Stay Alive part 3

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Sorry guys this took so long.
As soon as the Ghost landed, Hera and Kanan quickly made their way to the medical center in the base. As soon as they got there, they found Rex waiting for them.

"Hera, Kanan. We are sorry we called you two back so early on your mission but we thought you might want to come here after what happened" Rex told them. "It's fine Rex. So where are they?" Kanan asked the soilder.

"Follow me" Rex replied as he showed Hera and Kanan down the hallways and found Sabine and Zeb standing outside a room. "Sabine, Zeb where's Ezra. Is he okay?" Hera asked with worry and consurn.

"I'm not sure. When we found him, he was bleeding out and we did the best we could untill we got here. The doctor says we should wait outside so the kid could get some rest" Sabine explained.

"Who did this. Who shot Ezra?" Kanan asked. "Some kid's from Shadow Sauadren" Zeb replied. At that momont, a doctor came up to the small group. "So how's the kid doing?" Rex asked.

"It's to early to tell yet. He has lost alot of blood on the way here and the shot was infected. It might take a while to find out. If you want only two people can go in at a time to visit" the doctor explained. "Thank you. Me and Kanan will go first" Hera told him as the doctor showed them down the hallway.

As Sabine and Zeb stood there and waited, Sabine was thinking. Because of those Shadow Squadron, one of her crew member's may be dieing because of them. With that, Sabine started walking away, and Zeb noticed.

"Where are you going?" He asked her. Sabine stood in place and stayed silent. "I'm going to have a word with Shadow Squadron" Sabine replied coldly as she walked away and out of the medical center of the base to find the group.

A few minutes later, Hera and Kanan came back and noticed Sabine wasn't there. "So how's the kid seem? " Zen asked the two. "He's fine for now. He's just getting some rest that's all. Where's Sabine?" Hera asked as she scaned the area.

"She told me she was going to have a word with Shadow Squadron and walked off to find them" Zeb explained to them. "I'm going to find her. I don't want her to do anything that may worsen this situation" Kanan explained as he walked away to look for Sabine.

Meanwhile, Sabine was walking around the base looking for Mark​ and his Shadow Squadron. Soon enough, Sabine found them behind the base laughing to themselves. Sabine walked over to them. As soon as she got close to them, Mark seen her.

"Oh hey Sabine. What brings you here" Mark asked her with a smirk on his face. "Oh you already know why I'm here. Why in the kriffing force would you shot my friend. What has he ever done to you" Sabine asked them with anger, trying really hard not to yell.

"Well you see, Shadow Squadron has always been the best squadron here in the Rebellion. That was untill you're​ Phinox Squadron showed up. As soon as you guy's came, Shadow Squadron was left in the dust. We became invisible while Phinox Squadron became the most well respective squadron here. A reason for that is because you guy's have two Jedi on your team. So to even out the odds, we decided to eliminate one of them, hoping we will earn the respect that is rightfully ours" Mark explained.

Sabine felt her anger go through the roof. These guy's wanted to kill Ezra just because he was a Jedi. These guy's were no better then the Empire.
Sabine then felt herself grab one of her blasters and amined it at Mark. He only laughed.

"What. Are you really going to kill me now. No matter, if you do, you will be kicked out of the rebellion for murdering a rebel. That won't happen to use though because no one has any proff that we were the ones who shot your friend" Mark laughed.

"Well now we do" someone commonted. Everyone turned around to see Kanan, holding a recorder. They all realised that he had recorded the whole conversation, and now had evidence of the attempted murder.

It was at this momont Shadow Squadron knew that they were caught. "Sabine let's go. We got what we needed here" Kanan told the Mandolorean.

Sabine glared at Mark and his friends, so tempted to shot Mark, right in the head. No matter how hard she wanted to, Sabine knew it was the wrong thing and put her blaster back into its holster and walked over to Kanan.

"Let's just get out of here before I change my mind" Sabine told Kanan as they left, leaving Shadow Squadron to the realisation that they were screwed.

*time skip*

It had been a few hour's since Sabine's and Shadow Squadron had a bit of a chat. Shadow Squadron were charged of attempted murder and were sent to the rebel prison on Yavin.

After the trial, Kanan and Sabine were on their way to the med bay to meet up with everyone. "So how's he doing?" Sabine asked Kanan. "Ezra is fine. Don't worry about him to much alright" Kanan reasured her. Sabine stayed quiet but nodded.

To see made it to the med bay to see Hera and Zeb talking to Ezra. That herd the door opened and looked to see Kanan and Sabine. "Hey guys. Where have you two been?" Ezra asked them.

"We were just at shadow squadrons little trial a few minutes ago. How do you feel?" Sabine asked. "I'm fine. Just in some pain that's all" Ezra replied. "Well I'm just glad your okay" Sabine told him as she gave him a hug,  which he returned.

Over the next few days, Ezra was back to normal and hanging out with the crew again.
Sabine however, was just glad that they won't be seeing Shadow Squadron for a while

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