Chapter 22: Restraints

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Ezra POV
Why does everything hurt? That's a stupid question! I'm with the Empire! Of course everything hurts! I weakly opened my eyes. Great now I'm in a new imperial cell! And away from my crew! What is this, my fourth, transfer to a new cell? I looked up at my right hand, along with my left hand to see it being attached by binders making me float off the ground. (Picture above. Minus the mouth guard thing.) Well this is going to get annoying! I slumped back down making my body ache with pain.

"Ugh!" I moaned.

I looked down at my broken, bruised, bloody body. Gee that's bad, and I've only been here for a month! As long as the Inquisitor is not in the cell then i'll live. Literally.

I closed my eyes as I tried to contact, Kanan through our bond.

Kanan? Answer me!

I tried this for at least an hour.

Kanan please contact me!

And no answer came.

Kanan! I need you!

All hope was lost for contacting my master.

Kanan why aren't you answering me!

I complained in my mind as I accidentally sent a wave of frustration towards Kanan and my bond. Anger was releasing off of me making me vulnerable to the darkside.

I calmed myself down as I thought of happy memories with my crew. A small grin appeared on my face as I thought back to the time when Kanan, Hera, Chopper, Zeb, Sabine and I were hanging out in the common room. I felt like I had a family again. They are my new family and because of me they are with the Empire. They shouldn't have come for me. Well, I can't change the past.

"I need to get out of here." I said while talking to myself.

I have to get to my crew. I struggled against the strong metal binders holding me off the ground. I tried to slip my hands out of the handcuffs but it was no use. And where would I go if I did get out?

"Well, if I could get out p, where would I go next." I looked up to see a vent. Praise the Lasan! "There's my answer."

If I could get out of these restraints, I could climb into the vent and find my crew. There must be a way to deactivate these binders. I looked around for anything that could disarm these shackles. I searched every inch of the stupid imperial cell and I found nothing that could help me get out of this situation.

"This is hopeless." I muttered under my breath. Maybe if I focused on the restraints maybe I could disarm the shackles with the force! This could end really badly. But it was my last option. What could I loose? Seriously, what could I loose?

I closed my eyes as I only focused on the binders that was holding me up. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. That was my only thought. I calmed my breath, and I focused on the force. I squeezed my eyes tighter making my eyelids almost hurt.

I heard the hissing sound of the door opening. Oh you've got to be kidding me! I opened my eyes to see the worst image in the world...the Inquisitor. I immediately stopped focusing on the restraints as my attention was now on the Inquisitor.

"Now your not escaping are you?" The Inquisitor hissed.

Sparks of electricity from the binders came towards me, making me scream out in pain. The Inquisitor's smug grin make me want to punch his face. When do I not want to punch him on the face? The electricity seemed to rise making me scream louder, until eventually I stopped. The Inquisitor circled around me as his yellow eyes made me feel like my blood stopped flowing.

"Why won't you join us?" He cooed.

"Maybe because I don't want to destroy worlds, or where that awful uniform." I said sarcastically.

"Very funny." The Inquisitor also said sarcastically.

"Hmf." I huffed. My dangling feet were a couple inches off the floor.

"Embrace the darkness, Ezra. Your path is already chosen for you." The Inquisitor growled.

"How many times have I said no to that question?" I asked. "I'm not going to change that answer."

"I don't care what you say. You belong to us."

"You know your really annoying." I told him. He barred his white teeth as he punched my stomach making me spit out a little bit of blood. Okay maybe that wasn't my wisest decision. But the Inquisitor is annoying!

The Inquisitor stopped right in front of me grabbing my chin, forcing me to look at him. His nails dogged into my skin as I stared into his golden eyes that were filled with hatred and sorrow.

"You will only listen to me, and you will not disrespect me. I am your master and you are my apprentice." The Inquisitor hissed.

"You are not my MASTER!" That's it! I flinged my legs up as I kicked the Inquisitor in the stomach making him fly back into the wall. A crack of a bone was heard from the Inquisitor.

The next thing I know is that bolts of electricity flows through my body. The Inquisitor stood up as he used the force to activate the binders making me feel pain. Just make it stop! I scream in pain as I head towards the darkness.

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