Chapter 28: EZRA!!! Part 3 Final

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As Ezra woke up again he realized that he was covered in bruises, and his a pool of his own blood...

"Your up. Good." Maul. Ezra jumped and was panicking. No! Not MAUL! He wish for Kanan. Not this person. This Sith! "Don't worry, just tell me what you know..."

Nothing. All Ezra just wanted to say. "I will return, better have my answer."


Kanan and the Crew already plan out the mission. Simple. Get Ezra, return home. Kanan, even being blind knew that he can get his Padawan back. Hera called out to the Crew. "Everyone ready?"

"Ready as you are." Sabine and Zeb replied.

Chopper twirled his robotic hands around and Kanan nodded. "Ezra...we're going to get you." Kanan whispers.

Ezra...please, be ok..

The Ghost rise and headed towards space. Hera didn't look anywhere else besides Kanan. Kanan tried to see if he could contact Ezra through the Force.

Ezra. It's me, Kanan.

Nothing. Kanan gulped.

Ezra, I'm coming for you.


Kanan sighed and covered his face.

Kanan? It was Ezra!

Ezra! Its me, Kanan

Kanan. Help! Please! Maul isn't dead!

What?! That roach is still walking?!

I-I'm beat up bad...He did it. Please help me!

Kanan gripped the armrest tight. Anger, and fury was going through his veins. Hera turn to see what Kanan was doing. "Kanan?" She asked with worry. "He's a dead man, when I see him."

Ezra. I'll make sure he isn't standing when I'm arrive.

Kanan...he's-he's coming back! P-Please hurry! I don't want to fall in the hands of dark!

I will make sure I get there! Ezra!

Bye, Kanan...


"WHY WON'T YOU SPILL??!!?" Maul screamed and kicked Ezra. Ezra groan, feeling ready to puke any second now. "Your rebel friends won't save you. They never will." Ezra chuckled.

"You don't know my family well..." Maul smirked and picked up Ezra by his collar. "Oh. Your wrong."
Ezra was starting to get confused. He does know my Crew well. What's he trying to plot?

"I know your Master well." Ezra shook his head. "You don't know him like I do!" He hissed. "You know everything about Kanan Jarrus. Or....should I say his real name?" Real name?! That's bull! Kanan is his name.

"Caleb Dume." Ezra grunted as Maul conflict pain with the Force. Memories filled his head, and remembering him and Kanan having a strong bong. "Your Master was weak and pathetic. Ran from his Master's death. Useless to be a Jedi, and for being...blind." Ezra was only a few inches away from Maul. One more step is what he wanted.

"And you. You! Lost your parents, blinded your Master, killed Lady Tank and have no need for. Being a hero. The Dark Side is your path...for you. Why not us it? Or..." He paused. "Your a coward. Wanting to live more, to be weak." Ezra squirmed from his grasp but only grew tighter.

Ezra screamed bloody murder and Force push Maul, hard into the wall. Maul stumbled back and was coughing. "Strong. Or not!" He growled. Ezra tried to stand but he was too weak. His body ache and he was hungry. "Time to-" Ezra heard a lightsaber go off. The door open and a blue blade stabbed through Maul! Maul coughed out blood, dropping to his knees. "No..." Then dropping dead.

Ezra lifted his head up. Kanan. "K-Kanan!" He cried. Kanan looked at Ezra. Hera ran in and gasped. "He's coves in blood!" She cried. Ezra started to feel dizzy. His vision was turning black. "Stay with us!"

"Thank you guys..."



"Kanan, there's not much now."

"Hera. He has to be ok."

A long pause happen. Silence.

"We've tried all our best."

"Sabine's right."

"Zeb!" A voice cried. "Don't give up now guys!"

"He's been put for two months, Kanan. If he doesn't wake up soon. He's...He's gone."

Kanan fell to his knees. His own Padawan might be dying. As soon as the room was silent, and everyone gone. He cried. Sobbing and crying was all he could do. Ezra. Don't leave. Kanan prayed. His eyes, hurting as they are. Kanan, felt hopeless. His body was able to stand up and go sit in a chair near his Padawan. Ezra was very pale, and barley moving.

Kanan closed his eyes, mumbling words. "Stay with me, don't leave. Just believe me. We will be happy, Ezra. Come home. Stay. With. Me." Kanan sat still. He grabbed Ezra's hand and squeezed it tight. Hope began to fade until....

"Kanan?" Ezra was alive! Kanan smiled and hugged Ezra close. "He lives!" He cried. "Oh kid, I thought I lost you. I was going insane." Kanan said into his short hair.

"Well, I am now. Let's get the others." Ezra spoke with joy. "Welcome back, Padawan." Ezra smiled. "I'm glad, Master."


UGH! I'm slacking again! Not fun! But here's the final part, yeah!

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