Chapter 11: Were almost there

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Kanan POV
It has been 15 days. 15 long horrible days since Ezra was captured by the Empire. The whole crew was in the cockpit. We were discussing on how to get Ezra back. For the past 15 days barely anyone talked to each other and the ship was way to silent. Not until we found out that Ezra was alive, and on a star destroyer. We were all now super eager to get him back. None of the crew members smiled or laugh like they use to do. I even miss when Zeb and Ezra got into fights with Chopper. It always ended with Chopper winning because he would shock them I sighed as I thought of Ezra with the Inquisitor. I needed him and so does the crew.
I was then pulled out of my thoughts by a hand waving at me . Sabines hand waved back and forth.

"Kanan, are you alright?" Sabine questioned. Zeb, Chopper, and Hera were now staring at me to. "We're you even listening?" There was a long pause.

"Beep beep." Chopper sighed in droid language.

"Sorry, I wasn't." I answered. "I just keep thinking about Ezra." I then felt a warm gentle hand being placed on my shoulder. Immediately I knew it way Hera.

"Don't worry love, we all miss Ezra." I smiled at Hera. Hera has always been there for me and I am so great full to have her as a crew mate. If there was anyone I knew who would understand about how I am feeling right now it would be Hera. Granted, the others miss Ezra too. But my relationship has grown so much with Ezra, that our bond keeps growing. In a way, I kinda see Ezra as a son. (Sorry if it is cheesy. But to be honest. I think most people think that Kanan treats Ezra as a son.)

"Yeah, I know."I said.

"Well Kanan, if you want Ezra back. Then you have to listen." Hera calmly replied.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry about that." I said. Chopper then showed a hologram. The hologram showed the four star destroyers all lined up with eachother.

"Okay... Anyway we all know that Ezra is on a Tarkins star destroyer so I'll bet you money that there are going to be a lot of reinforcements." Sabine says.

"When aren't there reinforcements?" Zeb grumbled. Choppers agreed with Zeb.

"Well on Tarkins star destroyer there is going to be A LOT of reinforcements." Sabine tells Zeb and Chopper.

"Then what's the plan?" I questioned.

"The first thing we have to do is set up a distraction. I think we should let phoenix squadron attack the star destroyers. But only for a few quick moments. That way the rest of us can get onto Tarkins star destroyer. All there ships will be focused on the phoenix squadron, that they won't even notice us." Hera mentioned.

"Yeah but won't they call reinforcements? And what ship would we use?" Zeb implied.

"Well we could steal one of there transport ships. And while the Phoenix squadron is attacking all of the imperial pilots. The Empire would be too busy on the Phinenix squadron to notice us enter. And when the reinforcements arrive. It will be to late. We would already be aboard and heading towards Ezra's cell." I announced while I was starting to get the plan.

"One problem though. What are we going to do about the Inquisitor and all the bucket heads?" Sabine retorted.

"Simple, I can distract the Inqusitor and the bucket head while you guys get Ezra to safety. I should probably bring some shocker bombs with me then." I scoffed. "So the shocker bombs can knock the stormtroopers out for about an hour or so which will give us plenty of time to escape."

"This plan might actually work!" Zeb remarked. A silent chuckle came out of my mouth.

"Zeb when do our plans ever go well?" I proposed. Hera stared at me as her left eyebrow came up. Chopper then closed the hologram.

"I'll go contact Commander Sato about the mission." Hera said as she made it to the door. She turned around for a quick second "Now, you guys go to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow. Let's just hope we see Ezra." A small smile was plastered on her face as she walked out of the doorway.

"Come on guys you heard her." I divulged. "We might actually see Ezra so we have to be ready." They all nodded and made there way to their cabins. I sat on my bed and closed my eyes.

"Don't worry Ezra were almost there." I muttered before sleep overtook me.

I opened my cabin door which is where Ezra and I share our bedroom. I miss the kid. To be honest I rather trade spots with him. Meaning that I rather be torture then the kid. I wish he was here on the ghost. I miss playing around with him and getting into fights with Chopper. A small laugh escaped my mouth as I remembered beating up Chopper for him waking me up along with Ezra. We shared good moments together and I do not want the filthy Empire to take that away from me.
I sighed as I sat on my comfy bed staring up at the bottom of Ezra's bed. I needed the kid and so does everyone else in the ghost crew. We were like a big family. I just hope that tomorrow will go well. But to be honest Kanan is right. Kanan's question kept repeating in my head. When do our plans ever go well?

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