Chapter 6: Pain

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Ezra POV
I slowly opened my eyes to find out that I was in a imperial cell. A very small imperial cell. I tired to get up but my body ached everywhere. I could barley move. Let alone escape. I finally remembered how I got in here. I'm just glad my friends are safe though. I need to find a way to get out of here. I then attempted to get up again. But I just ended up falling back down.

"Ugh." I complained. I probably complained to loud because I heard a storm trooper talking outside. I quickly crawled to the doorway to listen.

"Sir, the prisoner is awake." A storm trooper said.

"Good. Take him to cell B187. I'm on my way." The Inquisitor replied. I know it's the Inquisitor just by the sound of his evil voice. I bet when the crew comes for me. Kanan is going to kill the Inquisitor. I quickly scooted away from the door and back into my original position. As if it was right on cue. Four storm troopers came in. Wow. Usually there are only two. I guess I'm extra special.

"Get up rebel scum." The storm trooper said.

"You know I would like to do that but I can't feel my legs." I stated. The storm troopers were starting to get annoyed. How I can tell is because they grabbed both of my arms (very tightly) and started to drag me out the door. They dragged me down empty hallways until I saw the torture room. Oh well this is just great! I do a noble act for my crew and now I am going to be tortured. But it's worth it. I would sacrifice myself to save the crew anytime. The storm troopers then put me down at a slanted table. (Like the table when was Kanan captured .) The storm troopers strapped my arms, legs, and waist down.  So I could barley move. They then walked out of the room like nothing happened.

Minutes passed while I did nothing. I felt like falling asleep...again. I was so tired. I then heard the swoosh of the door opening. I looked up to find the Inquisitor staring at me.

"Good your awake my young padawan." He said. He walked down the steps and motioned the storm troopers to leave. He placed his hand on my chin and started to study me. I mean seriously. Dude get from me. I started to squirm. The Inquisitor smiled then turned his back towards me.

"Now child. Tell me your name." The Inquisitor said.

"Jabba the Hutt." I muttered.

"Really? Your master said otherwise." He smirked.  I looked at him confused as ever. What did he mean by that. "Your real name is Ezra." I was shocked.

"How-how." I started to stutter.

"How I know is your master screamed your name during the battle." He paused for a moment. "Now Ezra, you will tell me where your rebel friends are." Then out of no where. Two long shockers were pointed at me. (Shockers are long items to that can electrocute you. Like when Kanan was kidnapped)"Or else you will feel the pain of many bolts going through your body."

"Bring it on." I said. The Inquistor then used the force to electrocute me. I screamed in pain.

"You know all this pain can stop if you tell me where your rebels friends are." He said.

"Yeah like that will ever happen." I screamed/said. I slowly lifted my head up and I saw the Inquisitor looking annoyed. I was smirking inside. Then the pain increased more and more until it stopped.

"Child why can't you just tell me?" He asked.

"Yeah I will totally tell you." I said sarcastically.

"Well then you leave me no choice." I starred at him oddly. Until he grabbed his lightsaber and activated the red blade. He then put the lightsaber a inch away from my face. "Now you will tell me everything I need to know or else you may loose a limb."

"You can try but I will say nothing." I replied.

"Then you leave me with no other choice." He raised his lightsaber then brought it down.

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