Chapter 9

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  Falvin looked over his plans. The boy is blind, apparently died and came back, he won't be easy to take out, blind Jedi are harder to take out, he thought bitterly.

  He heard footsteps and turned around to see Killpoint. "I'm guessing the clones got away, no?" Falvin asked but already knew the answer.

  Killpoint made a angry static sound and clutched his arm in his right hand that was torn off by the bombs that clone dropped on him. "They were quick. And fast thinking." Killpoint walked to the other side of the room and started attaching his arm with his equipment.

  Falvin sighed and looked back over his plans. "Drone One is reporting no sightings of any of the Rebels." Falvin muttered and moved onto his next drone's report.

  So far nothing and Falvin narrowed his eyes at his desk and closed his eyes. He needed to find that traitor son of his.

  He honestly couldn't care less about the Rebels but since Kallus was with them that meant he needed to find where the Rebels were and grab one and use them as a hostage.

  And that guest of honor was Ezra Bridger.

                        *  *  *  *

  "Do you think they're alright?" Hera asked Kanan as they sat in the common room.

  Kanan sighed and said, "So far the force feels fine, peaceful even besides the trouble of Kallus's father." Hera looked down at the ground at that.

  They had no information at all about Falvin. All they knew was he wanted his son dead, willing to do anything, and he was searching for them.

  So having Ezra and Sabine out and away was making everyone nervous but at the same time it could prove to be useful.

  If Falvin somehow found them they would be away and safe. Hera was about to speak until Zeb came running in looking worried.

  Kanan instantly sensed it and stood up which made Hera stand. "What is it?" he questioned. "Rex and the others just flew in and have bad news," he informed and they all quickly followed Zeb.

  They were in the med-bay where they were being scanned and checked for any wounds.

  Commander Sato was there and a bit relieved to see Kanan. "Ah, you're here good. Now Rex, please inform us of what happened." Sato asked and Rex sighed.

  "We were in the town and doing our job to find information about this mysterious person looking for information about us. He appeared but he wasn't human," Rex paused to take a breath and wiped his forehead.

  Kanan shared a concerned and confused look with everyone and asked, "What do you mean?" Rex furrowed his eyebrows and sighed.

  "He resembled Grievous, but all robot and had one glowing red eye and he was fast. I've never seen anyone run that fast, and he was quick and used everything in his environment as a weapon against us. We managed to get to the ship and blinded him with bombs and escaped..." Rex rubbed his face and closed his eyes in concentration.

  Kanan immediately sensed something and asked, "Rex, are you feeling all right?" Rex looked up at him and squinted as if it was too bright which it really wasn't.

  "W-Which one of you asked?" his words were slurred and slow and everyone widened their eyes. The medic droid immediately began focusing on Rex and started working.

  Rex then collapsed and Kanan felt coldness enter his body as he sensed something else. He dropped down next to Rex and placed his ear against the clone's chest.

  "He's not breathing!"

                          *  *  *  *

  Ezra finally sent his transmission to Kanan who wasn't answering for some reason. Most likely busy with everything which Ezra believed.

  He sighed exhausted as he thought about Sabine. Who was currently in the town as Ezra stayed in their room.

  She didn't bother leaving a message since Ezra could sense her in the town and feel that she was fine, well kinda.

  She was angry still but mostly hurt. It pained him knowing he caused this and he wanted to tell her but this was supposed to be a calming trip but she would be more angry that he didn't share this information with her...

  Ezra closed his eyes and placed his head in his hands. He had to tell her when she came back.

                         *  *  *  *

  The air was a nice warm, the aky was clear, and the day felt good.

  Sabine tried to focus on those things and she did but it was hard. Ezra lied to her. He didn't trust her with whatever was going on and that hurt.

  She knew it was troubling him and she wanted to be there for him and help him get through whatever it it was. She just wanted him happy and it wasn't easy when he pretended nothing was wrong.

  And she knew had to go back to their room and couldn't avoid it. Or him. She didn't want to avoid him but it hurt seeing the face that she loved that lied to her.

  But she couldn't avoid him. Sabine sighed and decided to head back.

  What she didn't expect is Ezra kneeling down holding a single white flower.

  "Sabine, I wanted to apologize for lying to you and not telling you the truth." Ezra said and Sabine widened her eyes and slowly walked towards him.

  Ezra then stood up and gave her the rose which she took hesitantly. "Do you know how much that hurt me? To see you lie to me, and I feel like you don't trust me—!" Sabine was startled when Ezra cupped her face between his hands.

  His eyes looking at her nose which was heartbreaking but still sweet he was still trying to look at her.

  "I know that and I could feel your pain from here when you were gone and it absolutely hurts me knowing that I caused you this and I didn't want to tell what was wrong because I just wanted you happy and not worrying and this trip meant a lot to you." Ezra explained and Sabine softened.

  "I understand but if there's something troubling you I want to help so I can make it easier for you. I know you would do the same for me so I need you to trust me, okay?" she asked and Ezra nodded.

  She smiled small but soon the pain disappeared and was filled with love and warmth.

  "You would want to sit down for what I'm about to tell you." Ezra said and they both sat together on his bed. Sabine could see how serious and troubling this was and frowned.

  As soon as Ezra was done Sabine was shocked and filled with worry. "Did you tell Kanan?" she asked instantly.

  "I did but it was a recording, he didn't answer so he must be busy. But all we can do is wait," he said sadly and tiredly.

  Sabine wished they knew more but knew that this was all they could get. So they just sat there until it was time to go to their beds and get some sleep.

                       *  *  *  *

  "Master, I have a new report from Drone Fifteen." Killpoint walked in and held small disc.

  Falvin sighed and said, "Just play it." Killpoint did so and the robotic voice of his drone was heard.

  "I have spotted two people that look very similar to the Rebels known as Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. They are together at this planet called..."

  Falvin was grinning at the end of the report and said, "Killpoint, please prepare my ship. I head out tomorrow."

  Now his plan was going to start.

                     *  *  *  *

  Hey everyone! I hope this chapter was nice and you like it!

  Lava you and God bless!

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