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-Alright, I'm just gonna say it, this is kind of a boring one, but I felt like I should write something. It's been a while since I have. Anyways, it is takes place before Rebels. Enjoy!-

The planet was miserable. As were many other planets in the outer and mid rim. It was crowded with the grumpiest people imaginable. It was humid, hot, and raining. The buildings were horribly made, but the worst thing had to be the Imperial presence. No matter where they went, they couldn't seem to get away from the Empire, and with every passing day, the Empire continued to grow and grow. 

Kanan stopped walking and put his hand out in front of Hera. It was a sign to stay back from the incoming troopers. Once the troopers passed, Kanan and Hera continued to make their way through the streets.

"I honestly don't think there's anything worth stealing on this planet," Kanan said miserably. He had a hood on for the heavy rain, but at the same time it felt too muggy and hot outside for coat. The whole day he went back and forth from putting on his coat, to taking it off.

"Well, there is, or we wouldn't be here," Hera stated. She could tell this whole place was beginning to put Kanan in a mood, and honestly, she couldn't blame him. Her contacts on the holonet better have been right about their details. "There's a spaceport here that the Empire stops at before heading to their final destination. That's where we're going."

Kanan took his coat off once again and handed it to Hera, who he could tell wasn't finding this rain very pleasant. She was from a hot planet, and one where it didn't rain often. Hera thanked Kanan and put the coat on over her shoulders, and then pulled on the hood.

Kanan sighed, "Well, if you believe it's worth it, then I believe in it too." He looked into Hera's eyes. They were beautiful alright, as always, but when she believed in something or spoke about something she was passionate about, her eyes really lit up. That's what kept him going along with this Rebellion thing she was doing. He was slowly coming out his hermit ways, and finally had a purpose to live. Hera had helped him find that purpose.

Hera smiled at his kind words. "Alright," she replied. She then lead the way towards the spaceport where the crates awaited them.

After making their way through the twists and turns of the city, they finally made it to their destination. Hera glanced at what awaited in bay nine. Only two troopers guarding four crates. She raised her eyebrows. This wasn't too bad.

Hera turned to face Kanan. "Okay, so the crates are there, and there are only two stormtroopers guarding them."

Kanan folded his arms. "That's not bad. So, what's your plan?"

"You go in first and cause a distraction, and I'll come in through the other way and take the crates. Chopper is with the Phantom, not too far from here. Once we're out, we find Chopper.  Does that work?"

"Yeah, that works. It's your plan after all," Kanan said with a smile. "What do you want me to do as a distraction?"

Hera shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm sure you'll figure something out. Maybe you could do one of those Jedi mind tricks."

Kanan frowned. After being with Hera he was slowly opening himself back up to the force, and after he opened up his past as a Jedi, Hera encouraged him to tap into his abilities once again. It wasn't that easy, and he didn't expect Hera to fully understand. Anyone outside of the Jedi would have a hard time understanding. What he found the most terrifying was the idea of using the force out in a public setting. After Order 66, that was no longer an option. The Jedi were seen as evil, and if the Empire found you, you were killed.

"We'll see," Kanan finally said. He pulled out his blaster and paused for a moment. He then proceeded to put it back away. "Alright, you ready?"

Hera nodded and ran off to her new destination. Once she arrived at the separate entry she watched Kanan walk in and approach the stormtroopers. She was far enough away to not really hear what was being said. Except for a few words. From what she could understand, it sounded like Kanan was trying to convince them that they knew each other. She shook her head in both amusement, but also out of worry in hopes that this would work. 

Kanan had the stormtroopers full attention know. They were probably thinking he was insane, but it was working. Kanan looked directly at Hera for a moment and winked. That was the signal. She tilted her head. Now? But the stormtroopers were still right next to the crates. She sighed and made her way both quietly and slowly. She looked above to see if there was anyone guarding on the roofs. There didn't seem to be anyone, but there were security cams. 

Hera continued to make her way until she was hiding right behind the crates. She looked at Kanan to see what he was doing. He gave a slight nod. Hera then pulled her blaster out and set it on stun mode. She took the crates and ran. 

"Sorry, guess I don't know you after all," Kanan said to the stormtroopers. He then bolted off and followed Hera. 

The troopers stood confused for a moment, unsure of what had happened. Then they too ran after them, but their blasters weren't on stun. 

Hera slowed down her running to see if Kanan was following her. She could hear footsteps coming towards her, but it was only Kanan. She sighed in relief. "Chopper is not too far from here!"

"Alright!" Kanan responded. He took half of the crates and they ran together, but company arrived. He could hear them calling for reinforcements over their comms. Then the troopers began to shoot at them. There was a high chance they would be caught. Kanan could feel it. Reinforcements could arrive at anytime from any direction, and there were only two of them. He wouldn't let Hera be caught if it could be avoided. "Hera! You go, but I'm right behind you," Kanan said to her.

Hera frowned but nodded. She ran quicker and Kanan slowed down and then stopped completely. The stormtroopers knocked Kanan down to his knees and pointed their blasters at him. "Don't move!"

Kanan didn't. He stared into the direction Hera went. He hoped him getting caught would allow her to escape. He most of all hoped it wouldn't be the last time he ever saw her, and if it was, at least he got a little bit of happiness in his life.

"We're taking you as prisoner and you will be held for questioning," the stormtroopers told him.


Hera finally made it to the Phantom. She shoved the crates in and then turned around waiting for Kanan. Her heart was beating fast, but she knew she couldn't stop and rest until Kanan returned and they left the planet safely. 

She waited a few minutes, but there was still nothing. Her eyes grew wide in worry. Where was Kanan? She hoped nothing happened to him, but maybe he took a detour. He would come. She felt her heart slow down, but only for a moment. A few more minutes passed and still no Kanan.

Chopper was becoming frustrated. Why couldn't they just leave? Hera was here and there were the crates. He suggested to Hera that they leave Kanan behind and leave.

Hera darted her head back and scowled. "Don't you even dare think that Chopper! We are not leaving without Kanan!"

She then turned her head back around to look for Kanan, but all she saw was rain pouring down onto the dirty streets. She frowned. Did he get caught? She pulled on Kanan's coat tighter and folded her arms. Her thoughts were interrupted by Chopper telling her that they really needed to just dump Kanan and they would be better off without him. 

Hera felt a tear roll down her face. "Chop, I can't do that. He means too much to me. . ."

Chopper didn't understand emotions sometimes. Most of the time actually. Hera went inside the Phantom and grabbed a bag. 

"Chopper, fly the phantom back to the Ghost. I'm going to look for Kanan," she said. "I'm going to check the local prison first. Maybe I can bail him out."

Chopper agreed to this plan. He wasn't sure how well she'd succeeded though. He then flew the Phantom away. Hera sighed and then tried to find the prison. Which she didn't have much luck with. There weren't any signs and every person she asked completely ignored her. She wouldn't dare ask a stormtrooper for directions. Even if it seemed to be one of the only options.

She called Chopper over the comm and asked if he could access the holonet and find out where the prison was. Chopper told her he found it and gave her the coordinates, but he also strongly encouraged her to not pursue any further. Hera hanged up and rolled her eyes. Did that droid really want Kanan gone that badly?

She pulled up the map that Chopper sent over the holo. She wasn't terribly far from this prison, but it would still be quite the walk. 


Hera arrived at the prison an hour later. She walked in. It was definitely not a pleasant place. It was kept clean at least, but still it was far from pleasant. Hera looked at the people around her. Some were waiting, they were probably guests or other people trying to bail someone out. The others were employees. From what she saw on the map, it wasn't a very big prison. It was more like a small local jail where people would be held until decisions were made about their fate.

Hera walked up to the stand and removed her hood. They didn't notice her at first, but when they did they frowned and set their datapad down. "How can we help you?"

"I'm looking for a man," Hera began. The man in front of her did not seem to care one bit. Hera cleared her throat. "I think he might be currently held here."

"His name and physical features please."

"Kanan Jarrus. He has brown hair and teal eyes. Um, tall?" It occurred to Hera in this moment that there might be records on file about their past crimes against the Empire. She could only hope that their systems weren't updated on this backwater world. 

The man typed something on his datapad. He pulled up Kanan's file and looked it over. He handed the tablet to her. "Is this the man you're looking for?"

Hera took the datapad and looked it over. It was indeed Kanan, and the only crime listed was the one from today. "Yes, this is him."

The man took the datapad back. "So, I suppose you're looking to bail him out, huh? How do you know him?"

Hera paused. "Ummm," she began. The last thing she wanted was for them to figure out she was connected to the crate stealing. She was seen on the cams after all, and if they found out she was connected, they both might spend a long time in prison. 

"I'm his wife," Hera lied. 

The man wrote that down on his datapad. Someone walked over and whispered something in his ear. They then handed him a new datapad with a picture on it. 

"Do you know who this woman is? She was seen with Kanan Jarrus during the event. We can't get a clear look at her, but we know she's a Twi'lek," he said showing the picture. "If you're Kanan's wife then maybe you'd know who this is."

Hera kept her facial expression calm, even though she felt exactly the opposite. She had to think of something quick. "Oh, I know who this is! Dear me," she said shaking her head. She handed the datapad back. "That's my sister! She's a trouble maker. She always has been since she was little."

"Do you know why they were stealing crates from the Empire?" 

"No clue," Hera said with a sigh. "She must've tricked Kanan into doing this. She's very manipulative."

The man continued to write down this newfound information, even if it was false. "And where does she live?"

"She lives in her YY-1300 light freighter," Hera replied. She wanted to be over with all of this. 

"Alright thank you very much. The fee will be two-hundred credits," he told her.

Hera's eyes widened. She wasn't sure she even had that much money. She looked through her bag and found two-hundred and five credits. They'd be broke for a while, but at least she would have Kanan back. She didn't hesitate in handing it over. 

The man counted in and put it away. "Alright, they'll go fetch him for you. Please wait over there."

Hera nodded and sat in an empty chair. 


Kanan was laying down on the cold concrete bench. It was uncomfortable, but he didn't care right now. He was here so Hera could get away and not be held as one of the Empire's prisoners. He hoped she made it and was off of this miserable planet. She deserved better than this place, and its prison. He closed his eyes as his mind drifted from thought to thought. He attempted to meditate, but his mind objected.

He heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He opened his eyes first and then slowly sat up. It was one of the guards, and they stopped in front of his cell. Kanan stared blankly. 

"Looks like you're in luck, Jarrus," they said casually. "Looks like your wife came to bail you out."

Kanan raised an eyebrow. His wife? He wasn't married. No matter how confused he was, he did his best to avoid showing any signs of confusion. He got up slowly and followed the guard out.

As they walked towards the front Kanan looked at the other prisoners. He wondered why some of them were here. Some of them didn't look like criminals. Then again, you never knew, and you had to be cautious with people, but the Empire was quick to throw those who spoke out away.

They arrived in the front and Kanan spotted Hera sitting with her arms folded, and her head down. When they called for her, she immediately stood up. Kanan could tell she was stressed. Her face said it all. 

"Alright, here's your husband. Make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble," they told her. They let Kanan go.

Kanan and Hera both walked out of there instantly and once they were outside they stood looking at each other.

"Are you okay?" Hera asked him. She was staring into his eyes. She didn't even realize that she took his hands. 

"Yeah," Kanan replied with a nod. He looked down and then back up at her. "Why did you come back for me?"

"You risked your life for me, Kanan," Hera said softly. It wasn't just that though, but a part of her was afraid to admit what she was also feeling. As much as she wanted to say why she really came back for him, all she could manage to say was, "I care about you."

Kanan studied her facial expressions. She meant what she said, and cared for her too. He loved her, even if she didn't completely love him, and that was okay. He would be what she needed him to be, and that was to be there for her. 

They embraced in a hug and headed off to the Ghost .

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