Chapter 3: The Trap

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Ezra POV
I woke up early in the morning and went to the kitchen. I sleepily walked past Chopper and I grabbed a jogan off of the counter and took a big bite into it. Hey a kid has to eat. I quickly finished the jogan and headed to the control room. It was really early in the morning so I don't think anyone is up yet besides Chopper. Chopper was controlling the ship while the rest of the crew was asleep. Chopper probably left the ghost in auto-pilot. I could also tell that we just got out of hyperspace because I saw my home planet Lothal. I sighed.

"Home sweet home." I muttered while walking into the co-pilot chair. I sat there and gazed at the stars before I heard someone coming in.

Hera POV
I woke up to the sound of Chopper grumbling as he went down the hallway. I realized today's the day when we head to Lothal for the supply run. Let's hope nothing goes wrong. I quickly got up from my comfy bed and walked down the hallway. I was heading for the cockpit. The door slid open and I saw Ezra sitting down in the chair.

"You woke up early."I said while smiling. I calmly walked over to the pilots chair and sat down in it.

"Yeah." Ezra replied. It started to grow more awkward by the second but it didn't look like Ezra noticed. I pushed some buttons on the ghost and I headed towards Lothal. I quickly landed the ghost in a grassy plain field that was not to far from Lothal's Capitol city.

"I'll go wake up the rest of the crew." I said while getting up from chair. I opened the door and looked behind me again.

"Okay." Ezra responded. I walked away and headed for the crews cabin.

Ezra POV
A couple hours later
Hera called a team meeting in the cockpit. Again. Hera wanted to go over the plan again! I was starting to get annoyed but I went in the cockpit any ways. I walked inside the cockpit and leaned against the wall. Hera started to talk but I didn't pay attention. I already know the plan. I kept on thinking about the dream I had last night. All of it seemed so real. I was interrupted of my thoughts by Hera saying.

"Okay everyone got it?" Hera asked. We all nodded. "Good." I walked out of the cockpit while I waited for Hera's signal to leave. I kept on walking until I got to the ramp. I was being followed by Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper. They were also waiting for Hera's signal.

"Okay your good to go." Hera said through her com. Zeb pushed the button and opened the ramp. We all jumped out.

"I'll signal you when were ready for pickup Spector 1 out." Kanan said through his com. I looked over and saw Sabine putting on her colorful helmet.

"Hera said the shipment should be in Bay 12 or Bay 15." Sabine stopped for a moment. "Commander Sato didn't give us a specific location."

"Wr. Wr." Chopper said.

"I agree with Chopper. This mission is crazy. We don't even know where we are going." Zeb grumbled.

"Well this is a problem. So we will have to split up. Spector 6 and I will go to Bay 15. Spector 3, 4, and 5 you go to Bay 12. We will tell each other which Bay the shipment is." Kanan said.

"Copy that." Sabine said while running the other way with Chopper, and Zeb.

"Come on!" Kanan yelled. Kanan and I ran the other way to Bay 15. It was hard to get past the crowd of people but we managed. We then jumped onto the roofs and ran as fast as we could. I started to get tired but I kept on going. I followed Kanan until we stopped. I still have a bad feeling about this mission.

"There's the shipment." Kanan said while pointing to the pile of crates. We started to crouch down.

"Spector 1 this is Spector 4. The shipment is not in Bay 12. We are heading your way. Will be there soon. Spector 4 out."

"Well this is off to a great start." I mumbled. Kanan ignored my comment and looked around.

"Well there are a lot of storm troopers around and there are a couple of storm troopers on the roofs." He looked around more. "And there's Agent Kallus but I think we can still get a few crates." I nodded. I looked behind me and I saw Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper. They couched down beside us and stared at the crates.

"Spector 3, and 6 head to the back." Kanan directed. "Specters 4,5 and I will take out the storm troopers in the front and send in Hera." We nodded again.

Chopper and I headed to the other side of the roof. We started to wait for Sabine signal. Boom. A walker fell to the ground making a fire start. Not only was the fire starting but there was a lot of smoke. It was hard to see but the force helps. That's the signal. Chopper and I jumped off the roof and landed on the ground. I took out my lightsaber and I started to deflect the shots. I switched my lightsaber to a gun and took out more storm troopers. I then saw out of the shadows was the Inquistor. Ha! I knew this mission was a bad idea!

Kanan POV
Sabine, Zeb and I ran to the other side of the roof. Sabine jumped down and placed a bomb at the leg of a walker. She quickly headed to where Zeb, and I were standing and the bomb went off. We started to run towards the chaos while the storm troopers started to shoot at us.

"Spector 1 to Spector 2 we need a pick up." I yelled through the com.

"On my way." Hera responded.

I quickly ran over to the crates and pressed a button to put the crates on anti-gravity. Sabine, and Zeb started to do the same thing while chopper tried as much as he could to pull the fuel. I looked up and I saw the ghost. The ramp opened and we all loaded the crates inside. But there was still more. I then felt darkness coming all around me. Ezra! I looked around more and I saw Ezra a couple feet away from the Inquisitor. Ezra started to shoot at the Inquisitor but it was to late.

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