Brother's part 3

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FINALLY I'm getting back to this.
Luke was in his speeder driving home. He had left his friend's for he felt like something bad had happen and he needed to back home.

Luke stopped the  speeder and jumped out and walked down the steps to his home. He entered the kitchen and seen his aunt and uncle with worry expressions on this faces.

"Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, what's wrong?" Luke asked them. They turned to him and there was some relief but not much. "Thank goodness your back" Beru exclaimed as she hugged him.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" Like asked. Owen and Beru looked at each other and back at Luke. "Your brother went out to get some thing's but he hasn't come back yet and it's nearly dark" Uncle Owen explained.

"What. I'll go out and go find him" Luke told them as he went to leave but Uncle own blocked his way. "You can't, it's to dangerous to go out at night. We will look for him first thing in the morning" Owen told him. "But he may be dead by then" Luke argued. 

"We'll not alow you to go out and get yourself killed" Beru told him. Luke was about to argue but knew there was no point and left for his room.

Sabine was helping a really dizzy Ezra to the medbay. "Are we there yet?" Ezra asked as they made their way to the medbay. "Yeah just a few more steps that's all" Sabine replied as they turned into the room.

Hera came in a minute later and walked over. "Oh my gosh, are you okay" Hera asked the boy, seeing all the blood. "No. It hurts a lot, and because of all this blood, I'm feeling really light headed" Ezra replied.

"Okay I'll fix this. Sabine can you leave the room please" Hera asked the mandolorean. Sabine nodded and left the room. "So tell me exactly what happened if you can but you don't have to" Hera asked.

"No it's fine. When you were moving the ship, some tusken raider's came and attacked us. We shot back but I lost focus and got shot right in the stomach" Ezra replied as he showed his bloody hand.

"Okay Im going to help you and get you back home okay" Hera asked the boy. "You promise" he asked her. Hera nodded. "Okay then" Ezra replied.

*Time skip*

After a few hours of, Hera walked into the common room where everyone was. "How did it go?" Kanan asked her. "He is fine for now. Those tusken raider's got a good hit on him. I did everything I could for now" Hera replied.

"So what are we going to do with him now? We have to go back to the fleet and go back to Attalon and we can't bring the kid" Sabine explained to Hera. "Well it looks like we will have to. As I said he is fine for now but he probably needs proper treatment and we don't have it here but we do at the base" Hera replied.

"So we are brining him with us?" Zeb asked. "Yes we are. We will be back at base in half an hour" Hera told them as she left to the cockpit.

*Another time skip because I'm lazy AF*

The Ghost Crew got back to base and explained everything that happened when they were on the mission and why Ezra was with them. They agreed for him to stay for a while and now he was in the med bay recovering.

After a few hours, the kid woke up. "Wh..Where am I?" Ezra asked as he looked around the room which was all fuzzy. "We brought you back to are base to get proper treatment. You are now in the medbay". Ezra turned to see Hera.

"How long will it take for me to recover?" Ezra asked. "If you get plenty of rest, hopefully in a week or two" Hera replied to his answer. "Ugh my uncle's is going to kill me when I get back home" Ezra laughed a little.

"And why would he do that. We will explain where you were gone for so long" Hera told him. "Not for being gone. For not listening. He told me not to go through the Canyon but I didn't listen and now look when happened" Ezra explained.

Hera and Ezra spoke for a few more minutes untill a guy walked. "General syndula, you are requested at the meeting for attacking the imperial factory on Lothal" the guy told her. "I'll be there in a few moments Sauto" Hera replied. He nodded and left.

"Wait you are planning on attacking the Empire" Ezra asked. "Well that's what we rebels do for a living" Hera replied as she stood up. "Your rebels. That's so cool" Ezra said but then became sad.

Hera noticed. "What's wrong?" Hera asked him. "It's just...You guy's get to fight against the Empire everyday, go to new places, meet new people and all that stuff. But where I live, that never happens. Your always on that planet, doing chores and work, never aloud to go anywhere on your own, not aloud to do anything. I just wish I was a rebel or something" Ezra explained.

Hera felt sympathy for him. It must be terrible staying on that planet, having nothing to do other then just working. Then a thought came to her mind and she smiled. "Well if you want, you could join us" Hera suggested.

The boy looked up at her with wide eyes. "Are you serious" Ezra asked. "Yes. We can teach you how to be a rebel and fight against the Empire" she explained. "Are you sure I can join. I'm just a kid with nothing special" Ezra explained.

"Well maybe you do". Hera and Ezra turned to the door to see Kanan. "What do you mean. I'm just a kid from a desert planet working on a farm" Ezra told him. "Well sure but there's something else" Kanan said, getting both their attention.

"Well first I need to talk to Hera. Hera could I speak to you in private" Kanan asked her. She gave a confused look but followed Kanan out of the med bay, leaving a confused Ezra wondering what they were talking about.

Kanan and Hera stood out side the door and spoke. "What do you want to talk about?" Hera asked him. "I think the kid may be force sensitive" Kanan told her. Hera was shocked by what he said.

"Are you sure. How do you know?" Hera asked him. "When we meet him, I senced​ he was strong in the force. And if he is, he should stay here" Kanan explained to her. "Well how do we find out ig he is force sensitive or not?" Hera asked him.

"If he opens this" Kanan replied as he pulled out his holocron.

*time skip because it's nearly 1:03 at night, I am tired and am not going to write more than this. So let's just say Ezra dose open the holocron and Ezra has a choice to stay with the rebels or go home*.

I hope this is okay with you guys. I'll update the last and final part of Brother's tomorrow.
May the force be with you

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