You're So Precious To Me

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This is extremely short, but that's okay. I think this one might be a little boring for most people. I don't know how many will be into it, but I like it and that's what matters. Thank you for reading. (Title comes from the lyrics from 'Baby Mine' from Dumbo, because let's face it, I love Disney.)

For the past year of Hera Syndulla's life, her nights had been plagued with nightmares and her days filled with constant worries. Nightmares that were almost always about Kanan's death and were so vivid it felt like she was reliving it. Nightmares that made it impossible to even want to sleep. She always had worries before Kanan's death and there were always concerns with the Rebellion, but in the past year those worries grew stronger with rumors regarding a weapon the Empire was working on. A weapon that could destroy a planet. Then there was the constant stress of wondering if her child was healthy. If her child would even make it. There was also the absence of Sabine. Who now watched over Lothal, for Ezra. Ezra, who was now missing. On many occasions she wanted to look for him, but with the growing threat of the Empire, the Rebellion needed her. Even if she couldn't do much flying.

The nightmares mostly stopped after the birth of her son. His constant need for her care kept her up most of the night, and when she did sleep it wasn't deep enough for one of those nightmares to emerge.

Hera climbed down from her bunk and took her son out of his cradle in the corner of the room. His crying woke her immediately. She sat on the ground and started to rock him back and forth slowly to soothe him back to sleep. Hera smiled once he started to calm down. She never imagined herself having children, but she was beyond grateful for Jacen. Grateful that he was even alive. Her child was already a fighter. There were many times she could've lost him due to situations a war and a rebellion brought, but he was here and in her arms.

Hera continued to softly smile as her infant son stared into her eyes with his bright blue eyes. He already reminded her so much of Kanan. Which was painful, but also beautiful. Even though Kanan was gone, he would always be with her. Both in spirit and through their son.

"I wish your father could've met you," Hera whispered. She held her son closer. "But I already know that he loves you, very much." She held back her tears as her son started to drift off to sleep. Jacen probably had no idea what she was saying, but she told him anyway, and she would tell him as often as she could. Kanan sacrificed himself so she could live, so that Ezra and Sabine could live. And so that her son and his son could live too.

Hera kissed her son on the forehead and placed him back in his cradle, and gently adjusted the blankets that surrounded him. "I love you Jacen."

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