Chapter 40: Twin Sons

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Ezra's POV

     Chopper and I walk through the sandy storm. Your probably wonder: Ezra, what in the kriff are you doing in Tatooine?! I'll tell you why. To find Obi Won Kenobi. They Key to destroys the Sith is him. We must find a way to stop this.

    Chopper kept his grumpiness level high, making me wanna cut him in half. Chopper beeped at me. "Keep going Chop." Chopper wouldn't shut up. But when I looked up, my stomach turned. "Hello...apprentice." It was Maul! I hesitated and pulled my lightsaber out.

"CHOP STAY BACK!!" I screamed, slashing at Maul. But when I raised my blade up, he disappeared! I lost all feeling in my body and fell to the ground hard.

    Chopper, he knew I was down. I couldn't stand back up again. "Chopper..." I wheezed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I cried. Chopper made sad beeps and moved towards me. I was dehydrated to the bone.

     "Chop.....go.....leave me here." Chopper disagreed with me. "No Chop! Go back to base! It's my...." I coughed. Dehydrated and dizziness was heading my way. I knew this was a bad idea. "Go Chop..."

I saw black next.


   Kanan's POV

    I was with Hera and Zeb. We we're discussing the plan to attack Thrawns next attack. I listen carefully, hearing all of what Sato and Rex were talking about.

    "So. Kanan." Sato looked at me. "You and Ezra can go here." He pointed at the area me and the kid had to go to.

   Speaking of Ezra. Where is he? He hasn't been around since he had that vision of Maul. He's probably just clearing his head out. I can't blame him.

   Maul has been messing with us for months. I just wanna punch his fat red ass face if he messes with my Ezra again. Damn Maul! Leave my kid alone! I looked up to see Hera staring at me.

    "Where's Ezra?" She asked me. I only shrugged. I wasn't fully sure but I swung at a guess. "Probably going for a walk. Hera, he's been having visions of Maul lately. He does need to try to get that horn headed f-"

    Hera gave me a stare. "Don't say it." Fuck. I frowned.

   "He needs to keep his ass as far away from my kid! That fucker will be dead-" Hera walks up and slaps me really hard.

  "OWIE!!" I placed my hand on my cheek. "Language Kanan Jarrus!" Oops. My bad.

    Hera send me to find Ezra. I headed towards the Ghost. I figured he was in his room. Sabine walked out of her room. "Hey." She called out.

   "Hey. Have you seen Ezra?" Sabine shook her head no. Ugh. Kid where are you?

   "He hasn't been in his room all day." My heart dropped. I ran back out. Chill Kanan. He's fine. I walked back only to see a pilot talking to Hera.

   "He took off in one of the ships. I swear!" My mind told me to walk more forward. "Ezra took off in that ship! I don't know why."

   I went into father bear protection. "WHAT?!" I snapped. "Where did my son go to?!" Zeb ran behind me and hold me up. I was angry. I need to know why he left.

   Then it clicked. MAUL!

   "MAAAUUUULLLLL!!!!" I screamed. Everyone knew I was mad. "Soooo..." Zeb looked at everyone.

   "HE'S GONNA DIE BY MY LIGHTSABER UP HIS-" Zeb covered my mouth. "Let's censor that out."

  It took 20 minutes to calm me down. I was furious as hell.

  Someone pointed out a ship coming towards us. I thought it was Thrawn but the ship...MAUL!!

   It landed and the door open. Chopper rolled out. He was all sanding and was beeping and bopping like crazy. "What is it Chop?" Zeb asked.

  I figured walked out as well. I looked up. It was Ezra! He was sanding, and looking around. I ran up the ramp and stare at him. His blue orbs were dull and dark.

  Then I looked down. He had bandages all around him. His body shit down and dropped. I caught him. "EZRA!!" I cried. I knew this was bad.



No Ones POV

Kanan layed Ezra in the medbay. He was beaten up pretty badly. Ezra was out cold as well. He was dehydrated, sandy and covered in bruises. Kanan was trying not to lose his marbles. He doesn't want to lose his kid. Not now! Never!

    He stayed close to him. Never left. He was there for three hours. He wanted his son alive and well. Wake up son! Please! Ezra was ghostly pale. He looked...dead.

   Kanan. He kept playing with his hair. He kept singing. A few tears would fall but, he was hurt. Ezra was beat up.

   "Kanan?..." He looked up. Ezra's voice was weak. He tried to keep his head up. "Where am I?" Ezra tried to stand up and look around. Kanan push him back down. "Shhh...shhhh." He hugged his son. "It's ok..."

   " hurts...make it stop." He whimpered. Kanan kept rubbing his hand down his back, up and down. "My child it's ok. It's ok." Ezra smiled weakly.

   "Dad?" He asked. Kanan was holding his tears in. "Yes son?" Ezra smiled.

  "I love you so much father. You have been there for me since the beginning."

    Kanan jumped. No! He's dying! No no! "Ezra! No! Not now! I can't lose you!" He cried. Ezra only placed his hand on Kanan's cheek. "It's ok Father. I'll always be with you."

   Kanan was crying now. He couldn't hold it in anymore. Ezra was whispering. His cuts reopened and he was crying as well.

  "Shhhh! Shhhh!" Ezra looked up at him. "Sing me the song." He whispers. Kanan nodded and squeezes his hand.

   "Un deux trios quatre cinq six huit neuf."

  "Un deux trios quatre cinq six huit neuf."

   "Good. Good. My child." He cries softly.

  "Un deux trios quatre cinq six huit neuf."

   Ezra smiled softly. He stared at his master and closed his eyes. "Un deux trios..."

   "Huit neuf. Sept huit neuf-"

Kanan looked down at Ezra. Ezra...was...gone...

  Kanan hold him closer and singed more. He believed he wasn't dead.

  "Sept huit..." Kanan gripped Ezra's limped body. He cried into his hair and sobbed loudly. He was dead! And Kanan lost his son!

   "I love you son. I will see you soon..." He kissed his forehead and hugged the lifeless form of Ezra.


I am so cruel....
Sry was busy with a lot of stuff but I got something out.


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