Chapter 11

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  Ezra woke up groggily. It felt like his body was made of concrete and his head felt like it was stuck in a thick fog...


  Ezra immediately stood up in shock but crumpled back down in dizziness. Memories of fighting Killpoint flooded his mind and then the last thing he remembered was a sharp prick and falling asleep.

  Ezra went to lift his hand but grumbled in irritation as he felt cuffs around his wrists and his hands behind his back.

  "Finally, you're awake. You've been asleep for about a day," a voice said suddenly. Ezra flinched and mentally scolded himself.

  His connection to the force felt nullified and dull. Must be that sleeping drug I was hit with, great, Ezra thought.

  "Who are you and why do you want me?" Ezra asked. The man chuckled and said, "To trade you off for Kallus."

  Ezra's eyes widened. "You're Falvin, Kallus's father aren't you?" Ezra spat out. "Correct, but that wasn't hard." Falvin said and Ezra narrowed his eyes. "I'm not going to tell you anything. I'd rather die before I tell you anything." 

  Falvin sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I don't care about your silly Rebellion. Doesn't matter if you or the Empire succeeds. We all die in the end anyway," Falvin said nonchalantly. That silenced Ezra for a moment. 

  "Well here's the thing, we want peace and freedom. While the Empire wants to enslave others for their benefit and rule with tyranny," Ezra shot back.

  Falvin gave him an unimpressed stare even though Ezra couldn't see it. "I don't care about your reasoning, boy. What I care about is killing my son," he explained.

  Ezra froze as Falvin chuckled as if caught up in some joke. "Now the Jedi shuts up, good. You see, what I want is to end Kallus's life and go about on my merry way. You're just here to help me gain the upper hand." Falvin explained with a chilling voice.

  "I won't let you. I won't let you hurt Kallus at all even if it kills me." Ezra warned. Falvin groaned and rubbed his forehead again as if he had a headache.

  "You Rebels are so pesky. Always with the dramatics and whatnot. If you're not going to comply, then I'll just have Killpoint keep you drugged up. So which is it? To comply, or be drugged up this whole entire time?" Falvin offered.

  Ezra felt sick. If I say I refuse I'll be drugged out of my mind and have no way to escape and reach the others before Falvin but...

  "I'll give you one more minute," Falvin said. Ezra bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. I could just say I'll comply and then escape...

  "Times up! What will it be?" Falvin asked and walked over to the bars of Ezra's cell.

  "I'll comply as long as you don't drug me," Ezra hated saying that but it was all he had. "Good, now Killpoint will watch over you as I prepare." Falvin explained and walked away with Killpoint popping out of nowhere and replacing him.

  "Good evening, Ezra Bridger. I'm glad to see you awake," Killpoint greeted him plainly. Ezra snorted, "You're not actually glad, are you?"

  "No." Killpoint said bluntly. Ezra rolled his eyes. But instantly froze as he remembered the night of the attack.

  "What did you do to Sabine?" Ezra asked, afraid of the answer. "I just knocked her out. Though she'll have a concussion for sure." Killpoint pointed out. Ezra let out a sigh of relief.

  At least she was okay. Sort of.

                                  *  *  *  *

  Sabine couldn't believe Ezra was taken. Yet here she was in their room with Kanan, Zeb, Hera, and Chopper.

  "What happened?" Hera asked. Sabine sighed and held her head gently. "I was asleep when Killpoint came in. But I remember Ezra waking me up and Ezra did most of the fighting. I think Ezra's leg was hurt, Killpoint dropped a smoke bomb and then he had me by my throat and rammed his head against mine." Sabine explained.  

  Zeb scowled and looked over at Kanan who was clutching the note they found. "What does the note say?" he asked.

  Kanan turned around and said, "It's saying that on the hologram device there's a set of coordinates where to meet. And that we can't bring any help from the Rebellion, that it's just us and Kallus."

  Hera frowned and faced Sabine again. "You said that Killpoint wanted to take Ezra alive, right?" she asked. Sabine nodded and Hera rubbed her chin in thought.

  "I think we should obey what the note says. But we'll bring every firepower we got and can get from the Rebellion. Kanan?" she asked gently.

  Everyone turned to face their leader who had his eyes close and arms crossed. After a moment he spoke, "We'll talk more once we're back on The Ghost. I don't want anyone listening in, just in case."

  Everyone nodded in agreement. Hera helped Sabine walk back as Chopper and Kanan finished their last look around the room

I'll get you back Ezra, no matter what. Just stay strong, son.

                                 *  *  *  *

  Helloooo!! It's been forever! I'm super sorry for always giving you guys the most longest delays, I just have so many books I'm working on and one book I'm excited to write is called Hollows Deep!

  It's got monsters and it's gonna be pretty creepy. But should I write it on Wattpad or no? Please let me know in the comments I would really appreciate it :)

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