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     "Ezra catch!" Kanan shouted, throwing an orange at him. Ezra catches it easily.
    "Kanan, I'm really confused if we are Jedi training, or playing base ball... Well orange.... Base orange." Ezra complained, catching two more oranges.
      Kanan smirked and used the force to pick up about 50 oranges and threw them at Ezra.
      "Owwwwww" Ezra complained some more.
      "Both, you see" Kanan smiled jokingly.
     Ezra picked up some of the oranges that Kanan threw, but apparently didn't have a very good aim, because when Ezra threw them, they went way past Kanan and hit Zeb and Hera, who were standing there watching.
      "Oops... We're doomed..." Ezra muttered. Kanan nodded in agreement.
      "Errrrrrr... Those two are going to pay!!" Zeb growled, running towards Kanan and Ezra, also dragging Hera along with him by her arm.
      "I'm sure it was only an accident Zeb!" Hera stated trying to get out of Zebs grasp, "let me go!"
       "Oops sorry" Zeb let her go and continued chasing the master and padawan.
      "they're gonna pay!" Zeb growled.
    "For what?? It was an ACCIDENT" Hera tried to reason. Just then, more oranges pounded on their backs. The two non-humans looked up to see Kanan and Ezra laughing their heads off.
     "Ok..." Hera whispered creepily, causing chills to go down Zebs back, "let's get them..."
        Zeb and Hera ran after Kanan and Ezra, but kept getting pushed back by the force.
       "This is no use, we need a plan" Hera explained.
       "Hehe... Let's give them a taste of their own medicine..." Zeb laughed.
      "Oh, I see, yes that would definitely work." Hera smirked, understanding Zebs plan.
    Kanan and Ezra were wondering around the ghost.
     "I think we lost them!" Ezra rejoiced.
  "I don't get how though... They were on our tails the entire time." Kanan said subspisiously.
    "Maybe they knew that they were no match for the jediiiiiiii!" Ezra sang the word Jedi.
       "I don't think so... Keep an eye out, something's not right." Kanan mumbled.
      "Stop being such a worry flurry" Ezra teased, walking to his cabin. Kanan was somewhat worried, so he followed Ezra to the cabin Ezra and Zeb shared. As soon as the two opened the door, oranges came out of everywhere, but this time, instead of being whole oranges, it was mashed, and it was getting everywhere.
     Kanan and Ezra were covered in orange juice and prices of oranges.
      "I'm so stickyyyy" Ezra whined.
     Just then, Ezra and Kanan heard laughing from the hallway. They looked out to see Hera and Zeb.
      "We got you back good!" Zeb laughed.
       "Haha very funny" Kanan glared at him.
       "It was actually very funny, love" Hera exclaimed, laughing her head off.
        " I bet you won't find it very funny when you have to clean it up, it got everywhere, even onto the walls of you precious ship." Kanan smirked at her.
        "Oh, you think We're cleaning this up?" Hera laughed, "not happening, Love." Hera handed Kanan and Ezra mops and buckets of water.
      "You started the fight, you clean it up."
     Hera and Zeb walked out of the cabin, smirking and high diving each other.
      "Urghhhhhh" the padawan groaned, while accepting his new life cleaning up orange guts.
Yea so I don't know what this is, I was bored XD

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