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"I'm so excited" Sabine said to no one as she paced back and forth infront of the door.
"We all are Sabine, but calm down, we'll be aloud inside in just a few minutes" Ahsoka reassured the girl.
"I know, but I'm just so excited for the new arrival. We didn't know this was happening untill 5 months in!" Sabine told Ahsoka with exsitment. Ahsoka just sighed.

"How long have we been waiting out her for?" Zeb asked as he leaned against the wall, Kallus, now known as Alexsander, but everyone still calls him Kallus, next to him.
"Nearly an hour" Kallus responded to the lasat's question. He sighed in frustration, for he didn't want to stand around any longer, his feet starting to hurt by now.

The 4 of them stood, well Sabine paced, there in silence for another 5 to 10 minutes untill the door to the room opened. A woman wearing a long white hospital coat walked out with a smile on her face.

"You may see them now, but I suggest you stay quite, as not to disturb them" the doctor told the group. As soon as she was out of the door way, Sabine was the first to rush into the room, Ahsoka, Zeb and Kallus following behind her into the room, the door closing quietly behind them.

Sabine was next to the bedside in only a few momonts, looking down at there pilot. "Hey Hera" Sabine said in a quiet voice, knowing that her excited voice may be to loud.
Hera looked up at the multi coloured haired girl with a smile, exhibition on her face as she did.

"Hey Sabine, your excited" Hera laughed quietly as she sat back against the pillows behind her, trying to make herself more comfortable. Sabine nodded. "How could I not be, we have a new little member joining the team" Sabine replied to the twi'lik.

Ahsoka, Zeb and Kallus approached the bed side, and Hera smiled up at all three of them. "Would you like to see him?" Hera asked as she gestured to the bundle that she had in her arms. "We'd love to" Ahsoka replied quietly, not wanting to wake the new arrival up.

Hera nodded and held up the newborn that the cradled in her arms. "Meet specter 7" Hera announced. Every awed.

It was a boy. Unlike his mother, he looked human, only the tip of his ears being slightly pointed and a tint of green on them, and the little amount of hair he did have on his head, was drown (Cause I belive his green hair is dyed by Sabine later). He had his eye's closed as he sleeped in his mother's arms. "He's so cute" Sabine awed as she looked down at the child.

Hera nodded as she looked down at her son. "He looks alot like his father, dosnt he" Hera asked them, he tone holding saddness. Everyone frowned.

They remebered how they found out about the news. Hera told them about it, how she was going to have a child. When they asked about it, Hera explained how  she only found out that she was pregnant 3 months just a week before Kanan died. She told them that she was to scared to tell him about it, and said that once they finished helping Lothal, she would have told him so he wouldn't have worried about her when they were there, but once he died, she felt guilty for not saying anything.

"Yes he dose look alot like Kanan. I'm sure Kanan would be over joyed with him" Ahsoka told Hera, as she placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. Hera looked up at her with a thankfully look, and then looked back down at her son.

"I'm just a bit upset. Kanan never knew and I should have told him, I should have told him befor he was gone, about our child" Hera spoke, as she looked sadly at her child.
"Well maybe he did" Ahsoka spoke, catching the interest of everyone.
"How would he? I never told him about it" Hera asked the tugrata with confution.

"He may have sensed it through the force. It's not guaranteed, it's just a thought or possibly I have thought of. That may also explain the reason he was so protective over you and wanted to keep you safe and why he was so determine to save you from the Empire, knowing you were going to have a child" Ahsoka explained to them all.

Hera thought of the possibility of Ahsoka's theory. Hera didn't know much about the force, but deep down, she could feel like Kanan did know something she did not. Prior to her finding out she was expecting their child, Kanan became very protective of her and careful of her. Maybe he did know, even before she did.
Hera looked down at the child and smiled, feeling a bit reassured at the possibility that her lover did know about their son, even though she still was sad that he will never meet him.

"So what are you going to name him?" Kallus asked Hera as he looked down at the child. Hera thought for a momont. "I never really thought of a name. I only thought of girl names like Violet or Maia, but not a boys name" Hera explained to them.
They all stood their and thought of name's for the newborn.

Ahsoka came up with Christ, Sabine came up with Mark, Zeb came up with the name Thomas, and Kallus thought up the name Marcel.
As they spoke of diffrent names, Hera remebered a conversation she had with Kanan a few years ago when they just started to become rebels.

Hera sat in the cockpit of her new ship, The Ghost. Kanan walked in, followed by chopper and sat down in the copilot seat next to Hera, and leaned back into it. "I have a randome question" Kanan spoke to break the silence between him and Hera. "What is it?" Hera asked Kanan as she studied the controls.

"If you could change you name, what would it be?" Kanan asked the twi'lik. Hera was taken back by the randomness of the question, but replied anyway. "If really wouldn't change my name. I have always liken the name Vilot, but if I had a daughter I would call her that. What about you?" Hera asked as she turned to the Jedi next to her.

I thought for a few momonts. "Not sure, I would probably go with Jacen. I have always like that name, it sounds nice. If I ever had a son, which probably won't happen, I woukd call him Jacen. It sounds like a name given to someone who has a strong personality and is brave." Kanan told Hera as he looked to her with a bright smile.


Sabine, Ahsoka, Zeb and Kallus turned to Hera. "What?" They asked, not hearing what she said.

"Jacen. I would like to call him Jacen. It sounds like a name given to someone who has a strong personality and is brave" Hera explained to them as she looked down at her son, now known as Jacen.
Everyone smiled at her and looked down at at boy.

"Welcome to the Ghost family, Jacen Jarrus Syndual".

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