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So in my English class, we read the poem "Dulcu et Decorom est" or "it is sweet and hournrable to die for one's country" and I really enjoyed it. So I thought to myself "Why not do a chapter based on this pome". So here we are.
Hope you enjoy.
Ezra P.O.V.
I could still hear the sound of the bomb shell's going off from behind me.
I turned my head around, only to see it go off far away in the distance on the battlefield were we were fighting just a few hours ago.

"Hey Bridger". I turned my head around to see one of my fellow shoulders facing me. "Come on, we all want to get back to base as soon as we can so we can sleep and change" he told me as he pointed to his cloths.
It made me look down at my own. My cloths were covered in dry and fresh mud, but it didn't cover up all the blood.

"Yeah I'm coming" I replied as I walked over to my team mate slowly, my legs feeling to weak to even make a small sprint. I walked back over to my chiss friend as we both stood next to each other and started walking behind are group of 7.

Some of them were coughing up a storm, some looked like their were about to pass out from fatigue. Some have lost their boot's, but trudged on through the sludge.

"How's your eye doing?" I asked him. "It's okay. I may go blind in this eye, but Brom Zeon will still keep fighting" he told me as he messed with the bandage wrapped around his right eye. I smacked his hand way from it. "Don't do that, it'll come lose" I told him.

"Alright alright I'll stop" Brom chuckled. I rolled my eye's.

It was nearly 3 months , maybe 4 months, or was it 5 months. I don't know, I've been here for so long I don't even remeber what the date is or how long I've been fighting. Basicly, I was assigned to a planet that has broke out in war, and I basically became a soilder in a single day.

I was assigned to the front line trenches and let's just say, I was not ready for what was to come. Never in my life have I seen such horrifying things.

I've been fighting for weeks on end in the trenches and let's just say, I hate it. Your in a constant life and death situation every day, the food is small and taste terrible, and I'm super lucky not to be sick like most people were. I barely have had any sleep, for it was rare to even get an hour's rest when your shooting at other people.

This is only are 2nd time going back to base for a week to get rest and medical care, and let's just say, we were overjoyed when we were told we would be going back. Although, many of us were sick, injured, hungry and exhausted. Me, I was all those things exsept sick.

Just two days ago, some guy got a lucky hit on my arm. Sure it hurt, but there was no doctor's, so i had to dandage it all up myself. You weren't allowed back to base unless you were dying or got gassed. Oh dear force, the gas.

The gas is the most terifing thing. If you inhale that, you'll die and painful death. People say that it makes you feel like your lungs are on fire and how they quickly fill up with your own blood, leaving you coughing it up and unable to take a breath.

Before I knew it, we were back at base. Never have I been so happy to be at a place that was dirty and smelled of dry blood and whisky (Cause of all the older recruits). I just sighed in relive and walked inside, Brom behind me.
"It is good to be back!" Brom exclaimed as we made it to are barracks and went to are beds.

I literally just jumped onto my bed and just laid there, enjoying how comfortable it was. Okay sure it was only a metal bed with a mattress, but it felt like a kriffing 5 star bed for me. It's way better then leaning up against a wall for a hour's nap, only to be awakened when your yelled at for sleeping in the job.

"These last few weeks have been crazy, huh" Brom thought out loud. "Mmm-hmm" I mumbled into my pillow as a response. I was just to tired to actually talk and make word's.
"You should probably get that shot wound checked out, it could get infected " he told me.

"I know, but it went all the way true and I bandaged it up, I'm sure it's fine. Now if you excuse me, I want to get some sleep" I told him as I closed my eye's.
"Sure thing" Brom replied as I herd him turn on his bed.

With that, I closed my eye's and fell into sleep.

If I knew what I would be reliving a terifing momont in my sleep, I wouldn't have went to sleep so easily.

"Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!" I herd are general yell at us as we say a green mist creeping towards us. We all knew what it was and we all quickly put are gas masks on.
As I finished putting on my mask, I looked around to see everyone eles had their's on, exsept for one man.

He franticly fidgeted with his gas mask, trying his best to put it on, but it was to late. The gas quickly surrounding and taking away are sight, living us blind green mist.

I could hear the sound of someone screaming in agony. "H*cough* help m*cough* me" I herd someone call out, hearing them coughing and gagging from the gas.
I was terified, this was the first time I have ever been in this situation, and I didn't know how to respond or how to act. To be honestI just wanted to get out of there, go back home, back to my family.

While I was lost in my thought, someone plunged at me and grabbed my shoulders. I was startled and staired in horror at the sight.

It was the man. His skin looked like it was burning of him, and he was gagging violently, and coughing up blood. Blood poured out of his mouth and dripped to the floor, and his eye's wide, red and bloodshot.

I don't Remeber what happened after that, it was all just a blur to me, it happened so fast. We got out of the trenches, two spider's carrying the one who was gassed.

We watched from the side as they threw him on to a carriage with other's with no respect for them. His eye's where nearly pure white, and his face was still, the terror and pain on his face plastered onto his face.

The carriage began to move and as it did, with every jolt of he cart, you could hear his blood come gargling up from is lungs.
I was so terified and shock, that I got sick, and threw up onto the ground by the disturbing experience.

I shot up awake to the sound of someone yelling my name. I looked around, to see are general. Instantly, I stood up and saluted, knowing it woukd be disrespectful.

"Yes sir?" I asked him as I lowered my hand. "Your going back to Yavin" he told me. "What!?" I asked, full of joy, happiness, shock and confution. "You have served you 4 months here, and you are to go back along with all other rebels from Yavin. That is a order by Mon Mothma. Now get your things, the shuttle is leaving in 10 minutes" the general told me as he left the room.

I just stood there in total disbelief. I was finally going to go back home.

"Lucky you, someone is going back early". I turned my head around to see Brom siting up on his bed looking at me. "Yeah, I guess I am. What about you?" I asked him. "Not aloud to leave for another 2 moths. I just can't wait to go home" Brom replied.

"Do you have anyone waiting for you?" I asked the chiss. He nodded and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a photo and handed it to me. I took it in my hands and studied it.

It was a girl, around Brom's age. She sat in a pilots chair of a cockpit, arm resting on the head of the chair. Next to her, was an old rundown green droid. I turned the photo around and seen some writing.

"Come home soon and be safe. I don't want you dying, not before you take me to Naboo" -N.Z

"That's my girlfriend. She's an amazing pilot and kind of bossy, but I love her anyway" Brom laughed as I passed him back the photo. He took it back and smiled a it. "Before I came here, I promised her that when I came back home, I would take her to Naboo and treat her to a weekend there. And I intend to keep that promis" he told me.

"Well, I hope you and your girlfriend get to see Naboo together and have a great time" I told him as I got my bag that already had all my thing's and threw it over my shoulders. "Hope to see you again Bridger" Brom told me as I walked to the door. "And to you to" I replied as I waved back at him for the final time and left, running to the hanger bay.

And that was it, I got on the ship and left the planet, soon jumping into hyperspace. I slept for most of the trip back, which I'm glad for, cause I was still exhausted.
When I woke up, i felt the ship landing on solid ground.

I stretched my arms in font of me and turned my head to look out the window, only to see the green jungle and the temple's. I never thought I wood say it, but I was happy to be back here.
"Alright rebel's, all of you out" someone called out.

Me, and around 10 soldiers stood up and made it to the ramp of the ship. I watched as everyone eles walked out and went their sepret way's, while I just stood their. I looked around the landing zone of the base, to see what it was like now. Nothing had changed  back at base. That's good.

I finally got out of the shuttle and started walking, I don't know where, but somewhere. After taking a few steps I herd someone calling my name.

"Ezra!". I looked up from the ground, only to see the crew. They all walked over to me, happiness and worry spread over their faces. "Oh my force, Ezra are you okay? What happened? Did anything happen? Were you hurt? You weren't injured were you?" Hera asked, asking a million questions at once, making me laugh.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. We'll exsept for this" I replied as I pointed to my arm that was bandaged. "What happened!?" Hera asked,  raising her voice. "Some guy got a lucky shot, but don't worry, it went clean through and I got to it before it got infected" I reassured her, but I didn't look like I convinced her.

"Well I'll be fixing that later then" she told me.
"So what was it like fighting. Was it cool?" Zeb asked me. All of a sudden, all the memories came flooding back all at once like a wave a pain and terror. I suddenly found myself starting to shack and tear up, on the verge of crying.

"Zeb! Don't ask that. You have no idea what may have happened or what the kid has seen" Kanan scolded Zeb for asking that quetion.
While Kanan was lecturing Zeb, Hera seen how upset I became and she pulled me into a hug.

I don't know why, but I just broke down in that momont. I hugged back and just cried my heart out. I just cried and cried, not able to stop.
"I-i-it was awful" I cried. "I w-as terified. I-I've never been so scared in my life" I sobbed.

Hera P.O.V
I've never seen Ezra like this. One minuet he was happy, and next, he's having an emotional break down. He starts sobbing and saying how terifing it was and how scared he was. It broke my heart and I hugged him tighter. After a few momonts, i pulled back and looked at him.

"Well you don't have to be scared anymore.  You are safe here and you have nothing to worry about. Now, how about we head back to the Ghost and have something to eat. Okay?" I asked him. He was quite for a few momonts before nodding. I smiled and we started walking back to the Ghost.

I hope you enjoyed. Should I do a part 2?

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