Lost Kitten

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For people who are not the type to watch criminal minds, NCIS, bones, or any other dark bloody shows this chapter isn't for you. I recommend this for ages 13 and older.
Who am I kidding, I was watching that kind of stuff when I was seven go ahead and read if you've got guts.😂

Ezra's pov

I was out on a supply run alone on lothal when some gang I had heard of grabbed me. They're called the "Cold Hearted". I didn't hear their crimes they had been charged but....
I know they're bad news, lucky me. I had been blindfolded, my mouth taped shut ,and wrists taped together. They made me walk from the alley where I had been abducted to who knows where, I remember seeing two of my capturers but I can hear at least five sounds of footsteps not including my own. There's no way I can take on all of them. When I was first grabbed they injected me with a force inhibitor so the force was useless and my lightsaber I had left on the ghost. I heard the sound of a big door opening, I was shoved forward and felt hard metal ground under my feet. "Hold still!" I jolted when one barked at me but obeyed. Suddenly the tape on my mouth was ripped off. I was about to scream until a finger was placed on my lips. "Shhhh, there now. No one will hear you." I heard the same one who had yelled at me say, I shudderd. They cut the tape on my wrist and replaced them with chains connected to a wall. The chains we're short not allowing me to stand. "Wanna start rough guys?" The same man said, the others agreed with him and I felt fear boil inside of me. Movement occurred and laughs echoed from the walls. I felt them pry open my mouth and a pair of pliers on my left canine tooth. I knew what was their idea "Ple-plea-please don't." The blindfold around my eyes was soaked with tears.

Brian's pov The man who is the most involved and will be speaking the most. Also the man holding the piler.

I watched the boy cry and beg for me not to. I chuckled at him and began to pull on the tooth. After 10 seconds of his agonizing screams the tooth was removed and held in the pliers. Blood was pouring from the left side of his mouth. We all laughed at his pain we had joyfully caused. Stan and Troy continued to hold his mouth open. I gently touched where his canine tooth gap was. I then placed the pliers on his other canine tooth and pulled. His screams filled the room again and soon the tooth was removed. The child's mouth was full of blood that dripped on to the floor. I sat down the pliers next to our other tools and placed my hand on his knee. He immediately shrank back and curled up. "Aww is the little lost kitten scared?" Everyone laughed. I had Troy the get hair dye while we brought the child to the chair. It was like a hair stylists washing station they used to wash hair. I pulled on his hair so his head was back in the sink with his neck vulnerable. How I wanted to take a knife to it but we'll have some fun first. Troy came back with the dye and poured it into the sink and over the dark navy blue hair. We decided on blond just for the fun of it. By the time we ditch the body no one's going to recognize him. I had Jake finish with the dye job while we held him down. He cried and struggled in our grip but soon stopped resisting. He's fading.

Ezra's pov

My mouth ached from them forcefully removing my two canine teeth. Now they're erasing who I am. What's going to happen to me? Kanan where are you? After a while of being held down in the chair I heard a door open "WHAT IS GOING ON!?!" "Shawn calm down he's just another passing visitor." "We talked about this Brian. He's a child, at least take it easy on him. Take a little care of him you know?" "You know what? Since you're so fond of him you can tend to him. We'll be back in a little bit to finish what we've started." I heard a bunch of footsteps and people talking. The door opened again and the voices faded. I cried and felt myself lifted up and cradled into someone's arms. I screamed and tried to escape the persons grasp. "Easy little one, easy." I felt the person run their fingers through my newly dyed hair and hand rub my back as the held me to their chest. It was calming, is he trying to trick me? "I mean you no harm, I'm here to help you." I felt him remove the blindfold and saw a man about Kanans age. He had soft brown caring eyes and dark brown hair. I cried and buried my face into his chest, fearing my fate.

Shawn's pov

Once I removed the blindfold I was meet with bright electric blue eyes. They seemed... Clouded though with pain and grief. He buried his face into my chest and cried his poor heart out. "Shawn!" I looked up to see Brian standing over me with an axe. O no...

Ezra's pov

I saw the one who savored my pain the most with an axe raised. The one named Shawn pushed me away from the blow. I saw the axe in his chest and the man brought it down again. This time on his neck leaving the head free from the body. I screamed and tried to stop him hanging on his arm begging him to. His friends came and pulled me off of him and held me back as I cried watching the horror take place in front of me. He never stopped and kept bringing the axe down shredding the body of my most likely last friend I'll ever see. I sobbed and fell to the floor. "You killed him." I said barely whispering but apparently it was loud enough for them to hear. "Kitten... It's okay we'll take care of you. Probably not as gently has Shawn would've but...
He's not here now is he." He said smirking. They hung me from my wrists with chains and tied a thick red ribbon around my neck ending the ends of it in a bow behind my neck. "That's better right guys?" The other people laughed and started to play with my legs with knifes as they made deep cuts. I screamed in pain was tears fell on to the floor. They then unchained me and held me by the skin in the back of my neck like an animal. I still cried and clawed at the hands holding me above the ground. They dragged me through the large building (I'm guessing it's a warehouse) and dropped me on to the floor. They started to kick my one knee and soon a crack and my screams were heard. I sobbed and looked down at my knee to see it dislocated. They pulled me up, chained me to the ceiling, and then one pulled out a knife. He went for my two scars on my cheek and cut the again. As the blood flowed from the cuts I prayed for them to kill me now before they inflict more pain. That's when the bang was heard and someone yelled my name. "Ka-!" I was silenced mid sentence by a hand placed over my mouth. Soon Kanan was in the room and had taken care of the guys. WITH HIS LIGHTSABER.
He unchained me from the ceiling and held me close. "It's okay I got you." I cried into his chest as he picked me up taking me home most likely. "It hurts daddy." "I know but just a little bit longer okay?" I nodded. We eventually made it to the ghost we're Zeb was in shock, Sabine was in tears searching for medical supplies, and Hera.....
Well she fainted, I guess I look that bad huh. Kanan sat me down on the med-bay table, grabbed the supplies from Sabine, and ordered everyone out of the room.

Kanan's pov

I had felt distress through the bond after Ezra had been gone for a very long time and went to look for him. I asked around and nobody had seen him, I had been walking down an alley when I saw Ezra's com smashed on the ground and began my search for him. Eventually I tracked him down to an aboandond warehouse to see my baby boy held by some soon to be dead guy and some others stationed around the room. After that whole deal I brought Ezra back home leading up to now. I pushed everyone out of the room so I alone could tend to Ezra. I turned back around to find him curled up in the corner of the room shaking. "Shhhh it's okay, you're safe now. Come on out." He didn't move but instead cried, I then kneeled in front of him and brought his chin up. I gasped when I saw the blood around and inside of his mouth. "Ezra can you open up please." He opened up a little but not enough for me to see so I gently pulled his mouth open wider. I cried when I saw the inside of his mouth, they had pulled out his two top canine teeth. All that was left in their place was bloody flesh. "O Ezra..." I cooed. I washed out his mouth and put some cloth in the missing tooth gaps. I then cleaned his two cuts on his cheek and next the cuts on his legs. They were deep and from the looks of it made with a jagged knife. I noticed his dislocated knee and shook knowing what I had to do. "I'm so sorry Ezra but this is for your good." "Wha-what are you ta-talking about?" I sat on to of him pinning him to the ground with me facing his feet. I grabbed his knee and felt a tear fall. "Everything's going to be okay." I popped his knee back into place while my poor son screamed in pain, it hurt so bad to do that to him but it was for his good. I got off of him and pulled him into a hug he gladly accepted. I rubbed his back, I didn't notice until now the red ribbon around his neck. I removed it off of him and held him in my arms. "What happened out there Ezra?" I heard him whisper "Mn not an animal." I put the pieces together in my mind and ran my fingers through his hair. "Of course not Ezra. Of course not, why would you think that?" I'm pretty sure I knew why but I want to hear it from him. "The way they treated me, Brian called me a lost kitten...*sob* Truthfully I felt like one." I continued hugging my baby boy as he cried until he fell asleep. Once he did I picked him up bridal style and brought him to my room to sleep. We'll fix his dyed hair later but for now he needs to rest. I laid him down on my bottom bunk, covered him up with the blankets, and then went to go find Hera to explain. I made my way to the cockpit where everyone already was with worried looks on their faces. "How is he?" Hera asked with red puffy eyes "He had cuts, a dislocated knee, and they had pulled out two of his teeth, my guess with a pair of pliers." "Why would they do that?" Zeb asked comforting Sabine who was sobbing in his arms. "I don't know, gangs tend to do that kind of stu-." I was interupted by Ezra's screams and ran to my room but not before telling the crew not to follow. When I made it to my room Ezra was tossing and turning in my bunk, screaming someones name. Shawn? I shook him awake only for him to claw at my arms. "Ezra wake up!" He soon awoke and stared at me with tears. "Ezra who's Shawn?" He didn't answer at first but instead buried his face into my shoulder as I rubbed his back. His answer was filled with grief and misery "BRIAN SHRED HIM TO PIECES!!! HE KILLED HIM! HE KILLED HIM!" I felt sorry for him and was curious about why this guys Shawn was special to Ezra. "Why does Shawn mean so much to you?" "He *sniffle" saved my life." Sympathy swelled inside of me as I laid down next to him. "It's okay. Go to sleep." Eventually he did as I held him. I have plans to move him into my room for the future nightmares to come.

Hey guys could you look at my tagged book thanks☺️
Hope you guys liked this.

Col out 🦃🐦🐔🐤🦆

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