Chapter 2: Panic Attack

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Today...wasn't a good day...for Ezra. It's Empire Day,'s his birthday. Meaning that it's also the day his parents were...taken away from the Empire. Kanan knew that was the day. Just by the look, and the feeling given off by the Force, Kanan knew.

Kanan's POV

I knew today wasn't the day. Empire day. Bad day for Ezra, I can tell and feel. Nobody for right now, have the nerves to talk to the kid. I might be the first one but, who knows. I just wanna talk to the kid. I saw him exit his shared room and walked passed me. "Hey Ezra. You up for some training?" I asked, trying to act normal. Ezra just shrugged. "I guess, I don't know." He grunted. I just shook my head.

Poor kid. I thought. Please to me. I pleased. "Ezra." I raised my hand out to him and, he turn around with a almost glared look. Ezra was standing crouched over like he was looking at something odd. "You sure you're...ok?" I asked. "I'm fine, Kanan." He raised his voice a little. I just wanted don't even wanna know. What's his problem-Oh...stupid Kanan. I covered my face. "Do need anything?" I said politely.

"I'm fine Kanan!" He shouted. I jumped back like a little but, only to be a slight furious at his anger. Ezra just stormed off and yelled. Great job Kanan. You just pissed off you're Padawan. My mind cheered in sarcasm. I thought of just...well, I don't know. My hands went into my pockets and I strolled behind the kid from distance. Ezra stopped and sat in the grass.

Soon as I was next to the kid, I sat down beside. I exhaled and spoke softly. "I just wanted to say...Happy Birthday, Ezra." I paused. "I...was hoping we could...make you're day, better than being depressed..." I closed my eyes and looked the other direction. "Kanan..." He said. "Thanks, that was...nice, very nice of you." I turn back around. He was smiling. I chuckled and placed my hand on his shoulder. "We're here for yah, kid. Happy Birthday though," I got up and took a few steps away. I stopped ' cause I didn't hear the kid follow me. He was still...sitting there.

"Ezra?" I called out. He didn't move. Is the kid alright? Did I do something wrong? Questions filled my head, but my main answer was to walk up to the teen. I slowly tip-toe to Ezra, hoping I wasn't gonna scare him. "Kid?" I said again. Nothing. Is he daydreaming?

But what I shouldn't have expected is when I touched his arm, he jolted away and screamed at the top of his lungs. I tumbled back and watch in horror as the kid thrashed around on the ground, screaming for his life.

"NO!" He cried. "DON'T LEAVE ME!" He's having a vision, or a moment! My brain squeal. "MOM! DAD!"

"Ezra!" I called. "Ezra, wake up!" I grab his risk but he tried to run. "NO! DON'T HURT ME!" He screamed again. "HELP! MOM! DAD! KANAN! ANYONE!" Wait! He's calling my name? How? I pulled the kid closer but, he just tried to run. Nope. I thought. "Ezra. Shhhh, it's's ok." I cooed. Nothing happen but, he kept screaming. Now he was kicking and punching me. God Dang It! I screamed again.

Ezra was crying now. I never seen him cry before. Only when he found out about his parents. Oh...he's having a panic attack! Crap! I thought. "DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" He cried. "Ezra, I'm right here, don't worry kid." I said. I used the Force to calm his mind down. Surprisingly, he calmed down. Ezra's eyes appeared and he still had tears. "K-Kanan..." His eyes rolled to back of his head. I jumped to my feet, still holding him. "Ezra!" I shook him, like it was an Earthquake. He was asleep, thank the Force! I patted his head and cooed him more. He was still crying.

Ezra cuddled more to my chest and he gave a warm smile. I couldn't help but laugh, it made me feel...Happy. I carried him to my bunk and layed him down and covered him up with a blanket. I sat down in a chair and touch his hand. "Happy Birthday kid, just remember...we love you very much. We will always be there for you, my son." I kissed his head and left the room. But, before I could hear anything else...I heard this: "Thanks dad..."

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