Chapter 8

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  "RUN!" Rex yelled at Gregor and Wolfe. The three ran as fast as they could.

  They've been spotted. And now some weird robot thing was chasing them very fast. It actually reminded them a lot like General Grievous but not so cowardly.

  They were hiding in some ruined village until the person, thing came out of nowhere and immediately knew it was them.

  Rex quickly turned around and aimed his blaster at the thing. It was actually built like Grievous except it had one red eye that glowed.

  He aimed it his chest and fired. The thing dodged the blast and Rex growled. Rex knew him and his brothers wouldn't be able to defeat the thing if it did have the body like Grievous.

  And the thing was so agile and fast that it was actually gaining up to them. Rex knew Wolfe and Gregor knew.

  They couldn't stay here. They needed to head back to the Rebellion. There was something wrong and he knew that they couldn't stay.

  It was two hours later and they finally made out of there. Rex and the thing held eye contact as they escaped.

  They used five bombs to distract and blind the enemy when they finally reached their ship and it worked.

  But that didn't mean they were safe. That thing somehow tracked them and found them and now it was a permanent enemy.

                      *  *  *  *

  Sabine and Ezra decided to walk around in the town and explore.

  Ezra wore goggles to conceal his eyes and scar and Sabine didn't blame him. They walked together holding hands and Sabine perked up when she saw a fruit stand.

  "Ooh, there's this fruit stand and I wanna check it out. It looks amazing!" she told Ezra who smiled and nodded.

  Sabine frowned. Ezra was acting funny, she could tell. If Ezra knew she knew he didn't give any indication. Sabine sighed internally.

  She let go of his hand to see the fruit and didn't miss the way he slightly pouted. She chuckled silently and talked to the merchant.

  After getting a small bag of fruit she walked back to Ezra who was casually leaning against a wall.

  "Do you wanna continue exploring or go back?" he asked and she said, "Nah, we still have time before sunset. We could go eat."

  Ezra raised an eyebrow and said, "You just bought a bag of fruit." Sabine rolled her eyes and said, "I got these for us to ear back when we get to our room later." Ezra smiled and said, "Lead the way."

  Ezra still looked like something was bothering him but Sabine ignored it. She would question him after they got food and a nice walk back to their room in moonlight.

  They walked into this one place that was quiet and they sat at a table in the back and ordered their food.

  Ezra held her hand across the table still and thumbed her knuckles softly. Sabine smiled softly and almost didn't notice their food arrive.

  They ain't in a comfortable silence and left when they finished. The walk back was silent and Sabine looked up at the night sky and found a new idea to paint when they got back home.

  When they reached their room Sabine couldn't hold it in anymore. "Ezra, what's wrong?" she asked finally.

  Ezra looked like he expected this and sighed. "Nothing, I'm fine." he lied and Sabine knew and that hurt. Really badly.

  "....I can't believe you lied to to my face and thought I wouldn't know." she said and it may have sounded blank but the words hit Ezra like a punch and were as loud as a bomb.

  "Sabine, I just..." Ezra stopped. What could he say? Sabine closed her eyes and grabbed her things to wash up.

  Ezra closed his eyes and bowed his head down. He then got his stuff ready and didn't raise his head when he heard Sabine walk out.

  He washed up and after he finished he walked out and sensed Sabine laying on her bed and her back facing him. She was awake, but hurt and a little angry.

  But mostly hurt. And it killed Ezra knowing he caused that to her. His beautiful light was hurting.

  Because of him.

  Ezra laid down and sighed internally. How could he tell her he had a vision of danger and death and someone dying? He was planning on telling Kanan tomorrow but he just wanted Sabine happy and not worry about his vision.

  But that failed and he knew he screwed up. He finally fell asleep three hours later.

                          *  *  *  *

  I'm back baby!!!

  I am so sorry for not updating but I've had major writers block and I tried pushing through it but everything just sucked but I learned that I was forcing myself and pushing myself and I had to slowly relaxed with my writing and enjoy the flow. Makes no sense but in my head it did.

  So watcha think? Got any ideas or thoughts? Let me know please!

  Lava you!

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