Chapter 5: Sick Ezzy

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It was morning, and Kanan and Ezra were already training. Kanan was teaching Ezra how to have better attack hits.

"Keep focus, Ezra!" Kanan said, clashing his blade against the teen's. "Don't lose you guard!" He called out.

Ezra kept struggling to keep the same paste as Kanan. To be honest, Ezra didn't feel well. He felt terrible. He felt as if he just layed in death. He only thought he didn't get much sleep for two days. But, something else bothered him.

"Ezra, you ok? You look...pale." He turn his head, walking up to Ezra. Ezra shook it off.

"No. No, I'm fine, just...sleepy." He tried to pull of, giving his warm smile. Kanan only rolled his eyes. Teenagers. He thought. Ezra gulped and, continue on attacking Kanan.

"Keep you're chin up. Don't lose focus." Kanan spoke, seriously. "Watch You're back!" He called. Ezra swung around, and blocked the attack from behind him. "Better." Kanan was surprised. Ezra was growing more greater, and stronger. He's getting there.

"Ezra, are you sure you're ok? You look like you got run over by the Ghost." Ezra nodded once again. "Kanan, you always-" Ezra suddenly dropped his weapon, gripping his stomach. Uh oh...

When Kanan heard Ezra started grunted, and wheezing, it's like he was a Loth-Cat. He snapped towards Ezra and stared at him with worry. Ezra jerked quickly and, vomit on the solid ground. Ezra almost fell to his knees but, Kanan caught him.

"Ezra?" Kanan said worried. He placed his palm on Ezra's forehead. He jerked away. Karablast! Sick! Very sick! Ezra gagged then, vomit again away from Kanan. "Oh, sick Ezzy?" He cooed Ezra, who started Wheezing and crying. "Shh! Shhh! It's ok. It's ok. I got you." Kanan lifted the teen up, and carried him to the med-bay.

Ezra cuddled close to Kanan and, was sweating bad. He's definitely sick, why didn't he tell me? He was filled with questions on that. If the kid was sick, why didn't he tell Kanan?

"Ezra?" He shook the teen to wake him up. "Kiddo, wake up for a minute..." He patted Ezra's face. Ezra's eyes fluttered open, a tired expression appeared.

"Kanan?" He stirred.

"Surprise, you're sick." He said sarcastically. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked.

Ezra was gonna speak but, he felt the puke rising in him again. He thrashed around, getting away from Kanan's grasp and, fell to the floor. Ezra then bolted towards the bathroom and aim, at the toilet and vomit more.

Kanan followed behind him, he pulled his hair up, rubbing his back in circles. "Make it stop!" He covered his mouth, making mumbling sounds. Ezra started to cry, and vomit again.

"How in the Galaxy, did you get sick?" Kanan asked, with mighty curiosity. "I...Don't know!" Ezra cried. "I can hardly remember getting sick..." Puking once again.

Hera must of heard footsteps echoing in the ship, because she barged in and, saw Kanan rush into the bathroom. "Kanan?" She said softly. "Ezra's sick, prep the med-bay." He said, pointing at that room. Hera did what she was told, and settled up everything for Kanan and the kid.

"Kid. Ezra? Come on, let's take you to the med-bay." Ezra crawled closer to Kanan again, and got a little bit of vomit on his shirt. That didn't bother Kanan. "It's ok, just be steady and calm." Ezra carefully walked towards the med-bay, his legs weak, shaking and wanting to collapse was hard. Almost there Ezra, come on. He kept telling his mind that.

When the two finally made it, Ezra collapsed but, Kanan caught him and layed him down on the med-bay bed. "Hera, fine some buckets, two rags and fill one of them with water." He pulled a chair up, while Hera left. "M', K'an, I'm f-fine." Ezra tried to play it off. Yet, as Kanan, he didn't listen.

"Nope, Ezra, you been barfing way too much. You're definitely sick, kid. But don't worry, you'll get better sooner or later." He winked. Ezra rolled his eyes and, coughed. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Kanan asked that question again.

Ezra shrugged. "I don't know." He imply. Kanan raised a brow at the teen. "Ezra?" His voiced raised a little. "Geez Kanan, you're that protective? Never knew you could be such an 'Overprotective Father'...Wow."

Kanan jumped up. "I'm not over protective..." He lied. Ezra saw right through him. He gave a tiny laugh, and rubbed his head. Wow, I am burning up. Yep, he was sick.

"Kanan, I just thought it was because I didn't get enough sleep. I honestly don't remember, on how I got sick..." Ezra was confused. He didn't do anything stupid of what he can remember.

Hera returned with a couple of bucks, with one filled up with water and the rags, Kanan asked for. "Here, love. Hopefully that's enough, need anything, just asked me." She then turn to Ezra. "Hope you feel better, sweetie." She smiled and left. Ezra grin, then closed his eyes. Kanan wasn't done yet.

"Ezra, wake up. Stay focus, I still need you up." Kanan shook the kid, who almost fell out of the med-bay bed. "Ugh! Kanan. I wanna. Sleep!" He nudged the Jedi's arm. Geez. "Open up kid, let me check you're temperature." Ezra rolled his eyes and open his mouth up. "Bleeh!" The teen making a gagging noise. Ezra closed his mouth, waiting...



"Dang kiddo, its high! Along with a stomach bug, I can tell you're sick.." Kanan paused. "Meaning you won't have training,'re better." He smirked. Ezra huffed, but wished he didn't. Puke was rising up his throat. Kanan could tell. "Ezra, bucket! I'm no bucket!" Ezra grabbed the bucket, throwing up more. When he stopped, he kept gasping for air, like he was in space.

"Take it easy kid. Get some rest. Need anything, ask me." Kanan winked. Before the Jedi left, he wet the rag and, layed it on Ezra's forehead. Ezra finally started to calm down, soon drifting to sleep. His cheeks all red, his face pale at the same time.

"Phew! He's finally out." Kanan said with relief. Ezra moved a little, Kanan hold his breathe. Ezra had a tiny smile shown. Good, he didn't hear me. Kanan was gonna make his way to the door but, he heard fainted whimpers.

His eyes met Ezra, who was grunting, and crying in his sleep. Is he ok?

"K...Kanan...Kanan. H-Help, help me..." He cried. Ezra curled up in a ball, crying with tears. "Don't leave me,'s cold." Kanan smiled.

"I knew it." Kanan whispered. Kanan grabbed the chair and pulled up beside the kid. "I won't leave you, don't worry. We got you, Ezra." Kanan grabbed his hand and felt Ezra's grasp. The Fear went away, and peace and happiness filled both Master and Padawan. . .

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