Chapter One

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Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, Kanan, and Ezra walked into the Phantom, ready for their mission. It was a simple one, just a quick pick-up of much needed supplies for the rebellion. They would get in and out quickly, take out the stormtroopers, and then Hera would pick them up at the rendezvous point. Simple, really. 

Sabine piloted the Ghost towards Abafar, a desert planet on the outer rim. Ezra, who had claimed the co-pilot's seat, stared at Sabine as the Phantom entered hyperspace.

"What?" She demanded, looking over he shoulder to make sure that the others couldn't hear them. Sure enough the other were talking loudly in the background, completely oblivious to the two youngest members of the Ghost crew.

"Nothing." Ezra stammered, feeling his checks grow hot.

"It's clearly something or you wouldn't be staring at me." Sabine replied.

"I was just admiring your armor." Ezra lied. "You look pretty. I mean it looks pretty not you. I mean you look pretty too, but I meant your armor. Not that I'm saying you look ugly or anything."

Sabine just stared at Ezra in confusion before slowly turning back to the controls. "Thanks, I think." Ezra just blushed even more, happy that he hadn't earned himself a slap across the face by the young Mandalorian.

He was about to say something, probably stupid, when Zeb walked over to the two teenagers.

"Ezra do you have a Sun burn?" He questioned, noticing Ezra's still red cheeks. All of the color drained from the apprentice's face as Sabine stifled a giggle.

Biting down on her tongue she pulled the ship out of hyperspace and Abafar came into view. The planet was mostly just desert with only a few towns. It was mostly used for mining, but recently the Empire had decided to put up a small base. Here they kept intel on the locations of several of their weapons. The Rebels needed this information to track down a shipment of AT-ATs that they were hoping to intercept and destroy.

They quickly made their way out of the ship and onto the surface of the desert planet. The base took only five minuets to reach, and soon they could hear stormtroopers talking. Ducking behind a building they stayed out of sight using the shadows until they came to a building holding what they were looking for, the intel.

As their sources had said it wasn't heavily guarded. Ezra and Kanan activated their lightsabers and entered with Zeb and Sabine behind them. Chopper had stayed with the ship in case they needed to leave in a hurry. Zeb had his Bo-Rifle ready while Sabine prepared her two blasters.

Entering the storage unit they found only fifthteen stormtroopers guarding the place. Fighting broke out immediately. Ezra took out three stormtroopers with a swing of his lightsaber as he ran towards the intel. Grabbing the small disc, he hurried back to the others who were slowly backing up.

"I got it!" Ezra yelled.

"Then let's get out of here." Kanan replied.

Following his lead, the others took off after him. Sabine stopped though to throw a bomb back at them. It exploded, but more stormtroopers started to chase them.

They had almost made it back to the Phantom when one of the stormtroopers finally managed to hit something, Sabine. She was struck in her stomach and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Sabine!" Ezra screamed as he shot at another stormtrooper.

Kanan pushed the horrified Ezra to keep going while Zeb slung Sabine over his shoulder.

Kanan and Ezra reached the ship first followed by Zeb and a hurt Sabine moments later.

"Chopper go!" Demanded Kanan.

With a beep Chopper flew the ship off of the planet.

Zeb gently placed Sabine on the ground were they started to treat her wound with what little supplies they had on the ship. Zeb and Kanan sat down, knowing that they couldn't do anything else until they got back to base. Ezra however stayed with Sabine, holding her limp hand.

"You're going to be alright Sabine." He muttered, fighting back tears.

That was depressing. Anyways, I hoped that you guys liked it. I love Star Wars Rebels and decided to try to write this story. Let me know if you liked it. Feel free to comment your opinions and suggestions.    

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