Chapter 6

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  Falvin grinned evilly as his plans were working.

  His ships and men were ready. All they needed now was to locate and destroy Kallus.

                     *  *  *  *

  Ezra and Kanan were training. It was okay, minus the guilt Kanan was feeling nonstop.

  Ezra was silent but he had a smile. Him and Sabine were going to have lunch today after his training session.

  They locked lightsabers and pushed towards each other. "Your getting really strong kid." Kanan said with a smile.

  Ezra shrugged and then quickly backed off and deactivated his lightsaber.

  Kanan frowned and asked, "You feeling alright, Ezra?"

  Ezra tensed and without turning around he said, "I'm fine Kanan. I just gotta go, late for something."

  Ezra went to walk ahead until Kanan grabbed his wrist softly.

  "Ezra, I need to talk with you." He said, calmly but he had emotions flooding him and mostly was guilt.

  Ezra sighed and nodded. He turned around and hugged himself.

  Kanan sighed and said, "Ezra, I know I haven't been there for you lately and how obsessed I've become in finding Kallus's father. I know I've hurt you deeply and I don't know how I can ever earn your trust back."

  Ezra curled in on himself. Talking about his feelings was something he never enjoyed, and now that they were talking about their issues and ugh, this was not really fun.

  "Kanan, just drop it. Its in the last and I under–" Ezra was silenced by a hand squeezing his shoulder.

  "Ezra, I have hurt you so badly. Kallus made me see how much damage I've done and sometimes I wonder if he's more of your father." He said the last part very quiet and saddened.

  Ezra froze. Kallus looked out for him and helped Kanan. And Kanan thinks Kallus is more of his father than he ever was. . .

  "Ezra, I am so sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and pushing you away when you needed me. I wish I could make it up to you. Ezra, I am so sorry."


  Ezra felt so many emotions.

  Kanan watched the boy he 'raised' before him. Ezra was one of a kind. He  has changed many things and fixed many things.

  He's shown wonder, anger, kindness, leadership, and most importantly he's shown the greatest thing in a person.


  Ezra has shown love that has touched many hearts. And one more thing he has shown is hope.

  Ezra has given hope to many people. And inspired many people with that.

  Ezra right now was quiet. Until he spoke finally after what felt like forever.

  "Kanan, Kallus may have helped you but you figured out how much damage you caused. You came and apologized, he didn't make you do that. And it hurt, badly. I thought you would be there and you weren't." Ezra took a breath and Kanan felt his words hit him.

  He caused Ezra pain.

  He caused his son pain.

  "But, I forgive you. I do trust you Kanan, its gonna be rough where ever we are, but we got each other and I am happy you're here. I love you Kanan." Ezra smiled brightly.

  Kanan felt everything lighten. He broke into a grin and hugged Ezra who returned it just as tight.

  "I love you so much Ezra. You are so strong and even though that's amazing, no child should face what you went through." Kanan mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

  Ezra chuckled dryly. "Yeah, but if I never went through that, I wouldn't have met you guys. I would endure so much pain and hardship for you guys. I love you, Kanan."

  After what felt like hours, father and son let go.

  Ezra then remembered Sabine. "Crap! I gotta go!" He exclaimed and was about to take off when he heard–

  "Tell Sabine she looks pretty!"

  Ezra froze when he heard Kanan say that. He turned around and and asked, "What do you mean?"

  Kanan chuckled. "Kid, I sensed it. When you guys kissed a week ago, I could sense what happened because you were so excited you practically screamed it into the force!" He teased yet said truthfully.

  Ezra paled and chuckled embarrassed. "Oh uh, well um, uh. . ." He finished lamely and awkward.

  Kanan laughed out loud. "Ezra go to her! But remember you are just teenagers! I'm keeping an eye out on you two!"

  Ezra was horrified by that.

  "KANAN!" He screeched, embarrassed.

  "What?! Your a growing boy growing into a man! Did I ever give you the ta–!" Ezra shouted and covered his ears.


  Kanan was in tears at how badly he was laughing. "Okay okay, I'm stopping!" He called out.

  Ezra sighed in relief and then yelled at Kanan, "Oi! I'm blind! I know she's beautiful already but still!" Kanan struggled to bit back his laughter. Ezra then turned around and started walking.

  "Don't stay out too late or else me and Hera will have the talk with you young man!" Kanan yelled towards him.

  Ezra ran away screaming.

                      *  *  *  *

  Sabine was laughing so hard after Ezra explained what happened between him and Kanan.

  "That's so funny! Man I wished I saw that!" She wheezed. Ezra rolled his eyes and faked laugh.

  "Haha, very funny yeah laugh at the blind man why don't you." Sabine playfully shoved him which he chuckled at.

  "You baby," She teased. Soon laughter died down and they sat in a comfortable silence.

  Sabine laid down against his chest as he wrapped an arm around her. They watched the spiders crawl and move around.

  "I could get used to this." Sabine sighed comfortingly. Ezra chuckled and held her closer.

  "Yeah. Just me and you. I like that." He kissed the top of her head and she smiled.

  "Sounds nice." She mumbled. Ezra started to close his eyes until Sabine gasped and she sat up so fast she hit Ezra hard on the ribs.

  "Ow! Ribs down! Ribs down!" Ezra called out and playfully fell back.

  Sabine winced and muttered an apology and then said, "I have an idea!"

  Ezra raised an eyebrow at the sound of that. "Well what is it?" He asked.

  Sabine grinned. "Lets go on a vacation!"

  Ezra blinked, shocked. "A vacation? The two of us? But what about Kallus's father? What about Kanan? Hera? The crew–" Sabine shushed him.

  "That's exactly what I'm talking about. You can't stop worrying and thinking. We need this. Together." Sabine said and smiled.

  She cupped his face and gazed into his blind eyes. Ezra leaned into her touch and sighed.

  Sabine waited.

  Ezra sighed again and then grew a mischievous grin. "Your really not gonna give up, are ya?" He asked.

  Sabine grinned, "Nope." Ezra leaned towards her and kissed her softly.

  They rested their foreheads against each others.

  "Better go head back. Before Kanan gets protective and crazy." Ezra said and stood up.

  Sabine felt disappoint flood her but bit her lip. Ezra reached his hand out and helped her up.

  Sabine was about to walk up ahead until Ezra yanked her back and pulled her close.

  Sabine let a startled gasp out and clutched his shoulders as he wrapped one arm around her waist tightly.

  "Sabine Wren, I would be honored and would love to go on a vacation with you." Ezra grinned.

  Sabine gasped, excited. "Really?! Thank you!"

  She kissed him passionately and he returned it right back.

  As long as he had her, and she had him, they were happy.

                      *  *  *  *

  Hey guys! How ya been?! I missed you all so much! I thought Ezra and Sabine need some time off from war and violence so vacation time!

  Lava you!

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