The Past Scars

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Art credit to Lorna-Ka
Ahsoka felt coldness coming to her. She knew it was the dark side. Ahsoka decided to return back to the fleet instead of checking out the mysterious force signature.
Ahsoka was already not in the best of moods and she didn't think fighting a sith or inquisitor would help at all.
As she was quietly leaving her position, she felt the force signature change. It felt stronger, colder, eviler. She could sense the hate, pain, and suffering from the force user. It felt familiar, it reminded her of Anakin.
Ahsoka tried not to think about Anakin often, she was trying to let go of the past so it did not effect her future. Plus, any thought of Anakin made her miss him and Obi-wan terribly.
Ahsoka got into her ship and left the planet, away from the force signature. When Ahsoka got back to the fleet, she went right to her quarters. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.
Ahsoka could not stop herself, she sat down on her bed, and started to cry. She missed him too much, she missed all of her old life. She missed her continuous banter with Anakin, her friends, she even missed her Jedi Training.

Meanwhile, former clone captain, Rex, had also just gotten back from a mission with the ghost crew.
He was walking back to his quarters, when he heard quiet sobbing coming from another room. Rex walked over and opened the door. Inside he saw a crying Ahsoka. Rex quickly ran to her side.
"I miss him, Rex" Ahsoka sobbed.
Rex knew exactly who she was talking about. He too, missed the brash ways of general Skywalker from time to time.
"I miss him too" Rex said quietly, taking Ahsoka into a hug. She cried on his shoulder. Rex didn't mind.
"The force works in mysterious ways, I know this, but order 66 and everything else that has happened, I don't understand why the force would want that" Ahsoka sobbed.
Rex glanced over at the hologram of Anakin Skywalker in Ahsokas room. He looked happy, in the good old days. Rex sat there, still hugging Ahsoka.
"It's going to be alright, it always is"

Sorry this was a somewhat shorter story, I really didn't know where I was going with it

Also, I don't know how often I will update during the week days, but I will update as much as possible on the weekends 😁

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