young Mandalorian was checking her shoulder armor for any scratches. An angry growl from Zeb could be heard in the belly of the ship and moments later Chopper came rolling into the common room and promptly placed himself next to Sabine, beeping something that he didn't understand at her. She laughed lightly before returning to her work.

"I'm going to turn you into scrap metal!" The Lasat yelled, storming into the room. Chopper beeped something else at Sabine and she had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing.

"What did he say?" Ezra asked, his attention now focused on the small droid.

"I don't think it would be wise to repeat it to you guys." Spectre 5 stated simply before returning to her work.

Beeping what sounded like a laugh Chopper rolled out of the room with Zeb right on his heels.

"Will those two ever stop fighting?" Ezra asked, a goofy grin coming to the corner of his lips and sitting down next to Sabine who was busy rolling her eyes at his remark.

"You're usually in that fight oh wise Jedi." She replied as she put her armor back on her shoulder.

"Why I never." Ezra fired back, placing his hand on his chest and trying, but failing to look offended. Just as he closed his mouth a crash could be heard in the cargo hold as Chopper rolled past them again, this time without Zeb right behind him. "I don't even want to know" Ezra informed the droid before he could get any more ideas.

Sabine just chuckled lightly and shifted her position to the point where she was as far away from Ezra as possible. "I'm getting away from both of you. This isn't going to end well." Standing up she promptly left the room and headed to join Hera and Kanan in the cockpit.

Zeb eventually came back into the lounge area, looking slightly defeated, but ready smash some bucket heads.

"Hey Ezra how much longer until we're.....woah.........." The Lasat cried as the ship jerked suddenly.

They started a decent way too fast and the last thing that Ezra could make out was him being thrown against the wall and Hera's distant voice saying something before he was thrown into darkness.

Don't forget to follow me! :)

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