To defeat your enemy, you must know them... Part 2

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Part 2 of story requested by MysticalMoons2

      You woke up to find yourself in a dark room.
      "Ah, finally your awake." You heard Thrawn exclaim calmly.
      "What do you want from me?" You ask nervously.
        "Why were you in the data banks, admiral Y/N, it looked awfully subspisious" he asked creepily calm.
        "None of your business." You reply sternly. You knew he already knew why. He just wanted you to confess, which you were not planning on doing.
      "You've been here for quite some time, Y/N, was this mission really worth wasting that many years of your life?" He asked gently.
       "It will be once I get this information back to the rebels!" You say confidently. You then realize that you just confessed being Involved with the rebels.
       "Uh... I didn't actually mean that..." You try to convince him that you didn't just say that.
       "Don't lie to me, I already know everything about you, Y/N, and the rebels." He said creepily, walking away.
       You look around the room to see a picture of Hera Syndulla, or otherwise known as Spector 2, and a picture of Ezra Bridger, or otherwise known as Spector 6. You realize he is right. He has been studying and collecting art from each of the rebels, including you.
      "I knew he didn't believe my disguise from the start..." You mumble under your breath.
      Just then you hear your Comlink buzz. You look over to see if Thrawn heard it too, which he did not. You quickly turn it on.
      "Y/N, we know you in trouble and we are on our way. Meet us at the rondeveiw (I think I spelled that wrong) point. Spector 2 out" Hera commanded.
      You quickly get up and grab the data cards. You look over to Thrawn but he is no longer there. You use an over ride code to get out of the room and run. You see the ship the rebels like to call "the Ghost" ahead.
You have storm troopers following you.
      "Wow am I lucky they have a bad aim" you whisper to yourself.
      You jump onto the ramp of the Ghost and look down. You see Thrawn below you.
      "You can run, but you can't hide. Eventually, I will tear the rebels, and your rebellion apart, piece by piece." He says standing there calmly.
    The ramp of the Ghost closes. You get one last glance at Thrawn, his red eyes staring at you.
     "Here you go" you say as you give Hera the data cards. You walk into the cock pit of the Ghost and sat down. You couldn't stop worrying about Thrawn. You knew that this was not the end.
This is the last part of this story 😁

By the way, I do take requests ^•^

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